Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another 1.2 trillion?????


Obama just asked congress to appropriate another 1.2 trillion dollars to the debt ceiling. That's outrageous beyond reason. During the campaign he called Bush "unpatriotic" for raising the debt  4 trillion dollars in eight years bringing it to nine trillion and said how it was burdening our children and grandchildren. So what does he do? He goes and raises the debt 6 trillion in just three years bringing it now to 16 trillion with this latest request. If 4 trillion in eight years made Bush unpatriotic then what does 6 trillion in three years make Obama?

Obama was seen playing golf out in Hawaii on his vacation. That makes a total of three months he's been on the golf course. That's a total of one month a year. More than any other president. I guess he's trying out for Tiger Woods replacement when Tiger retires.

Liberals on the message boards love to say that Bush had more vacations than Obama. When Bush went on vacation it wasn't to exotic locales like Hawaii, it was to his ranch  where he has a full set of offices for his staff  so it was more like a working vacation and he wasn't on the golf course as much as Obama. In fact Obama has been on the golf course in three years more times than Bush was in his eight years.  So there I said it. :D

Expert: Obama 'spending us into poor house' President Obama is seeking another $1.2-trillion increase in the debt ceiling, and one expert on the subject isn't surprised.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The 4th Greatest President in History???????Where????


HAPPY HOLIDAYS: USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000!

THANKS BARACK!!!! And a Merry Christmas to you too or whatever you celebrate in private. I hope you and your family enjoy your  4 million dollar paid vacation in Hawaii at our (the taxpayer's ) expense.

Obama recently said in an interview that he viewed himself as the 4th greatest president in history. President of what?? Certainly not this country if that's the case with record debt, record unemployment, record deficets and blunders in speech left and right along with his bumbling  V.P. Joe Biden.This is a man who is a true narcissist completely in love with himself and of course the media goes along with him for the ride:

*Lowest consumer confidence in 30 years.

*America's credit rating dropped for the first time in history.

*34th consecutive month unemployment was above 8%.

*Federal spending, the budget deficet and national debt are all at the highest level as a percentage of GDP since WW11.

*46 million now living in poverty since the census started tracking poverty in 1959.

*worst jobs record of any modern president.

*worst housing crisis since the great depression.

*Under Obama U.S.poverty rate swells to1in 6.

*Record number of Americans on food stamps

*Rate of economic growth under Obama only slightly higher than the 1930's the decade of the great depression depression.

* Been to almost all 57states :D

 They rave about Michelle's fashion sense comparing her with Jackie Kennedy.. Anyone with an objective and knowledgeable fashion sense can see from the picsof her how frumpy and out of sync many of her styles are. This is all part and partial of the Obama mania media.

The whitehouse recently said they were deluged with e-mails saying if the payroll tax cuts expired  people would have at least $40 taken out of their monthly paychecks.They had sob stories saying how that would be the cost of an insulin shot or  their sons and daughter's school lunches or a cable bill. So Barack goes and has a 4 milion dollar vacation at our expense.That's at least 40,000 insulin shots, 40,000 school lunches  or 40,000 cable bills. What is ironic here is that the republicans in congress agreed with Obama about extending the tax cuts for a year and the senate dems opposed it so they compromised and extended it for two months and now the republicans are the bad guys.

In a current puff piece interview with the first couple Michelle Obama tells Barbara Walters that it is practical to put herself  highest on her priorities since she was spending too much time helping others. She says she spends more time going out with girlfriends now. How does she do that I wonder. It's not like she can just go out by herself to a bar or club or something.There must be at least several secret service men accompaning her whereever she goes and earlier this year I remember them both complaining about being imprisoned in the whitehouse. Oh Barack.

Two-month, $40 tax cut to save economy, create jobs...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS: USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000...

Obama to jet off for $4M Hawaiian vacation...  

Michelle: 'Practical' To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List...

Obama Has No Pet Peeves Of Wife; Michelle: 'My List Is Too Long'...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas From Jaycee's Commentaries

To all my friends and readers of Jaycee Commentaries, I want to wish you all the happiest and Merriest of Christmases  and a Happy New Year :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Political Correctness Run Amok and Lowes Pulls Out of Muslim TV Show

Yes Political Correctness has run amok under the Obama Administration. Any referance to terrorism or the war on terror has now been distanced from saying that under the Obama Homeland Security Dept. The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now called "overseas Contingency Operations." Terror attacks like 9/11 are now called "Man Made Disasters" and the latest being  the Fort Hood Massacre is now labeled "Workplace Violence." Oh the shame of it all. This is going to come back and bite us all some day unless America wakes up and calls  it like it is. "Terrorism" brought on by people who want to make us submit to their will.
A good example of this is with the chain store Lowes pulling its' ads from a TV show called American Muslim. The show depicts average muslims in America, but many groups  objected saying  the influx of so many muslims in this country is slowly pushing their way of life and Sharia law onto our way of life instead of asimulating like other cultures.

The North Carolina-based Lowe's issued a statement apologizing for "having made so many people unhappy."

"Individuals and groups have strong political and societal views on this topic, and this program became a lightning rod for many of those views," the statement said. "As a result we did pull our advertising on this program. We believe it is best to respectfully defer to communities, individuals and groups to discuss and consider such issues of importance."
A senator from California is threatening to sue Lowes if they don't re-instate their ads.This is the government  threatening the private lives and decisions of private sector individuals if you don't go along with them.
In another case of PC run amok, a California town and several other neighboring towns are banning Santa Clause and pointsettas from Christmas pagents saying they are afraid of offending anyone. They instead are calling  the pagents a "winter wonderland." Well I for one am offended.  This is  an American culture and I am sick and tired of governement telling us what we can and can't say and do.

Recently the TV show C.S.I. was filming an episode in New York about the OWS crowd as a background.   Well that didn't suit well with them and they attacked the show  and shut it down saying the show was exploiting them.  Mayor Bloomberg once again caved into them and revoked the license of the TV show to film there.  The first time he caved was when they were camping out in Zacotti Park and he said they could stay there indefinately. My conclusion is who's payroll is he on? George Soros?

inluminatuoComment by inluminatuo
December 12, 2011 @ 9:35 am

  • Lowes is now embroiled in a controversy by a Liberal Legislature to punish a corporation for choosing NOT to buy something for the same reason the American people will be taxed, punished and sued for not buying into Obamacare. It is just the same prima facie evidence of a Democrat party gone mad with seduction of the power we gave them in 2008, that due to the abuse of this entrusted power will be the very thing that gets revoked in 2012.

    As for me. I just bought 100 shares of Lowes Stock to show them this society is still free and capitalist,,,, While Obama sends our tax money overseas to built more Mosques. If Obama spent our money and invested in America and not this nonsense we would all be better off. And the fool wonders where our jobs went?? He and his monions are unworthy of the label American. He is not even worthy to be labeled a knock off.

  • newsjunkyComment by newsjunky
    December 12, 2011 @ 9:37 am.
    The indoctrination of gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and the sexual promiscuity evident in our culture is designed to destroy our traditions, wipe out our Judeo/Christian religion and create an entirely “new” country. The Muslim show is another example of how we are being indoctrinated to believe that they are all a harmless, well intention people, that mean us no harm whatsoever. In essence, we are to believe that that are pretty much like ourselves in many respects which is entirely false to anyone who knows their religion and what it actually means to those who don’t share their beliefs.
    I’m surprised that many don’t know, or don’t remember what Michele Obama had said about her husband: “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Can this get any clearer as to why we are having so many problems, facing so much confrontation and experiencing a country that doesn’t even resemble what we use to call America? 

    “It’s still a free country, isn’t it?” Not entirely — and if he gets re-elected our freedom will be a thing of the past, as his plans to reconstruct this country to conform with the “Dreams from my Father,” will be complete. If and when it ever comes to this, I suspect that Obama, Michele, and family will pick up their marbles and move on to Kenya which is where Michele said is Obama’s home in his heart.

    Thank God for Lowes, and all the others who had the courage to do what everyone should do. Stand up for our country and our way of life!

    Retailer chided for pulling ads from Muslim show

    » It’s still a free country, isn’t it? The Loft

    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Obama's Hanukkah Celebration. An insult to All Jews

    So now Obama decides to have a Hanukkah celebration at the White House two weeks early?  He  said, "We never need an excuse for a good party." WE? Meaning him and his staff who are not jewish? Hanukkah "AN EXCUSE to have a party."? This man is beyond contempt!! This to me is an insult to the jewish religion. I myself am not jewish, but I have always  had great respect for the jewish religion due to their history of hardship and struggle with the pharoah kicking them out of Isreal, then Hitler and the Holacaust and now what they have been going thru in the 20th century and today. During Hanukka, jews light a menorah consisting of eight candles, lighting one each night, symbolizing the eight nights they were able to light, one candle for eight days with one night's worth of oil.

    At the White House celebration Obama told the story and then proceeded to light all the candles, insult no. 1. He then states about  "our unshakeable support and commitment to the security of the nation of Israel." This coming from then man who earlier this year suggested Isreal go back to pre 1967 borders and ordered the settlements stopped and has sided with Hamas in the past, insult no. 2.
    Hanukkah begins at sunset on Dec. 20. Obama joked that everyone needs to be "careful that your kids don't start thinking Hanukkah lasts 20 nights instead of eight."Insult no. 3.  I have included links below. On a lighter side I have also included a link to Adam Sandler, who is jewish, doing his Hanukkah song "Eight Crazy Nights" which is cute.


    Obama celebrates Hanukkah at White House...

    'We Never Need an Excuse For a Good Party'...

    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    Random Thoughts and Some Interesting Articles

    When Obama was in Hawaii a few weeks ago for a summit meeting, he referred to Hawaii as being  in Asia. Today when he was giving a speech in kansas, he referred to kansas as Texas. This is the same guy who said he went to all 57 states and sees fallen heroes(dead people) in a crowd and referred to Cinco de Mayo as Cinco de Quatro in front of the Mexican President not once, but twice, so I don't want to hear about Rick Perry having memory lapses or Dan Quayle putting an 'e' at the end of potato twenty years later or how stupid other republicans are.
    While in Kansas Obama tried to sound like Theodore Roosevelt and spoke in the same city in kansas as Roosevelt did and talked about saving the middle class by taxing the wealthiest of Americans. Obama said this was not class warfare, but simple math. Excuse me Mr. Obama, but IT IS class warfare. Sofar Obama has tried to sound like Lincoln, Reagan, FDR and now Theodore Roosevelt. The one president he's most  like is Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez. I also believe that Obama is the one behind the OWS crowd from his experience as a community organizer. He said he supports what  they are doing and attacks Wall Street then hobnobs with them and they are the ones who give him his greatest contributions.........In a separate interview Obama  said his daughters will succeed in America even if America doesn't. What a horrible thing for a president to say.That further shows his distain for our beloved country.........Dems aren't the only ones attacking the current list of republican candidates, their own people are also. The head of the RNC has warned the candidates not to say anything negative towards Obama in their ads.  According to them, polls show that people like Obama as a person even though they disagree with  his policies.The same polls show that people don't think he's an evil person out to destroy America even though that's what he's doing. DUHHHH. No wonder people like Obama and Clinton get elected  to office and republicans shoot themselves in the foot. Meanwhile  democrats and the media continue to use negativity to destroy republicans. Look how they destroyed Herman Caine with no proof of the allegations aginst him and Nancy Pelosi said she has  a lot of documents against Gingrich she will release and then recanted. And the RNC said republicans aren't supposed to say anything negative about Obama? Whose side are they on?.......The Library of Congress has signed an agreement with Twitter to have every tweet handed over to them. This means that the government can see everything people tweet on twitter which can be used against them. So you twitter people, just be aware there is a warning against that.
    "The Library of Congress and Twitter have signed an agreement that will see an archive of every public Tweet ever sent handed over to the library's repository of historical documents.
    "We have an agreement with Twitter where they have a bunch of servers with their historic archive of tweets, everything that was sent out and declared to be public," said Bill Lefurgy, the digital initiatives program manager at the library's national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. "The archives don't contain tweets that users have protected, but everything else — billions and billions of tweets — are there."
    Researchers will be able to look at the Twitter archive as a complete set of data, which they could then data-mine for interesting information. "

    Government to receive archive of every tweet ever sent...

     The So-Called

    RUSH: It's like clockwork. It's becoming predictable. I don't care who it is, a Republican presidential candidate breaks out of the pack, gets close to Romney -- or even surpasses Romney in polling data in certain states -- and the Republican establishment goes after him.

    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Obama Should Talk

    Obama made this statement  at a fundraiser the other day saying Republicans will ruin the United States as a land of opportunity.  He should  talk as he's the one taking  people's freedoms away from them and making government grow bigger and bigger in our lives. Republicans are for smaller government and a return to  the private sector.  This is his way of pointing his finger away from himself and blame the opposition. Below the article I've included some interesting comments to it that you'll agree with I'm sure.
    December 1, 2011

    byJoel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer

    President Obama believes that Republican leadership of the country would ruin the United States as a land of opportunity, but he's (justifiably) confident that his daughters will have plenty of opportunities, no matter what.
    "Our kids are going to be fine," Obama told supporters at a campaign event last night. "And I always tell Malia and Sasha, look, you guys, I don't worry about you . . . they’re on a path that is going to be successful, even if the country as a whole is not successful. But that’s not our vision of America. I don't want an America where my kids are living behind walls and gates, and can’t feel a part of a country that is giving everybody a shot."
    It is good to be the president.

    Obama did not grow up as an American and has no relevant experience to relate to. His daughters are growing up as elitists in a wealthy immigrant household. .

    More to the point are his lack of qualifications as President, now proven by years in office.
    With these comments regarding his daughter's future and aspersions against Conservatives, he once again employs the Prog tactic of co-opting wholesome language and accusing others of what he means to accomplish himself.
    In my job and in my daily life, I listen carefully to what people SAY, and examine closely what they DO. If words match deeds, at least I know they tell the truth.
    O is a liar of the first order.
    And when words and deed do not match, I judge based on ACTIONS.
    O is at best a foolish failure, at worst a Prog saboteur.
    He has no respect for individual dignity and liberty, and has nothing but contempt for our Constitution.

    I wish our President, even O, no ill while in office. I want him to walk out of 1600 Pennsylvania on his own two feet on January 20, 2013. And to be consigned, as his hero Trotsky once predicted for the freedom loving West, into the dustbin of history

    As for obama's boneheaded remark about living behind gates and walls, that's exactly what he and his family are doing now and dollars to donut holes that's what they'll be doing for the rest of their lives. In a so-called gated community if nothing else. Did his trusty teleprompter fail or was he just ad libbing again?

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Judy Collins and Arlo Guthrie-Home for the Holidays-Cheap Tickets, Cheap Parking and a Great Show!!


    I've just returned from seeing two classic and all time favorite  folk singers of mine, Judy Collins and Arlo Guthrie. I've seen both of them several times separately in the past in both New York City and New Jersey, Arlo much more than Judy, but never together like this.

    I first started seeing Arlo about 20 years ago when I was still dating my wife who is a big fan of his. Over the years I've seen him perform solo, then with his son Abe and Abe's band Shenendoah, then with Pete Seeger, then with Arlo's daughter Sarah Lee Guthrie (Who I've met and spoken to in person as well as Arlo) and more recently seen him perform with his entire family consisting of his other two daughters and his sisters and their kids, (Arlo's grandkids) who he currently tours with.

    Just in case their are still some of you out there who are not familiar with this folk legend, Arlo is the son of famed folksinger Woody Guthrie and shot to fame in 1968 with his now infamouse 16 minute song, "Alice's Restaurant" which tells the story of his adventures being arrested on Thanksgiving Day for dumping half a ton of garbage in dump that was closed on Thanksgiving. It also tells the story of his adventures with the draft board at the time. When I saw Arlo in 2006 he said if someone told him in 1968 that he'd be singing Alice's Restaurant in 2006 he'd laugh in their faces. I'm including a great You Tube of him below singing it at Farm Aid in 2005. In fact, those of you familiar with the song will note he updates it with a few humorous and clever comments parodying the fact he's still singing it 40 years later. :D

    In Sunday night's concert, Arlo led off and it was just him solo with two guitars, one acoustic and one electric. His voice was raspier than usual and he apologized saying he was fighting off a cold, but to me that just added to the folkiness of his songs and story telling.

    Arlo amused us with stories of growing up with his father Woody Guthrie and traveling all over the country with him meeting other folk legends like Rambling Jack Elliot in Calif. and blues and folk guitarist Leadbelly in Louisiana. Arlo even told about  looking for Leadbelly's grave  many years later with his friends and finding it in a churchyard in La. in his usual rambling humor that is so typical of Arlo.

    Although he didn't do Alice's Restaurant ( and he doesn't always do  it in the many times I've seen him) at one point someone in the audience shouted out, "Where's Alice?"
      Arlo replied," I'm wondering that myself" and proceeded to play a few notes from it  and then stopped saying, "That's all I can remember." He added that doing Alice is like living a half hour of the movie Groundhog Day every day, "That's why we put it on record," he said. Those of you familiar with the 16 minute song will know what he means and can view it in it's entirety below. Besides it would have been foolish for him to do Alice  with the condition his voice was in and I'm sure he's sick of doing it for 40 years.

    Judy Collins is from the same era as Arlo and they are good friends. She used to be known as Judy Blue Eyes for she has the bluest of eyes and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young did a song about her titled "Suite:Judy Blue Eyes." Judy is best known for her song "Both Sides Now" which became a huge hit and is still played around the world today. I've seen  her four times in person, twice where she did a most memorable Christmas Show. Besides singing her hits, she tells a beautiful tale half narrative and half sung accompanied by a pianist and her playing on guitar where she describes various Christmases she holds dear  growing up.

    In Sunday's show Judy followed Arlo looking ever so radiant in her black knee high stiletto heel boots, skin tight black pants and a sequined black top with a sequined cape. Her thick, flowing, full, long, silver hair was radiant too  as she kept flirtatiously flickering it with the back of her hand. Judy opened with  the Christmas Song, "Joy to the World" followed  by "Silver Bells" her voice so clear as a bell and  angelic and flowed melodiously throughout the theater. She too told stories of growing up and singing on the road with each story segueing into a song. She was accompanied by her pianist who also had a great voice  joining her on harmonies.

    During her signature song, "Both Sides Now" Judy forgot the lyrics to the second verse. Rather than stopping abruptly she continued playing on the guitar and looked to her pianist who told her the words.The audience also helped her along singing the entire verse for her while she played. She handled it with such class and grace that it was  understandable. She apologized  saying "Sorry about that.We were having  a 'junior ' moment there." She said that was the first time that ever happened to her.

    Judy ended her session with  "Over the Rainbow" getting everyone singing along. For an encore Arlo came back out and they both did his song "City of New Orleans" while he played on piano and she on guitar. They then both did "Amazing Grace" which I think was a bad idea for Arlo at this point since his voice was almost gone now, but  they both do that song  in their individual concerts so it was fitting they both do it together.

    Although both Arlo and Judy's politics lean to the liberal side, their comments are not hateful or vitrolic, but more humanistic where both sides can appreciate  their humor since they are more for bringing people together. They also keep politcs to a minimum and concentrate more on their songs.

    The concert was at the Union County Performing Arts Center in Rahway, N.J. They have a well lit new parking garage four blocks  away that costs $4.00 and a free shuttle bus that takes you back and forth from the garage to the theater. It was cheap tickets, cheap parking and a great show!!!

    I've also included a You Tube of Judy singing Both Sides Now below from 1987 and again from last year in England. You can see at 71 years old she still retains her beauty and  angelic voice. Please enjoy both of these videos.

    Arlo Guthrie - All 16 minutes of Alice's Restaurant - YouTube

    Judy Collins - "Both Sides Now" 1987 - YouTube

    Judy Collins-"Both Sides Now" (Glastonbury 2010) - YouTube

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    OWS=Obamavilles: The Endless Parade of Human Debris

    Members of Occupy Wall Street sleep, spending the night on Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in New York, October 11, 2011. (Photo credit: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)

    "Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum and filth off the streets."-----Robert DeNiro as Travis Bickel in "Taxi Driver."

    The Wall Street Journal recently labled the OWS crowd as Obamavilles and rightly so. The term is a reference to all the shanty towns that went up during the great depression under President Herbert Hoover  and were labeled Hovervilles at the time.

    These encampments  are being infested with disease and pestilence such as tuberculosis from sharing bottles and cigarettes and head lice is beginning to surface in places like Portalnd and Atlanta. Their posters are teaming with bacteria from being left out in the rain and elements and there are rapes, suicides, murders and theft by this endless parade of human debris that claim this is all in the name of free speech. I don't consider  defacating and urinating in public as well as having sex in public and women walking around naked in puiblic in city streets as free speech. In New York City, the rapes were so prevalent that they set up a separate tent for women that holds up to 16 women at a time.

    These so called protestors are even scaring little kids on the way to school in New York. Shouts of "follow the kids"were heard as protestors followed parents with four year old kids to their school scaring them half to death.

    Yet thru all this who embraces these great unwashed? Why Obama of course along with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. This is  what the democratic party looks like now. This is what Obama wants to see  so he can gain power and transform the America we all love  and he hates to a country like the third world countries he's familiar with and apologized  for America's greatness to.

    Christopher Adamo of  GOPUSA had an excellent article on the OWS crowd recently which I am excerpting here followed by an interesting comment froma reader to his article:

    "For all but the most blindly dogmatic, any former “bloom” has long since left the rosy facade of the “Occupy Wall Street” phenomenon. Though the liberal media have been working overtime from the beginning to maintain the fantasy that the protesters embody the concerns and aspirations of Real America, and despite their best efforts to frame any discussion of the movement as a noble endeavor propelled by unfettered idealism, its sheer ugliness is daily becoming more apparent and inescapable.
    Increasingly, “Occupy” events throughout the nation are becoming anarchistic zones of unchecked assault, robbery, rape, and even murder. Reports of spreading diseases, in one instance even including a particularly virulent form of tuberculosis, are ever more common at the protest gatherings. And in general, the lofty and pious rhetoric of the protesters is rendered completely implausible by the abhorrent filth and squalor in which its participants are willing to subsist.
    Nevertheless, these brave and principled individuals, we are told, constitute a shining army of visionaries who have dedicated themselves to the establishment of a proper and decent America. The future of the nation is firmly in their hands, and we can all rejoice at the plans which they have conceived for us. And herein lies the one critical warning to be gleaned from this debacle by a vigilant America. From its inception to the appalling manner in which the “Occupy” movement is being advanced, it does indeed represent the grim fate awaiting the nation if a drastic course correction is not implemented soon.
    To begin with, this was no uncoordinated groundswell of like-minded individuals sharing a collective yearning to establish justice and promote the “general welfare” of their fellow citizens. Despite all of the propaganda seeking to create parallels between the “Occupy” and Tea Party movements (aided and abetted by the entire liberal/Democrat political machine up to and including the Obama White House), the foundations and methods of the organizations could not be more disparate.

    While the people of Heartland America did indeed rise up spontaneously in the spring of 2009, taking time off from their jobs and voicing their opposition to the decimation of their country occurring at the hands of the hard-left, the “Occupy” movement was hatched and nurtured from the top-down, ACORN style, and facilitated through enormous outside funding. These “Occupy” players are simply incapable of autonomously generating and supporting an effort of this scale. On a continual basis, they are being resupplied and underwritten from the outside through Soros style backing, which is the only reason they can maintain their noxious presence on public property while the nation’s adults accept their responsibilities and go to work each day.

    The nation needs to get a good look at the escalating savagery and chaos going on in every “Occupy” event from Zucotti Park to Oakland. This is the modern Democrat Party vision for America’s future. Next November, you can vote to institute it on a national scale.

    November 17, 2011 @ 9:55 am
    This entire mob according to many was organized by Van Jones, Piven, Obama and his minions and funded by the Tide Foundation headed by George Soros.
    This was obviously not a random situation brought about by frustration and concern for the state of our nation, but is the actual army that Obama tried to recruit during his first campaign for the White House. It’s a known fact that Obama had much to do with this so-called Arab Spring all over the Middle East, so it shouldn’t be too hard to realize that he and his progressive hordes are behind this as well. Obama WARNED America in 2008 about his proposed “fundamental transformation” and so did his wife but few even questioned what that transformation entailed.

    America rejects the progressive ideology. So their ideology must be imposed by any means necessary, in coordination with global forces that want America’s decline, and that’s what I believe this mob is all about. Considering the crime these people have committed, the sanitation problem causing health concerns and the scores of drug related problems, etc., with little or no repercussions is proof positive of the power behind the mob.

    NYC Protesters Chant 'Follow Those Kids!' As Small Children Try To Get To School...

    YORK: 'Unoccupied with nowhere to go'...

    Protester steals furniture from n'bor's house for encampment...

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    Is Newt Electable? You Bet he Is.

    Newt Gingrich and Callista Gingrich - Republican Candidates Participate In Debate At Reagan Library

    Newt Gingrich has really moved up in the polls and is now in a three way tie with Romney and Cain and recently moved into second place.  Newt is pictured here with his wife Calista. Newt is a very articulate and strong person and extremly knowledgeable in government and history. He's been a college professor and has written books on WW11 and the civil war. He was also the author of the extremely successful Contract With America that time under Clinton when he was Speaker of the  House. Anyone who has seen Newt speak will find him an excellent orator par none and without a telepromter too. I would love to see him in a debate with the  telepromter in chief Obama.

    Of course he has some baggage to overcome, but so do all politicians. The left will probably no doubt bring up the fact that he divorced his wife while she was in the hospital with cancer. When he was speaker under Clinton I attended Rush Limbaugh's then TV show and met a woman who's son worked for Newt. She told me then that Newt and his wife were planning an amicable divorce before she was in the hospital and when she was in there she told him if the papers come then bring them in the hospital and she can sign them there. This was later proven true, but of course the media ommitted those facts and will no doubt do the same this time.
    Below is Dick Morris' right on analysis of Newt. Listen and judge for yourself. Dick also gives a cute plug for his dog's new book "Dubs Goes to Washington", a children's book for your kids to learn about the American monuments in rhyme which I highly reccommend.

    Published on on November 15, 2011

    Checkout a part of a speech Newt recently gave without a telepromter and see what a great orator he truly is.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Herman Cain's Accusers; Legalized Extortion


    The real scandal goes far beyond the case of Herman Cain and his accusers. The real scandal is that the law allows people to impose heavy costs on others at little or no cost to themselves. That is a perfect setting for legalized extortion.---Thomas Sowell.

    The above quote is from  proficient writer and columnist Thomas Sowell. He is so right on in this quote. Caine's accusers are nothing more than that, legalized extortionists being used by the democratic party to destroy him.  To democrats seeing something that they are supposed to have a hold and monopoly on must be destroyed. Their whole existance and philosopy is based on dependency and victimhood. They are the protectors and supervisors of minorities such as women, blacks and hispanics. When they see a black conservative like Herman Caine, that is a no, no in their book just as a conservative woman like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman must be destroyed as a conservative hispanic like Marco Rubio must be destroyed. They can't have that.

    Liberal dems have  always had the monopoly on accusing conservatives of being racists yet their blatant hypocrisy shines thru in the Herman Cain situation. MSNBC has displayed some of the most vile racist comments coming from black commentators attacking Caine. Such comments as "he's smoking the symbolic crack pipe," and "He's the white man's friend" and "White people like Caine because they know he's a black man who knows his place with them."  Another black commentator kept pointing out that all the women were BLONDE over and over with a wry smirk on his face. No wonder MSNBC is dead last in the ratings.

    When  Bill Clinton  had all these sexual harassment accusations leveled against him, the media attacked the women and feminists stuck up for him with excuses every time even though his attackers were much more credible than Caine's attackers. With Cain's attackers they are so obviously being set up by the democratic party and are all money grabbers. Also  many dems don't want to see a black vs. black election.

    One of Cain's accusers, Karen Kraushaar, 55 has a history of a shady financial past including financial judgements against her and personal bankruptcies and just happens to live in the same apartment building as embattled Obama Attorney General David Axelrod though she claims not to have had any interaction with him. A woman who met Kraushaar and got to know her in the 1990's said "Kraushaar is a social climber and out for the money" All these accusations are just a matter of he said- she said and nothing substantial. Besides didn't we learn under Bill  Clinton that a person's private life doesn't matter?

    In another unrelated matter that came to my attention, I see actress Ellen Barkin gave an interview claiming she's not pretty. Well who cares? But what struck me about her  daffy thinking was  that she blamed the news media for the awful position the world is in and blamed FOX News in particular for  the destruction of the world.  Duhh Ellen that's pretty stupid and to admit in public that you are not pretty when I think you are shows  a lot of insecurity on your part. That's typical  Hollywood lib thinking. FOX News is reponsible for the destruction of the world?  If we're going down that route then I would include CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC.

                             Ellen Barkin

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Obama Opposes FDR Prayer at WW11 Memorial

    An administrator for the WW11 memorial in Washington D.C. who represents the Obama administration is opposing adding FDR's prayer for the troops on the memorial saying it "dilutes the message of the memorial." HOW PREPOSTEROUS!!!! Below is part of an article written by Bob Eberle of GOPUSA today expressing his outrage followed by several comments to this outrageous omission by the Obama administration. The commnets express my feelings too, better than I can say.

    There's common sense. There's the faith in God that helped build this country and hold it together through trying times such as World War II. Then, there's the Obama administration, which appears to lack both of the above. During a congressional hearing on whether to include President Roosevelt's famous prayer as part of the WWII Memorial, an Obama administration official objected, saying the prayer would "dilute" the memorial's central message. What is happening to this country?

    As reported by Fox News, "Republican lawmakers and conservative activists are expressing outrage after the Obama administration announced its objection to adding President Franklin Roosevelt's D-Day prayer to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C."

    "It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation's distinguished World War II veterans," Rep. Bill Johnson said. "President Roosevelt's prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression."
    But Robert Abbey, the director of the Bureau of Land Management, said any plaque or inscription of the prayer would "dilute" the memorial's central message and therefore "should not be altered."
    "It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in HR 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial's central message and its ability to clearly convey that message to move, educate, and inspire its many visitors," Abbey said in written testimony. reports that in trying to cover himself, Abbey said his opposition is not to the prayer itself but that the prayer would "intrude" on the memorial, "something that is technically prohibited by federal law."
    "The Commemorative Works Act specifically states that a new commemorative work shall be located so that it does not encroach upon an existing one. It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in H.R. 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial's central message," Abbey said.
    In other words, the Obama administration argues that Congress is trying to create a separate memorial commemorating FDR's prayer, rather than an addition to the national World War II Memorial.
    It's sad how times change. On the one hand, we have Barack Obama omitting "endowed by our Creator" on several occasions when he has referenced the Declaration of Independence. On the other, we have Franklin Roosevelt who took to the airwaves to ask the nation to pray with him.

    Dilute the message? This IS the message. We won WWII because we were fighting the forces of evil, and we turned to God for help. We can't turn away now.

    Comment by newsjunky
    November 8, 2011 @ 9:08 am

    If anyone out there is still convinced that this president is a God fearing man they are only kidding themselves. He has done just about everything humanly possible to erase everything pertaining to God while still possessing a semblance of religion with his rhetoric. More often than not, he uses God as a means to manipulate the public knowing that it will play well. We are still the same people he accused of “clinging to our guns and religion” as if we were bonafide freaks who didn’t know any better.

    Obama in my opinion is a smooth talking, sophisticated replica of Bill Maher who shares the same thoughts and opinions in stealth. Obama’s adversion toward God and all things religious can only be detected by radar where Maher’s is openly active. The only religion that our president seems to admire is the one his father loved and served — Islam!

    Comment by Kevin in Kansas
    November 8, 2011 @ 9:41 am
    This is the last straw. This Godless heathen needs to go. He is evil and I truly despise him; I have never felt that way about any President before. As bad as Carter and Clinton were, at least they were still Americans and held some of our values sacred. This guy is just….evil.

    Comment by inluminatuo
    November 8, 2011 @ 10:01 am

    Obama’s idea of the Central message of the Memorial is that there is a GOD and it is him and the government from whom all power and blessings must flow,,,or else. Anything that alludes to the true source from which all our blessings, freedoms, and personal Liberties originate, must be squelched before the formative minds of our future generations can embrace it and defund their ideological bankrupt Socialist Agenda which is to divide and conquer America.

    When Americans realize they are endowed by their creator, not enabled by a Man-Edified God-Government, then they will rebel and kick the Secular Liberal Democrats out of power. Can anyone at this juncture of Obama’s administration refute the idea that he lied to us that he is ANY sort of a real Christian who as Christ warned is “Either with me or against me.” Since he is not with us he is definitely AGAINST US, condemned by the very words of he who has the clarity and authority to condemn. This is why you CANNOT continue to vote these people of the secular Liberal persuasion into office and still call yourselves Christians. This man was raised in Indonesia during the formative years of his mind as a Muslim and his foot is upon your Christian neck as we speak.

    It was NOT the power of FDR’s socialist Democrat ideology that enabled America to conquer, but by his prayers, like the prayers of a George Washington on his knees before battle or a George Patton on his knees evoking a weather prayer before the battle of the Bulge which indeed arrived in time to clarify the skies for conquering battle, just like it will cleanse and clarify the minds of the American population before the coming battle in November 2012.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    The Tree Song: Words by Tom Pacheco, Pics By Jaycee

    This past October on a warm sunny Sunday my wife and I took a stroll through Brookdale Park near us. The trees there reminded me of my favorite song by Irish folk singer Tom Pacheco called The Tree Song. It is a narrative he tells while a guitar and violin play in the background. Tom said the tree told him the story and he just wrote it down. I saw him sing it live in the early 70's once. I'm presenting it here with pics I took to match it. Please enjoy it.

    The Tree Song
    by Tom Pacheco, pics by Jaycee

    Well good morning folks, come gather round
    this oak tree you have climbed,
    I guess you've all lost kites in my branches at one time.

    I've seen a million sunsets and grown a trillion leaves,
    and every winter that old North wind
    comes and blows them right off me

    People come and meet here when the midnight moon is high.

    Some laugh and love all night,

    some just sit here and cry.

    A million cats have climbed me, below me children play,

    I won't tell you what the dogs do,

    but that's just nature's way.

    And once there was a murder,
    I was the only witness there
    and the wrong man went to prison
    The killer was the mayor.

    And see that nice old couple
    walking down the road.
    Why they carved their initials in me some 50 years ago

    I could talk to you forever with the stories that I know
    why just 50 feet below me

    there's a chest of pirate gold.

    But now I see bulldozers and soon I'm going to fall

    They're going to pave this whole field for a brand new shopping mall.

    I hope they use some of me for a fence or for a door,

    ahh but you know they don't seem to make things out of wood much anymore.

    But anyway I'm happy because in the woods across the way

    there's a brand new oak tree growing

    from one of my own acorn seeds.

    Friday, October 28, 2011

    OWS Fighting Their Own-A Real Life "Animal Farm"

    In my previous blog I compared the OWS crowd with the book "Animal Farm." For those of you not familiar with the book. Animal Farm was a political satire written by George Orwell in 1947. It told the story of a group of animals on a farm who were not happy with the ruling class ,the farmers (much like the OWS crowd) and rebelled using slogans like "Four legs good,two legs bad," (much like the OWS crowd and their slogans. ). The animals set up their own society with their own leaders (just like the OWS crowd) and eventually rebel against their leaders as infighting occurs. Just like what is happening now with the OWS crowd. Below is an account of how the campers are afraid of a certain part of the park that violent OWS protestors are.

    There have been reports of rapes, assaults, thefts and public dispaly of sexaul acts. In a Wisconsin OWS encampment they were denied a permit due to public masturbation by some OWS members. In New York, the campers are complaining about homeless people and newly released prisoners coming to their camp for free food.They therefore have stopped serving gormet meals. What?? Don't they care about the homeless and downtrodden?

    I have included a few comments after the article from other readers of the article as I have had people tell me they enjoy reading the comments.

    Fights are erupting among Occupy Wall Street protesters, so much so that one corner of Zuccotti Park has emerged where protesters say they won't go for fear of their safety, the New York Daily News is reporting.

    Police officers also have been warned of "dangerous instruments" being concealed in cardboard tubing, the News says it has been told by unidentified police sources.

    "There is a lot of infighting in the park," a police source told the news organization. "There is one part of the park where they won't even go at night."

    Meantime, Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, is warning protesters at Zuccotti Park in Manhattan that he will pursue civil suits against anyone who assaults a union member.

    "New York's police officers are working around the clock as the already overburdened economy in New York is being drained by 'occupiers' who intentionally and maliciously instigate needless and violent confrontations with the police," the News reports Mullins said in a statement.

    But protesters tell the News they have been the victims of police brutality, not the other way around.

    "We have been brutalized and mass-arrested by the NYPD," said protester Jen Waller, 24, of Brooklyn. "They can threaten us all they want. We've got lawyers, too."

    Oyster P

    3:37 PM on October 28, 2011


    Oyster P

    3:37 PM on October 28, 2011

    But, but, but, they are all peaceful protesters

    Oyster P

    3:38 PM on October 28, 2011

    Shows ya dumb liberals can't agree on anything.
    big sam

    These thugs are the darlings of the liberal media. Someone is going to get killed before this is over. Just the nature of the beast.

    Oyster P

    3:42 PM on October 28, 2011

    "We have been brutalized and mass-arrested by the NYPD," said protester Jen Waller, 24
    You don't know what brutalized is honey. And WHY are all these "protesters" in their 20's. Get a frickin' job you bums and WORK for something.

    3:42 PM on October 28, 201

    this is what happens when one has NO skin in the game. Now they are fighting over the Govt handouts! Priceless!

    Joel in OK

    I think now is the time that the police should break this up. It is not only unsafe for other people, but it has become unsafe for the protesters themselves.

    Wednesday, October 26, 2011

    Fleabaggers Are Getting out of Hand and Riled Up!!!!!

    I found this most interesting article and agree with the people who are losing business because of these fleabaggers and that's just what they are FLEABAGGERS!!!! Stinking up the place with urine and feces and ruining property. And they call themselves environmentalists????? It is followed by a comment I also agree with. These protestors want things for free and now want portable toilets set up by donations.

    Now the protestors are complaining that newly released prisoners from Rikers Island and vagrants from other parks are gathering at their place in Zacotti Park who come there for free gourmet meals. On eleader Lauren Digioia, 26 said, "We have drug dealing going on,gang activity, public intoxication and there are a lot of instigators and vultures. Everyone knows we give out free food and sleeping bags and it's the perfect opportunity for squatters."

    DUHHHH note to Lauren you naieve little twit. This is NYC not some serene mid-west suburban town. You people gripe about things being stolen and money being stolen, sexual assaults and being ripped off. Welcome to reality in the big city. Get off your idealogical hippy lifestyle and wake-up before one of you gets hurt from one of these degenrates. I'm sure the cops will look the other way if something happens to one of you.

    As Margaret Thatcher said ,"Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money."

    Pile: The rubbish has been building up in Zuccotti Park for days now

    Cities running out of patience with anti-Wall St. protester's filth and crime

    By Meghan Barr

    In Oakland, Calif., police in riot gear fired tear gas and bean bags before daybreak Tuesday to disperse about 170 protesters who had been camping in front of City Hall for the past two weeks, and 75 people were arrested.

    The mayor of Providence, R.I., is threatening to go to court within days to evict demonstrators from a park.

    And businesses and residents near New York's Zuccotti Park, the unofficial headquarters of the movement that began in mid-September, are demanding something be done to discourage the hundreds of protesters from urinating in the street and making noise at all hours.

    "A lot of tourists coming down from hotels are so disgusted and disappointed when they see this," said Stacey Tzortzatos, manager of a sandwich shop near Zuccotti Park. "I hope for the sake of the city the mayor does close this down."

    She complained that the protesters who come in by the dozen to use her bathroom dislodged a sink and caused a flood, and that police barricades are preventing her normal lunch crowd from stopping by.

    In Philadelphia, city officials have been waiting almost two weeks for Occupy Philly to respond to a letter containing a list of public safety and health concerns. City Managing Director Richard Negrin said officials can't wait much longer to address hazards such as smoking in tightly packed tents, camp layouts that hinder emergency access, and exposure to human waste.

    "They just can't ignore us indefinitely," Negrin said Tuesday. "Every day that they haven't addressed these public safety concerns simply increases the risk."

    Stephen Campbell, a protester in Boston, said the troublemakers are the minority.

    "We have a policy here: no drugs, no alcohol," he said. "Us occupiers really try to stick true to that. Other people who move in, who maybe have an alcohol problem or a drug problem, you know, we're not fully equipped to handle things like that."

    Tensions reached a boiling point in Oakland after a sexual assault, a severe beating and a fire were reported and paramedics were denied access to the camp, according to city officials, who said they had also received numerous complaints of threatening behavior.

    Mayor Jean Quan said the city was forced to evict the protesters after it became apparent that authorities could not maintain sanitary conditions or control vandalism.

    When police moved in, they were pelted with rocks, bottles and utensils from people in the camp's kitchen area, but no one was injured. Protesters were taken away in plastic handcuffs, most of them arrested on suspicion of illegal lodging.

    In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors, said Julie Menin, head of the board. The resolution also requested that loud noises, like the blast of air horns and group chanting, be limited to two hours during the day.

    "Drumming has been going on late at night," she said.

    The park's owner, Brookfield Office Properties, tried to push the protesters out two weeks ago to clean it but backed off at the last minute after a public outcry.

    Menin said the neighborhood does not believe the protesters should be kicked out. "We do not want the city to use force in any way," she said. "And we think it's possible to address quality-of-life issues."

    In Minneapolis, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson said some constituents who work downtown are getting a little tired of the piles of belongings cluttering the plaza, while others are worried about escalating costs. The sheriff's department has already spent more than $200,000, most of that in overtime. About 100 to 150 demonstrators crowd the plaza during the day.

    Comment by newsjunky
    October 26, 2011 @ 7:07 am

    “In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors,…”

    This situation is becoming so repulsive to so many people and yet nothing is being done about it because of “orders” from the White House, period! People losing their business because of feces and the smell of urine all over the area, and the filth these people have accumulated living out on the streets! This doesn’t even take into consideration the theft that’s been going on and yet this so called protest is permitted to continue because most considered this beneficial to the president’s re-election! The dozens of people invading restrooms in private businesses suffering damage to their property and the loss of customers isn’t doing anything to improve our economy while the president travels around in a bus promoting his so called jobs program. I’ve watched videos from many different states in this country that are subject to these savages, and what these people have done, and are still doing, is something that the average citizen would be locked up immediately for their participation.

    To even think that people in New York are considering getting these squatters portable bathrooms is beyond belief! If these people are the Democratic alternative to the tea party, then we are in worse shape that anyone can imagine, as it’s actually beginning to appear as though this is the left wing’s idea of retribution, not to mention the White House!