Friday, December 9, 2011

Obama's Hanukkah Celebration. An insult to All Jews

So now Obama decides to have a Hanukkah celebration at the White House two weeks early?  He  said, "We never need an excuse for a good party." WE? Meaning him and his staff who are not jewish? Hanukkah "AN EXCUSE to have a party."? This man is beyond contempt!! This to me is an insult to the jewish religion. I myself am not jewish, but I have always  had great respect for the jewish religion due to their history of hardship and struggle with the pharoah kicking them out of Isreal, then Hitler and the Holacaust and now what they have been going thru in the 20th century and today. During Hanukka, jews light a menorah consisting of eight candles, lighting one each night, symbolizing the eight nights they were able to light, one candle for eight days with one night's worth of oil.

At the White House celebration Obama told the story and then proceeded to light all the candles, insult no. 1. He then states about  "our unshakeable support and commitment to the security of the nation of Israel." This coming from then man who earlier this year suggested Isreal go back to pre 1967 borders and ordered the settlements stopped and has sided with Hamas in the past, insult no. 2.
Hanukkah begins at sunset on Dec. 20. Obama joked that everyone needs to be "careful that your kids don't start thinking Hanukkah lasts 20 nights instead of eight."Insult no. 3.  I have included links below. On a lighter side I have also included a link to Adam Sandler, who is jewish, doing his Hanukkah song "Eight Crazy Nights" which is cute.


Obama celebrates Hanukkah at White House...

'We Never Need an Excuse For a Good Party'...

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