Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another 1.2 trillion?????


Obama just asked congress to appropriate another 1.2 trillion dollars to the debt ceiling. That's outrageous beyond reason. During the campaign he called Bush "unpatriotic" for raising the debt  4 trillion dollars in eight years bringing it to nine trillion and said how it was burdening our children and grandchildren. So what does he do? He goes and raises the debt 6 trillion in just three years bringing it now to 16 trillion with this latest request. If 4 trillion in eight years made Bush unpatriotic then what does 6 trillion in three years make Obama?

Obama was seen playing golf out in Hawaii on his vacation. That makes a total of three months he's been on the golf course. That's a total of one month a year. More than any other president. I guess he's trying out for Tiger Woods replacement when Tiger retires.

Liberals on the message boards love to say that Bush had more vacations than Obama. When Bush went on vacation it wasn't to exotic locales like Hawaii, it was to his ranch  where he has a full set of offices for his staff  so it was more like a working vacation and he wasn't on the golf course as much as Obama. In fact Obama has been on the golf course in three years more times than Bush was in his eight years.  So there I said it. :D

Expert: Obama 'spending us into poor house' President Obama is seeking another $1.2-trillion increase in the debt ceiling, and one expert on the subject isn't surprised.

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