Monday, December 12, 2011

Political Correctness Run Amok and Lowes Pulls Out of Muslim TV Show

Yes Political Correctness has run amok under the Obama Administration. Any referance to terrorism or the war on terror has now been distanced from saying that under the Obama Homeland Security Dept. The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now called "overseas Contingency Operations." Terror attacks like 9/11 are now called "Man Made Disasters" and the latest being  the Fort Hood Massacre is now labeled "Workplace Violence." Oh the shame of it all. This is going to come back and bite us all some day unless America wakes up and calls  it like it is. "Terrorism" brought on by people who want to make us submit to their will.
A good example of this is with the chain store Lowes pulling its' ads from a TV show called American Muslim. The show depicts average muslims in America, but many groups  objected saying  the influx of so many muslims in this country is slowly pushing their way of life and Sharia law onto our way of life instead of asimulating like other cultures.

The North Carolina-based Lowe's issued a statement apologizing for "having made so many people unhappy."

"Individuals and groups have strong political and societal views on this topic, and this program became a lightning rod for many of those views," the statement said. "As a result we did pull our advertising on this program. We believe it is best to respectfully defer to communities, individuals and groups to discuss and consider such issues of importance."
A senator from California is threatening to sue Lowes if they don't re-instate their ads.This is the government  threatening the private lives and decisions of private sector individuals if you don't go along with them.
In another case of PC run amok, a California town and several other neighboring towns are banning Santa Clause and pointsettas from Christmas pagents saying they are afraid of offending anyone. They instead are calling  the pagents a "winter wonderland." Well I for one am offended.  This is  an American culture and I am sick and tired of governement telling us what we can and can't say and do.

Recently the TV show C.S.I. was filming an episode in New York about the OWS crowd as a background.   Well that didn't suit well with them and they attacked the show  and shut it down saying the show was exploiting them.  Mayor Bloomberg once again caved into them and revoked the license of the TV show to film there.  The first time he caved was when they were camping out in Zacotti Park and he said they could stay there indefinately. My conclusion is who's payroll is he on? George Soros?

inluminatuoComment by inluminatuo
December 12, 2011 @ 9:35 am

  • Lowes is now embroiled in a controversy by a Liberal Legislature to punish a corporation for choosing NOT to buy something for the same reason the American people will be taxed, punished and sued for not buying into Obamacare. It is just the same prima facie evidence of a Democrat party gone mad with seduction of the power we gave them in 2008, that due to the abuse of this entrusted power will be the very thing that gets revoked in 2012.

    As for me. I just bought 100 shares of Lowes Stock to show them this society is still free and capitalist,,,, While Obama sends our tax money overseas to built more Mosques. If Obama spent our money and invested in America and not this nonsense we would all be better off. And the fool wonders where our jobs went?? He and his monions are unworthy of the label American. He is not even worthy to be labeled a knock off.

  • newsjunkyComment by newsjunky
    December 12, 2011 @ 9:37 am.
    The indoctrination of gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and the sexual promiscuity evident in our culture is designed to destroy our traditions, wipe out our Judeo/Christian religion and create an entirely “new” country. The Muslim show is another example of how we are being indoctrinated to believe that they are all a harmless, well intention people, that mean us no harm whatsoever. In essence, we are to believe that that are pretty much like ourselves in many respects which is entirely false to anyone who knows their religion and what it actually means to those who don’t share their beliefs.
    I’m surprised that many don’t know, or don’t remember what Michele Obama had said about her husband: “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Can this get any clearer as to why we are having so many problems, facing so much confrontation and experiencing a country that doesn’t even resemble what we use to call America? 

    “It’s still a free country, isn’t it?” Not entirely — and if he gets re-elected our freedom will be a thing of the past, as his plans to reconstruct this country to conform with the “Dreams from my Father,” will be complete. If and when it ever comes to this, I suspect that Obama, Michele, and family will pick up their marbles and move on to Kenya which is where Michele said is Obama’s home in his heart.

    Thank God for Lowes, and all the others who had the courage to do what everyone should do. Stand up for our country and our way of life!

    Retailer chided for pulling ads from Muslim show

    » It’s still a free country, isn’t it? The Loft

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