Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fleabaggers Are Getting out of Hand and Riled Up!!!!!

I found this most interesting article and agree with the people who are losing business because of these fleabaggers and that's just what they are FLEABAGGERS!!!! Stinking up the place with urine and feces and ruining property. And they call themselves environmentalists????? It is followed by a comment I also agree with. These protestors want things for free and now want portable toilets set up by donations.

Now the protestors are complaining that newly released prisoners from Rikers Island and vagrants from other parks are gathering at their place in Zacotti Park who come there for free gourmet meals. On eleader Lauren Digioia, 26 said, "We have drug dealing going on,gang activity, public intoxication and there are a lot of instigators and vultures. Everyone knows we give out free food and sleeping bags and it's the perfect opportunity for squatters."

DUHHHH note to Lauren you naieve little twit. This is NYC not some serene mid-west suburban town. You people gripe about things being stolen and money being stolen, sexual assaults and being ripped off. Welcome to reality in the big city. Get off your idealogical hippy lifestyle and wake-up before one of you gets hurt from one of these degenrates. I'm sure the cops will look the other way if something happens to one of you.

As Margaret Thatcher said ,"Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money."

Pile: The rubbish has been building up in Zuccotti Park for days now

Cities running out of patience with anti-Wall St. protester's filth and crime

By Meghan Barr

In Oakland, Calif., police in riot gear fired tear gas and bean bags before daybreak Tuesday to disperse about 170 protesters who had been camping in front of City Hall for the past two weeks, and 75 people were arrested.

The mayor of Providence, R.I., is threatening to go to court within days to evict demonstrators from a park.

And businesses and residents near New York's Zuccotti Park, the unofficial headquarters of the movement that began in mid-September, are demanding something be done to discourage the hundreds of protesters from urinating in the street and making noise at all hours.

"A lot of tourists coming down from hotels are so disgusted and disappointed when they see this," said Stacey Tzortzatos, manager of a sandwich shop near Zuccotti Park. "I hope for the sake of the city the mayor does close this down."

She complained that the protesters who come in by the dozen to use her bathroom dislodged a sink and caused a flood, and that police barricades are preventing her normal lunch crowd from stopping by.

In Philadelphia, city officials have been waiting almost two weeks for Occupy Philly to respond to a letter containing a list of public safety and health concerns. City Managing Director Richard Negrin said officials can't wait much longer to address hazards such as smoking in tightly packed tents, camp layouts that hinder emergency access, and exposure to human waste.

"They just can't ignore us indefinitely," Negrin said Tuesday. "Every day that they haven't addressed these public safety concerns simply increases the risk."

Stephen Campbell, a protester in Boston, said the troublemakers are the minority.

"We have a policy here: no drugs, no alcohol," he said. "Us occupiers really try to stick true to that. Other people who move in, who maybe have an alcohol problem or a drug problem, you know, we're not fully equipped to handle things like that."

Tensions reached a boiling point in Oakland after a sexual assault, a severe beating and a fire were reported and paramedics were denied access to the camp, according to city officials, who said they had also received numerous complaints of threatening behavior.

Mayor Jean Quan said the city was forced to evict the protesters after it became apparent that authorities could not maintain sanitary conditions or control vandalism.

When police moved in, they were pelted with rocks, bottles and utensils from people in the camp's kitchen area, but no one was injured. Protesters were taken away in plastic handcuffs, most of them arrested on suspicion of illegal lodging.

In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors, said Julie Menin, head of the board. The resolution also requested that loud noises, like the blast of air horns and group chanting, be limited to two hours during the day.

"Drumming has been going on late at night," she said.

The park's owner, Brookfield Office Properties, tried to push the protesters out two weeks ago to clean it but backed off at the last minute after a public outcry.

Menin said the neighborhood does not believe the protesters should be kicked out. "We do not want the city to use force in any way," she said. "And we think it's possible to address quality-of-life issues."

In Minneapolis, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson said some constituents who work downtown are getting a little tired of the piles of belongings cluttering the plaza, while others are worried about escalating costs. The sheriff's department has already spent more than $200,000, most of that in overtime. About 100 to 150 demonstrators crowd the plaza during the day.

Comment by newsjunky
October 26, 2011 @ 7:07 am

“In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors,…”

This situation is becoming so repulsive to so many people and yet nothing is being done about it because of “orders” from the White House, period! People losing their business because of feces and the smell of urine all over the area, and the filth these people have accumulated living out on the streets! This doesn’t even take into consideration the theft that’s been going on and yet this so called protest is permitted to continue because most considered this beneficial to the president’s re-election! The dozens of people invading restrooms in private businesses suffering damage to their property and the loss of customers isn’t doing anything to improve our economy while the president travels around in a bus promoting his so called jobs program. I’ve watched videos from many different states in this country that are subject to these savages, and what these people have done, and are still doing, is something that the average citizen would be locked up immediately for their participation.

To even think that people in New York are considering getting these squatters portable bathrooms is beyond belief! If these people are the Democratic alternative to the tea party, then we are in worse shape that anyone can imagine, as it’s actually beginning to appear as though this is the left wing’s idea of retribution, not to mention the White House!

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