Thursday, November 10, 2011

Herman Cain's Accusers; Legalized Extortion


The real scandal goes far beyond the case of Herman Cain and his accusers. The real scandal is that the law allows people to impose heavy costs on others at little or no cost to themselves. That is a perfect setting for legalized extortion.---Thomas Sowell.

The above quote is from  proficient writer and columnist Thomas Sowell. He is so right on in this quote. Caine's accusers are nothing more than that, legalized extortionists being used by the democratic party to destroy him.  To democrats seeing something that they are supposed to have a hold and monopoly on must be destroyed. Their whole existance and philosopy is based on dependency and victimhood. They are the protectors and supervisors of minorities such as women, blacks and hispanics. When they see a black conservative like Herman Caine, that is a no, no in their book just as a conservative woman like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman must be destroyed as a conservative hispanic like Marco Rubio must be destroyed. They can't have that.

Liberal dems have  always had the monopoly on accusing conservatives of being racists yet their blatant hypocrisy shines thru in the Herman Cain situation. MSNBC has displayed some of the most vile racist comments coming from black commentators attacking Caine. Such comments as "he's smoking the symbolic crack pipe," and "He's the white man's friend" and "White people like Caine because they know he's a black man who knows his place with them."  Another black commentator kept pointing out that all the women were BLONDE over and over with a wry smirk on his face. No wonder MSNBC is dead last in the ratings.

When  Bill Clinton  had all these sexual harassment accusations leveled against him, the media attacked the women and feminists stuck up for him with excuses every time even though his attackers were much more credible than Caine's attackers. With Cain's attackers they are so obviously being set up by the democratic party and are all money grabbers. Also  many dems don't want to see a black vs. black election.

One of Cain's accusers, Karen Kraushaar, 55 has a history of a shady financial past including financial judgements against her and personal bankruptcies and just happens to live in the same apartment building as embattled Obama Attorney General David Axelrod though she claims not to have had any interaction with him. A woman who met Kraushaar and got to know her in the 1990's said "Kraushaar is a social climber and out for the money" All these accusations are just a matter of he said- she said and nothing substantial. Besides didn't we learn under Bill  Clinton that a person's private life doesn't matter?

In another unrelated matter that came to my attention, I see actress Ellen Barkin gave an interview claiming she's not pretty. Well who cares? But what struck me about her  daffy thinking was  that she blamed the news media for the awful position the world is in and blamed FOX News in particular for  the destruction of the world.  Duhh Ellen that's pretty stupid and to admit in public that you are not pretty when I think you are shows  a lot of insecurity on your part. That's typical  Hollywood lib thinking. FOX News is reponsible for the destruction of the world?  If we're going down that route then I would include CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC.

                         Ellen Barkin

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