Friday, December 23, 2011

The 4th Greatest President in History???????Where????


HAPPY HOLIDAYS: USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000!

THANKS BARACK!!!! And a Merry Christmas to you too or whatever you celebrate in private. I hope you and your family enjoy your  4 million dollar paid vacation in Hawaii at our (the taxpayer's ) expense.

Obama recently said in an interview that he viewed himself as the 4th greatest president in history. President of what?? Certainly not this country if that's the case with record debt, record unemployment, record deficets and blunders in speech left and right along with his bumbling  V.P. Joe Biden.This is a man who is a true narcissist completely in love with himself and of course the media goes along with him for the ride:

*Lowest consumer confidence in 30 years.

*America's credit rating dropped for the first time in history.

*34th consecutive month unemployment was above 8%.

*Federal spending, the budget deficet and national debt are all at the highest level as a percentage of GDP since WW11.

*46 million now living in poverty since the census started tracking poverty in 1959.

*worst jobs record of any modern president.

*worst housing crisis since the great depression.

*Under Obama U.S.poverty rate swells to1in 6.

*Record number of Americans on food stamps

*Rate of economic growth under Obama only slightly higher than the 1930's the decade of the great depression depression.

* Been to almost all 57states :D

 They rave about Michelle's fashion sense comparing her with Jackie Kennedy.. Anyone with an objective and knowledgeable fashion sense can see from the picsof her how frumpy and out of sync many of her styles are. This is all part and partial of the Obama mania media.

The whitehouse recently said they were deluged with e-mails saying if the payroll tax cuts expired  people would have at least $40 taken out of their monthly paychecks.They had sob stories saying how that would be the cost of an insulin shot or  their sons and daughter's school lunches or a cable bill. So Barack goes and has a 4 milion dollar vacation at our expense.That's at least 40,000 insulin shots, 40,000 school lunches  or 40,000 cable bills. What is ironic here is that the republicans in congress agreed with Obama about extending the tax cuts for a year and the senate dems opposed it so they compromised and extended it for two months and now the republicans are the bad guys.

In a current puff piece interview with the first couple Michelle Obama tells Barbara Walters that it is practical to put herself  highest on her priorities since she was spending too much time helping others. She says she spends more time going out with girlfriends now. How does she do that I wonder. It's not like she can just go out by herself to a bar or club or something.There must be at least several secret service men accompaning her whereever she goes and earlier this year I remember them both complaining about being imprisoned in the whitehouse. Oh Barack.

Two-month, $40 tax cut to save economy, create jobs...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS: USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000...

Obama to jet off for $4M Hawaiian vacation...  

Michelle: 'Practical' To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List...

Obama Has No Pet Peeves Of Wife; Michelle: 'My List Is Too Long'...

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