Friday, November 18, 2011

OWS=Obamavilles: The Endless Parade of Human Debris

Members of Occupy Wall Street sleep, spending the night on Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in New York, October 11, 2011. (Photo credit: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)

"Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum and filth off the streets."-----Robert DeNiro as Travis Bickel in "Taxi Driver."

The Wall Street Journal recently labled the OWS crowd as Obamavilles and rightly so. The term is a reference to all the shanty towns that went up during the great depression under President Herbert Hoover  and were labeled Hovervilles at the time.

These encampments  are being infested with disease and pestilence such as tuberculosis from sharing bottles and cigarettes and head lice is beginning to surface in places like Portalnd and Atlanta. Their posters are teaming with bacteria from being left out in the rain and elements and there are rapes, suicides, murders and theft by this endless parade of human debris that claim this is all in the name of free speech. I don't consider  defacating and urinating in public as well as having sex in public and women walking around naked in puiblic in city streets as free speech. In New York City, the rapes were so prevalent that they set up a separate tent for women that holds up to 16 women at a time.

These so called protestors are even scaring little kids on the way to school in New York. Shouts of "follow the kids"were heard as protestors followed parents with four year old kids to their school scaring them half to death.

Yet thru all this who embraces these great unwashed? Why Obama of course along with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. This is  what the democratic party looks like now. This is what Obama wants to see  so he can gain power and transform the America we all love  and he hates to a country like the third world countries he's familiar with and apologized  for America's greatness to.

Christopher Adamo of  GOPUSA had an excellent article on the OWS crowd recently which I am excerpting here followed by an interesting comment froma reader to his article:

"For all but the most blindly dogmatic, any former “bloom” has long since left the rosy facade of the “Occupy Wall Street” phenomenon. Though the liberal media have been working overtime from the beginning to maintain the fantasy that the protesters embody the concerns and aspirations of Real America, and despite their best efforts to frame any discussion of the movement as a noble endeavor propelled by unfettered idealism, its sheer ugliness is daily becoming more apparent and inescapable.
Increasingly, “Occupy” events throughout the nation are becoming anarchistic zones of unchecked assault, robbery, rape, and even murder. Reports of spreading diseases, in one instance even including a particularly virulent form of tuberculosis, are ever more common at the protest gatherings. And in general, the lofty and pious rhetoric of the protesters is rendered completely implausible by the abhorrent filth and squalor in which its participants are willing to subsist.
Nevertheless, these brave and principled individuals, we are told, constitute a shining army of visionaries who have dedicated themselves to the establishment of a proper and decent America. The future of the nation is firmly in their hands, and we can all rejoice at the plans which they have conceived for us. And herein lies the one critical warning to be gleaned from this debacle by a vigilant America. From its inception to the appalling manner in which the “Occupy” movement is being advanced, it does indeed represent the grim fate awaiting the nation if a drastic course correction is not implemented soon.
To begin with, this was no uncoordinated groundswell of like-minded individuals sharing a collective yearning to establish justice and promote the “general welfare” of their fellow citizens. Despite all of the propaganda seeking to create parallels between the “Occupy” and Tea Party movements (aided and abetted by the entire liberal/Democrat political machine up to and including the Obama White House), the foundations and methods of the organizations could not be more disparate.

While the people of Heartland America did indeed rise up spontaneously in the spring of 2009, taking time off from their jobs and voicing their opposition to the decimation of their country occurring at the hands of the hard-left, the “Occupy” movement was hatched and nurtured from the top-down, ACORN style, and facilitated through enormous outside funding. These “Occupy” players are simply incapable of autonomously generating and supporting an effort of this scale. On a continual basis, they are being resupplied and underwritten from the outside through Soros style backing, which is the only reason they can maintain their noxious presence on public property while the nation’s adults accept their responsibilities and go to work each day.

The nation needs to get a good look at the escalating savagery and chaos going on in every “Occupy” event from Zucotti Park to Oakland. This is the modern Democrat Party vision for America’s future. Next November, you can vote to institute it on a national scale.

November 17, 2011 @ 9:55 am
This entire mob according to many was organized by Van Jones, Piven, Obama and his minions and funded by the Tide Foundation headed by George Soros.
This was obviously not a random situation brought about by frustration and concern for the state of our nation, but is the actual army that Obama tried to recruit during his first campaign for the White House. It’s a known fact that Obama had much to do with this so-called Arab Spring all over the Middle East, so it shouldn’t be too hard to realize that he and his progressive hordes are behind this as well. Obama WARNED America in 2008 about his proposed “fundamental transformation” and so did his wife but few even questioned what that transformation entailed.

America rejects the progressive ideology. So their ideology must be imposed by any means necessary, in coordination with global forces that want America’s decline, and that’s what I believe this mob is all about. Considering the crime these people have committed, the sanitation problem causing health concerns and the scores of drug related problems, etc., with little or no repercussions is proof positive of the power behind the mob.

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