Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Tree Song: Words by Tom Pacheco, Pics By Jaycee

This past October on a warm sunny Sunday my wife and I took a stroll through Brookdale Park near us. The trees there reminded me of my favorite song by Irish folk singer Tom Pacheco called The Tree Song. It is a narrative he tells while a guitar and violin play in the background. Tom said the tree told him the story and he just wrote it down. I saw him sing it live in the early 70's once. I'm presenting it here with pics I took to match it. Please enjoy it.

The Tree Song
by Tom Pacheco, pics by Jaycee

Well good morning folks, come gather round
this oak tree you have climbed,
I guess you've all lost kites in my branches at one time.

I've seen a million sunsets and grown a trillion leaves,
and every winter that old North wind
comes and blows them right off me

People come and meet here when the midnight moon is high.

Some laugh and love all night,

some just sit here and cry.

A million cats have climbed me, below me children play,

I won't tell you what the dogs do,

but that's just nature's way.

And once there was a murder,
I was the only witness there
and the wrong man went to prison
The killer was the mayor.

And see that nice old couple
walking down the road.
Why they carved their initials in me some 50 years ago

I could talk to you forever with the stories that I know
why just 50 feet below me

there's a chest of pirate gold.

But now I see bulldozers and soon I'm going to fall

They're going to pave this whole field for a brand new shopping mall.

I hope they use some of me for a fence or for a door,

ahh but you know they don't seem to make things out of wood much anymore.

But anyway I'm happy because in the woods across the way

there's a brand new oak tree growing

from one of my own acorn seeds.

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