Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is Newt Electable? You Bet he Is.

Newt Gingrich and Callista Gingrich - Republican Candidates Participate In Debate At Reagan Library

Newt Gingrich has really moved up in the polls and is now in a three way tie with Romney and Cain and recently moved into second place.  Newt is pictured here with his wife Calista. Newt is a very articulate and strong person and extremly knowledgeable in government and history. He's been a college professor and has written books on WW11 and the civil war. He was also the author of the extremely successful Contract With America that time under Clinton when he was Speaker of the  House. Anyone who has seen Newt speak will find him an excellent orator par none and without a telepromter too. I would love to see him in a debate with the  telepromter in chief Obama.

Of course he has some baggage to overcome, but so do all politicians. The left will probably no doubt bring up the fact that he divorced his wife while she was in the hospital with cancer. When he was speaker under Clinton I attended Rush Limbaugh's then TV show and met a woman who's son worked for Newt. She told me then that Newt and his wife were planning an amicable divorce before she was in the hospital and when she was in there she told him if the papers come then bring them in the hospital and she can sign them there. This was later proven true, but of course the media ommitted those facts and will no doubt do the same this time.
Below is Dick Morris' right on analysis of Newt. Listen and judge for yourself. Dick also gives a cute plug for his dog's new book "Dubs Goes to Washington", a children's book for your kids to learn about the American monuments in rhyme which I highly reccommend.

Published on DickMorris.com on November 15, 2011

Checkout a part of a speech Newt recently gave without a telepromter and see what a great orator he truly is.

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