Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Random Thoughts and Some Interesting Articles

When Obama was in Hawaii a few weeks ago for a summit meeting, he referred to Hawaii as being  in Asia. Today when he was giving a speech in kansas, he referred to kansas as Texas. This is the same guy who said he went to all 57 states and sees fallen heroes(dead people) in a crowd and referred to Cinco de Mayo as Cinco de Quatro in front of the Mexican President not once, but twice, so I don't want to hear about Rick Perry having memory lapses or Dan Quayle putting an 'e' at the end of potato twenty years later or how stupid other republicans are.
While in Kansas Obama tried to sound like Theodore Roosevelt and spoke in the same city in kansas as Roosevelt did and talked about saving the middle class by taxing the wealthiest of Americans. Obama said this was not class warfare, but simple math. Excuse me Mr. Obama, but IT IS class warfare. Sofar Obama has tried to sound like Lincoln, Reagan, FDR and now Theodore Roosevelt. The one president he's most  like is Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez. I also believe that Obama is the one behind the OWS crowd from his experience as a community organizer. He said he supports what  they are doing and attacks Wall Street then hobnobs with them and they are the ones who give him his greatest contributions.........In a separate interview Obama  said his daughters will succeed in America even if America doesn't. What a horrible thing for a president to say.That further shows his distain for our beloved country.........Dems aren't the only ones attacking the current list of republican candidates, their own people are also. The head of the RNC has warned the candidates not to say anything negative towards Obama in their ads.  According to them, polls show that people like Obama as a person even though they disagree with  his policies.The same polls show that people don't think he's an evil person out to destroy America even though that's what he's doing. DUHHHH. No wonder people like Obama and Clinton get elected  to office and republicans shoot themselves in the foot. Meanwhile  democrats and the media continue to use negativity to destroy republicans. Look how they destroyed Herman Caine with no proof of the allegations aginst him and Nancy Pelosi said she has  a lot of documents against Gingrich she will release and then recanted. And the RNC said republicans aren't supposed to say anything negative about Obama? Whose side are they on?.......The Library of Congress has signed an agreement with Twitter to have every tweet handed over to them. This means that the government can see everything people tweet on twitter which can be used against them. So you twitter people, just be aware there is a warning against that.
"The Library of Congress and Twitter have signed an agreement that will see an archive of every public Tweet ever sent handed over to the library's repository of historical documents.
"We have an agreement with Twitter where they have a bunch of servers with their historic archive of tweets, everything that was sent out and declared to be public," said Bill Lefurgy, the digital initiatives program manager at the library's national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. "The archives don't contain tweets that users have protected, but everything else — billions and billions of tweets — are there."
Researchers will be able to look at the Twitter archive as a complete set of data, which they could then data-mine for interesting information. "

Government to receive archive of every tweet ever sent...

 The So-Called

RUSH: It's like clockwork. It's becoming predictable. I don't care who it is, a Republican presidential candidate breaks out of the pack, gets close to Romney -- or even surpasses Romney in polling data in certain states -- and the Republican establishment goes after him.

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