Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Obama Opposes FDR Prayer at WW11 Memorial

An administrator for the WW11 memorial in Washington D.C. who represents the Obama administration is opposing adding FDR's prayer for the troops on the memorial saying it "dilutes the message of the memorial." HOW PREPOSTEROUS!!!! Below is part of an article written by Bob Eberle of GOPUSA today expressing his outrage followed by several comments to this outrageous omission by the Obama administration. The commnets express my feelings too, better than I can say.

There's common sense. There's the faith in God that helped build this country and hold it together through trying times such as World War II. Then, there's the Obama administration, which appears to lack both of the above. During a congressional hearing on whether to include President Roosevelt's famous prayer as part of the WWII Memorial, an Obama administration official objected, saying the prayer would "dilute" the memorial's central message. What is happening to this country?

As reported by Fox News, "Republican lawmakers and conservative activists are expressing outrage after the Obama administration announced its objection to adding President Franklin Roosevelt's D-Day prayer to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C."

"It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation's distinguished World War II veterans," Rep. Bill Johnson said. "President Roosevelt's prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression."
But Robert Abbey, the director of the Bureau of Land Management, said any plaque or inscription of the prayer would "dilute" the memorial's central message and therefore "should not be altered."
"It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in HR 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial's central message and its ability to clearly convey that message to move, educate, and inspire its many visitors," Abbey said in written testimony.
CNSNews.com reports that in trying to cover himself, Abbey said his opposition is not to the prayer itself but that the prayer would "intrude" on the memorial, "something that is technically prohibited by federal law."
"The Commemorative Works Act specifically states that a new commemorative work shall be located so that it does not encroach upon an existing one. It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in H.R. 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial's central message," Abbey said.
In other words, the Obama administration argues that Congress is trying to create a separate memorial commemorating FDR's prayer, rather than an addition to the national World War II Memorial.
It's sad how times change. On the one hand, we have Barack Obama omitting "endowed by our Creator" on several occasions when he has referenced the Declaration of Independence. On the other, we have Franklin Roosevelt who took to the airwaves to ask the nation to pray with him.

Dilute the message? This IS the message. We won WWII because we were fighting the forces of evil, and we turned to God for help. We can't turn away now.

Comment by newsjunky
November 8, 2011 @ 9:08 am

If anyone out there is still convinced that this president is a God fearing man they are only kidding themselves. He has done just about everything humanly possible to erase everything pertaining to God while still possessing a semblance of religion with his rhetoric. More often than not, he uses God as a means to manipulate the public knowing that it will play well. We are still the same people he accused of “clinging to our guns and religion” as if we were bonafide freaks who didn’t know any better.

Obama in my opinion is a smooth talking, sophisticated replica of Bill Maher who shares the same thoughts and opinions in stealth. Obama’s adversion toward God and all things religious can only be detected by radar where Maher’s is openly active. The only religion that our president seems to admire is the one his father loved and served — Islam!

Comment by Kevin in Kansas
November 8, 2011 @ 9:41 am
This is the last straw. This Godless heathen needs to go. He is evil and I truly despise him; I have never felt that way about any President before. As bad as Carter and Clinton were, at least they were still Americans and held some of our values sacred. This guy is just….evil.

Comment by inluminatuo
November 8, 2011 @ 10:01 am

Obama’s idea of the Central message of the Memorial is that there is a GOD and it is him and the government from whom all power and blessings must flow,,,or else. Anything that alludes to the true source from which all our blessings, freedoms, and personal Liberties originate, must be squelched before the formative minds of our future generations can embrace it and defund their ideological bankrupt Socialist Agenda which is to divide and conquer America.

When Americans realize they are endowed by their creator, not enabled by a Man-Edified God-Government, then they will rebel and kick the Secular Liberal Democrats out of power. Can anyone at this juncture of Obama’s administration refute the idea that he lied to us that he is ANY sort of a real Christian who as Christ warned is “Either with me or against me.” Since he is not with us he is definitely AGAINST US, condemned by the very words of he who has the clarity and authority to condemn. This is why you CANNOT continue to vote these people of the secular Liberal persuasion into office and still call yourselves Christians. This man was raised in Indonesia during the formative years of his mind as a Muslim and his foot is upon your Christian neck as we speak.

It was NOT the power of FDR’s socialist Democrat ideology that enabled America to conquer, but by his prayers, like the prayers of a George Washington on his knees before battle or a George Patton on his knees evoking a weather prayer before the battle of the Bulge which indeed arrived in time to clarify the skies for conquering battle, just like it will cleanse and clarify the minds of the American population before the coming battle in November 2012.

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