Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mark Levin on Obama and Trayvon Martin

Mark Levin             

Today on Mark Levin's radio show, Mark hit on an excellent point. Mark asked where is it in the constituition and Declaration that says a president has to comment on a certain murder case like Obama did with Trayvon Martin saying if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon and then called Trayvon's parents. Mark then asked how come Obama didn't call the parents of the border patrol agent who was shot in the back by an illegal alien using guns sent by the Obama administration to drug cartels in the fast and furious  campaign. Mark added that if he had another son he would look like the border patrol agent in response to Obama's  unjust comment.

Mark also brought up the case of the two young british tourists who were shot and killed while vacationing  in Florida by a black teenager who shot them  the back multiple times even as they pleaded for their lives. The two boys  stumbled into the wrong neighborhood after drinking heavily after a meal while on vacation. The  teenager who shot them because they didn't have any money was tried, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The two boys' parents sent Obama three letters and he refused to reply to them.

The father of  one of the boys who sent Obama the letter  said,"It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time."

Obama probably refused to comment for the same reason  he didn't call Bristol Palin to apologize for all the hate filled diatribes her family received by  certain celebrities like Bill Mahr and David Letterman after calling Sandra Fluke to apologize for Rush Limbaugh's comments about her. At least I was glad to see Spike Lee apologize sincerely to the senior couple for releasing the address of the wrong George Zimmerman in his Tweets causing them to receive undo harassment and forcing them to leave their home. Lee told his twitter followers to cease and desist.


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