Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 4th Greatest President in History???????Where????

Recently once again Obama told 60 minutes that he's the 4th greatest president in history. Really??? Not too big an ego here. Let's see what makes him so great:

*Record debt. 5 trillion dollars in new Obama debt.(Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion)
*Record deficits
*Record unemployment and the longest time of high unemployment since the great depression.
*More people on food stamps than ever before up from 32 million to 46 million.
*He and his wife go on expensive vacations while people are suffering and losing their homes.
*He has divided this country like never before with black against white, rich against poor, women against men. I think this is his agenda to divide and conquer and set up his socialistic  state for us. Is this what makes him the 4th greatest president in history??

Recently Obama met with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Isreal and told him not to worry that we've got his back.YEAH RIGHT ODUMBO!!!!!

This coming from the man who sides with the Palestinians and apologizes to terrorists. This coming from the guy who told BiBi they should go back to 1967 borders, this coming from the guy who was overheard saying about BiBi,"I've got to talk with this guy everyday" and now they're supposed to believe he's got their back???

Obama and his energy secretary have said they don't want us dependant on oil and Obama has said several times he wants to see fuel prices go up like in European standards so we drive less and use alternative fuels. In Europe  gasoline is nearing $10 a gallon. He also wants Americans to drive smaller cars and says to get regular tune-ups and keep your tires inflated to save on gas. Typical lib thinking with symbolism over substance. Now with an election coming up he's flip flopping more than flapjacks being piled on a plate. He says he doesn't want anything happening with Iran and Isreal that will cause oil prices to go up  while he's in re-election mode. He wants Isreal to give us 24 hours notice before they do anything. If I were Netanyahu I would ignore him and  just go in and destroy Iran's nuke facilities before they destroy Isreal and us.
At today's news conference Ed Henry of Fox News asked  Obama the following question and here is his response:

Ed Henry, FOX News: Your critics will say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher because you have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?

President Obama: Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher? Is that -- is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense? Look, here's the bottom line with respect to gas prices: I want gas prices lower because they hurt families.

See what I mean?

Cites his own re-election for wanting lower gas prices...

Drags daughters into contraception controversy...

Election year conversion on Israel...

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