Monday, March 19, 2012

Obama Blames FOX News for Saying He's a Muslim and Other Interesting Tidbits


So now Obama is blaming FOX News for saying he's a muslim. I always watch FOX News and never heard any of them mention he's a muslim. In fact they go out of their way not to mention he's a muslim. I guess ol' Barry is furious that the truth about him is coming out and he needs somebody to blame since FOX is the only ones not in his  pocket. Maybe if Obama had shown a legitimate Birth certificate in the first place instead of spending a million dollars trying to hide it then showing three different ones or didn't make statements like "If the winds of change took a different direction I'd have to side with the muslims," or when he mentioned to George Stephanopolus about "My Muslim faith,"he might seem more credible. But according to him it's all Fox News' fault.

When I saw this article on today's Huffington Post I checked the comments feeling their would be the usual libs slamming FOX News, but to my surprise there were some interesting comments saying the exact opposite which I'm including here:

I watch Fox as well as all the other news outlets and I cannot recall a single time any commentator on Fox alleged he was a Muslim. In fact, O'Reilly regularly scoffed at any guest who did so.

Certificate of Live Birth, printed with Microsoft font does Not_ cut the mustard, supposedly printed in 58'. Also cannot use CLB getting a drivers license or Social Security Card. And unfortunately, he was not vetted by the Dems, before the newest thing on the block became so popular.

well lets see. He was born of a Father that was a Muslim. Any son born unto a muslim father , is Muslim for life. When his mother divorced his Dad she then married another muslin. His stepsdad raised Barry as a Muslim. Once you are a Muslim you are forbidden to change religions, If you do, you can be marked for DEATH by that ever so gentil and understanding religion of Muslim Barry, it seems to me, must be a Muslim.

All news outlets have their own point of view. Obama has almost all of the media except Fox and radio pushing socialist/marxist view points and Fox and some radio not pushing his view point. I've said this before, the almanac would seem right wing compared to CBS, CNN, MSNBC etc.

I don't watch Fox news. But, Obama's daddy and step daddy were muslims, Obama lived in Indonesia during his early school days. There is a statue there of him. His mom was a submissive Christian. I don't believe her husbands would allow her to raise her child as a Christian while being muslim in a muslim nation. Once a muslim, it's a death sentence to convert to any religion. QED, he's a muslim pretending to be a Chrisian. Pure logic without listening to the media and getting my news about his early life from his supporters in the media. Many don't see his being a muslim as a problem, forgetting if he is and he's hiding it that's a problem and we're at war with many muslims around the world. Having a muslim commander in chief while at war with them is not ideal to say the least. Being at war with many muslims and having a muslim sympathizer as commander in chief is bad enough.

It's not Fox news. I have never heard a Republican call him a muslim, anytime. This denial and finger pointing is just smoke and mirrors.

His popularity went down because he did not concentrate on jobs, the economy or unity. He pushed Obamacare without allowing it to be read and debated and without concern that those without jobs cannot pay for it. He bailed out the 'too big to fail' which, coincidentally contributed more to his Presidential campaign than to any other before, no matter the party, and tripled the deficit in his first year in office. He blamed Bush long after Bush became irrelevant. He showed his hypocrisy regarding Bush's 'illegal' regime change in Iraq by fostering through military means an equally 'illegal' regime change in Libya.
What he's done before - and since - the midterm elections is why he's lost not just male voters, but ALL types of voters. He has the lowest ratings of an incumbent seeking reelection since Jimmy Carter.

It's unknown who will lead the Republicans this early, but one thing is for certain - all four combined have a higher approval rating than Obama. And the final pick will win the election.
It's 'Anybody But Obama' at this point. That will not change in the remaining 7 1/2 months before November.

Who he accuses of perpetuating it '24/7'

WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.
Obama refuses to waive privacy rights that would allow the Hawaii Department of Health to release any adoption records that may exist for him........I see where 
Michael Moore was heckled at an Occupy protest over the week-end. Protestors shouted at him to"Leave our park" and  "Make way for the 50 million dollar Michael Moore" and "Michael why did you invest in Halibuton?" It's about time the left wakes up to this fake, phony, fraud and manipulator. Check out the link below for the film of them heckling him. Michael Moore Heckled At Occupy Protest: 'Make Way For ... - ... .......A postman who delivered mail to Bill Ayers parents claims that the Ayers family put Obama through college and knew he was a foreign student.The media has pretty much stayed away from Obama's association with Bill Ayers except for Sean Hannity who has relentlessly kept at it.
For those of you not familiar with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn, Ayers was a radical and unrepentant terrorist from the 60's who planted bombs at the capital building in Washington D.C., at the pentagon and N.Y police station  and then  in an article  in Esquire that apeared on 9/11 he said he didn't do enough and wished they had planted more bombs. He was arrested, but got off do to technicality in wire tapping by the arresting officer. The cover of Esquire had a picture of Ayers stepping on the American flag and saying ''Guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a  country." Obama sat on boards with this guy in Chicago where he teaches in college, gave speeches with him and started his campaign in his home. His wife Bernadine Dorn was also a  60's radical and involved in an armored car robbery where a  guard was shot and killed. She served a small sentence in prison. I remember  them both from that time.

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