Friday, March 16, 2012

Just a Comedian Pt .2 and Obama Impeachment

Attorney General David Axelrod was asked by a CNN reporter  about Bill Mahr's remarks about Sarah Palin calling her the 'c' word and 't**t' word and calling Michelle Bachman  a "bimbo" as compared to Rush Limbasugh's remarks about Sandra Fluke. Axelrod responded that both were wrong in their comments, but then added that Limbaugh has a much larger audience than Mahr does and is the defacto head of the Republican party. Give me a break!!!!.What a cop out. I thought Mahr's words were much more heinious than Rush's and he said he uses them  in his stand up routines when he appears in theaters so he's addressing large crowds too as Rush does, but then again David, I guess you're not going to chastise someone who gave your party a million dollars like Bill Mahr did. So I guess the war on women by democrats blaming republicans goes on.
Over the last year I've seen much conversation in message boards suggesting Obama be impeached. Well it looks like the movement has finally reached congress and measures are being taken  in letters of submissions by congress to do so. Let's a hope they have the conjoles to carry it out. Here is a list of impeachable offenses:

  • Obama violated the Constitution with his “recess appointments” while the Senate was not in recess. It is up the Senate to decide when it is in recess, not the president. That distinction between executive and legislative authority is what the Separation of Powers doctrine is all about.
  • Obama is an obvious participant and co-conspirator in Eric Holder’s approval and later cover-up of the illegal “Fast and Furious” gun-walking program. Unlike the Watergate case, people have actually died as a result of this illegal program.
  • Obama undoubtedly has knowledge of and has approved Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano’s project to require Border Patrol management to falsify apprehension numbers on the southwest border. This is a clear violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which requires the federal government to protect the country against foreign invasion.
  • The president’s open refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act is a violation of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, which does not authorize the president to choose which laws to “faithfully execute.” The oath taken by a new president on Inauguration Day does not say, “… to defend the Constitution of the United States… to the best of my ability except when I disagree with it.”
  • Did the president violate the law when he instructed Labor Secretary Solis to negotiate agreements with foreign governments to expand the “labor rights” of illegal aliens?
The precedent of Clinton’s impeachment over his perjury in the Monica Lewinsky case established the principle that the legal definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is what Congress wants them to mean. Have Obama’s actions met the constitutional standard for impeachment? Absolutely, yes.

For those of you considering voting for the annointed one in Nov. and say you think Obama is doing a good job as president, I guess you agree with the folllowing:

We need to continue to raise our deficit
We need to continue with Higher Unemployment
We need to get deeper into debt.
We need to give people more entitlements.
We need to work less.
We need to write more checks to companies that will go bankrupt.
We need to continue to punish those that provide work for us.
We need to raise gas prices so we can purchase $40,000 Volts
We need to forget about the U.S. Constitution.
We need to continue pushing class warfare.
We to forget about the division of Church and State.
We need the media to continue to remind us of how wonderful things are getting.
We need to continue to blame the Republicans for everything wrong with this country.
We need to continue to come up with excuses why we the Democrats had full run of the Senate, The House, and The White House for President Obama’s first 2 Years and only worked on Health care, while everything else collapsed.
Obama in 2012!!!!


Axelrod: Limbaugh, Maher sexist comments different...

Obama impeachment bill now in Congress

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