Sunday, March 11, 2012

Women of 99 Percent Rail Against Rush

I saw this article today about this group of women  who are accusing Rush Limbaugh of a war against women. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was glad to see the comments below not be of the usual liberal left wing attackers and said it better than I could,if that is at all possible :D-----Jaycee7109


A group calling itself "The Women of the 99 Percent" is making robocalls across the United States in an attempt to link Republican members of the House of Representatives to "the war on women led by Rush Limbaugh".

The automated calls are illegal because they do not state who they are from (there is no known group called The Women of the 99 Percent) or provide a callback number, as required under the US Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.



Sorry to break this to the 99 percent, but I do not want to pay for anyone's birth control. Any woman who requires pills for hormonal reasons are COVERED by Georgetown's health plan. Therefore, the remainder of you 98 percent can either go to planned parenthood and get your birth control or abortifacients for little or no cost, even though I the tax payer am paying for them already. So please stop your calls. I'll call my congressman to renounce Rush Limbaugh when Obama gives back his million he received from Bill Mauer and apologizes for all of his nasty "c" comments about Republican women! Where was the wonderful 99 percent and NOW when that
happened? HYPOCRITES!

Do the 99%have nothing else to do but work for Obama's re-election? Do your homework ! The democratic laid this trap it has nothing to do with the Republicians it'sa ploy to oust Rush and embarrass the republicans. You might want to investigate Fluke before you make your calls !

The race card is worn out, time to find another bogeyman...

That 1991 Telephone Act must be part of the current "war on women.". The contempt Democrats have for the ability of people to see through their nonsense is staggering.

Rush asked the question what do you call a woman who wants to be paid to have sex. He first said slut which is what they were called along time ago along with prostitutes. The women that didn't charge were called whores. so quit your whining you sound like democrats...

Was Gloria Alried and Prez Obama as outraged when Bill Maher called Sarah Oalin a CUNT and a TWAT?

The only people outraged are those who support Bill Maher and Ed Schultz doing worse to Sarah Palin. Watching a big backfire should be fun.

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