Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Dictator in Chief


Obama is proving himself to be more and more the dictator in chief and spinning his way around like a top. Now that his precious healthcare mandate is in danger of being wiped out, he's trying to say it's unprecedented what the SC is doing when it's not. He's accusing the supreme court of judicial activism when it's not. Judges overrule laws all the time.  Judicial Activism is when judges create new laws that don't exist. He's doing this because he knows he's failing and election is near so he's using fear tactics now because he can't run on his record. He says the people support his healthcare mandate when 75% of the people are against it. He says it was ruled on by a large majority in congress when it wasn't. The vote for it was 219 to 212 and that only after  medicare bribes to Sen. Mary Landrieu of La. called "The Louisiana Purchase" and to Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska called "The corn husker kickback." Medicare is on the verge of going bankrupt because he is taking millions out of it to pay for Obamacare.

He is getting so off the wall now that he is accusing Isreal of causing oil prices to go up by its' floundering on an attack on Iran. He has amassed 5 trillion more dollars in debt in just three years after chastising George Bush for amassing 4 trillion in 8 years calling Bush "unpatriotic." He's giving a billion and half tax payer dollars to the muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the name of democracy when they are the most extreme element in the mid-east and ruling Egypt now. Now he is instructing reporters how to cover his positions. Herman Goebels would be proud of him. In true liberal fashion he is blaming everyone but himself. It's not his fault, it's everyone else's fault and everyone that came before him. He's even blaming capitalism for the bad economy.

Famous  song writer and singer Ray Stevens has some very satirical and poignant videos out that I am also sharing here. One is his take on the Obama budget plan and the other is a very serious song about how Arizona is under attack by Obama and Holder from 2010 when they wanted to sue Arizona for trying to identify illegals pouring into their state. Please check them out.

Muslim Brotherhood takes on Egypt's military...

Obama Instructs Journalists On How To Report His Positions...
LIMBAUGH: Obama Puts Out Figurative Bounty on Supreme Court...


Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube

Ray Stevens - God Save Arizona - YouTube

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