Monday, March 12, 2012

Just a Commediane?

Currently Rush Limbaugh is under fire for mentioning a  joke about  a woman at Georgetown University who wants taxpayers to pay for her contraception even though Georgetown University has a health plan that provides contraception and there is a Planned Parenthood station just three miles from her school that provides contraception. The woman Sandra Fluke said she needs $3000 a year for contraception. Rush's comment was that "if she expects us to pay for her having sex than that makes her a prostitute." Well  you would have thought heaven and hell came to blows. Every lib group under the sun demanded that he apologize. Rush did apologize, but that wasn't enough. Now opportunistic lawyer Gloria Allred is claiming he should be prosecuted and another women's group is claiming he's leading a war against women and people like Nancy Pelosi agree.

Meanwhile left wing entertainment crazies like Bill Mahr and David Letterman are spewing vile, vulgar hatred towards republican women.


Bill Mahr called Sarah Palin a "c**t" and a "t**T" and people laugh and noone asked him to apologize. He's also made similiar disparaging remarks about Michelle Bachman and dissed Rick Santorum about his religion and the fact that he home schools his kids. Mahr recently donated a million dollars to Obama and Obama accepted it and refused to give it back after demands from  public officials to do so. This coming from a president who called for civility. What a hypocrtic joke!!!  When asked about Mahr's comments, media  commentators said  "He's a comediane so that comes within his scope to say things like that  not like Limbaugh who is a more serious commentator." Give me a break.  This is about getting Rush off the air becausehe tells the truth and exposes the left and their agenda. They tried it during the Clinton years with the Fairness Doctrine and it didn't work then and it won't work now.

              David Letterman is another one:

David Letterman Photo In his recent tirade against republican women, Letterman compared Sarah Palin to a slutty airline hostess and made a joke about her daughter " being knocked up by Alex  Rodriguez." But I guess it's ok since he's "just a comediane."

Late night talk show host JimmyFallon was the only one to show any decency when his band played a song called "Lyin' Ass Bitch" when he introduced Michelle Bachman. Fallon apologized and said he wasn't aware that his bandleader changed the song at the last minute. Fallon did apologize.  So I ask you, who is the real war against women? None of these people apologized of course and  they aren't expected to.

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