Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Attention Sandra Fluke and Rush Sponsors: Payback's Coming And It's A BITCH


Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke really started  the ball rolling with her demand that taxpayers pay her $1000 a year thru insurance companies for her contraception because she's having trouble making ends meet. HEY BABE take a cold shower!!! A $1000 a year for contraception??? How much sex is she having and with how many? The average condom only costs about a dollar. What kind of contraception is she using.??? I saw a comment from a reader to an article about this who said there was a Planned Parenthood  place three miles from her school who gave out contraceptionf or free so why couldn't she go there? 

Ms. Fluke wanted to testify before congress, but they wouldn't let her, but she testified before Nancy Pelosi's comittee and now Obama wants all companies to pay for their employee's contraception. This was an extension of his demand that all catholic  charities and catholic run companies supply free contraception for their employees when it's against their beliefs..

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh in his usual aplomb and show of illustrating absurdity by being absurd called her a "slut" and said if we are paying her to have sex then that makes her a prostitute" I thought he was funny in saying that and winced a little myself, but in a way he was right. She then goes to the lib media on NBC  and then on that liberal female gab fest  "The View" and complains about Rush's comments. Obama gave her a call and Pelosi gave her a call.

Rush apologized and she refused to accept his apology and now sponsors are pulling out of his show. Well there is a saying that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,well hell hath no fury like 2 million Rush listeners scorned. Ms.Fluke better watch out!!!! By her elite,efete,snobbish aggressiveness, her life is about to become a living hell!!!! As a good online buddy of mine so aptly and truthfully put it "This is obviously pressure from very powerful liberal forces such as MEDIA MATTERS and others. Of course, no mention of 3 years of verbal abuse to Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN, no mention of MSNBC scumbag Ed Schultz calling Laura Schlesinger a "talk show slut," and no mention of the Jimmy Fallon show in which they introduced Michele Bachmann with the stupid band playing LYING ASS BITCH as the intro tune. There was NO APOLOGY from Fallon or NBC. The double standard goes on  I might add that left wing hate monger Bill Mahr also is guilty of saying hateful rhetoric against Sarah Palin and her daughter too and said he wanted to see a sex tape of Sarah Palin and worse. Hey Obama I thought you said you wanted all this hate language to stop. I guess you meant only if it was against you and your kind.

Bill O'Reilly attacked Fluke saying" "Let me get this straight, Ms. Fluke, and I'm asking this with all due respect," he said. "You want me to give you my hard-earned money so you can have sex?" (Fluke is actually calling for her university's private insurance plan to cover birth control.)The following is a list of sponsors who are pulling out of Rush's show. Be sure to boycott them:
Mortgage lender Quicken Loans, mattress retailers Sleep Train and Sleep Number, online data backup service provider Carbonite, software maker Citrix Systems Inc., online legal document services company LegalZoom and flower company ProFlowers all pulled ads in reaction to Limbaugh's comments.
Also, call or write these companies and tell them you will NEVER buy their products. PAYBACK TIME STARTS NOW and it's a BITCH!!!!!!!

WATCH: Bill O'Reilly Attacks Sandra Fluke

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