Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lib Hate Speech and Obama Money to Muslim Brotherhood

While the liberal media is putting all the attention on how horrible Rush Limbaugh was with Sandra Fluke calling her a slut and prostitute even though Rush apologized, they are purposely ignoring the really bad hate speech and war on women performed by their own people which is 100 times worse than anything Rush said.

MSNBC Commentator Ed Schultz brazenly called Laura Ingraham a "talk show slut" several times and other vicious things. He said Dick Cheney's heart should be "ripped out and tossed around like a football" and no calls for apologies.

David Letterman makes a comment about Bristol Palin being "knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" and there were no calls by feminists to apologize. He also  said Sarh Palin's make-up made her look like a slutty flight attendant which also insults flight attendants and the feminists sit on their hands because these are conservative women and they're only for liberal women..
 And of course the worst misogynist of all Bill Mahr, uses the c--t word and tw-t word to describe Sarah Palin and mocks her kids in the most vicious and horrible ways that I won't even darken this blog by saying here. The libs defend him saying he's a comedian and can say anything he wants. BS. Lenny Bruce was thrown in jail for saying less than  what Mahr has said.

After the Gabby Giffords case Obama gave this speech calling for civility in rhetoric. I don't see him lecturing his supporters on civility. In fact I don't see any civility in rhetoric.

Last night Sean Hannity had an excellent show on lib hate speech and he and his guests showed libs saying all these horrible things against women and republicans saying if a republican said these things there would be headlines day in and day out.  How right they were.

Sean had Sarah Palin on and she told about the letter her daughter Bristol sent to Obama asking where is her apology phone call from him like he did with Sandra Fluke after all the hateful things that were said about  the Palin family from his supporters like Letterman and Mahr.

The Media loved to say how stupid Sarah Palin was, but yet Obama says plenty of equally stupid things like  "He's been to all 57 states and has three more to go to." or how he pronounced  the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo as Cinco de Quatro in front of the Mexican president not once, but twice. Or how about on Memorial Day when he was addressing a crowd he said "We are here to honor fallen heroes, many of which I see in the audience today." Fallen heroes are soldiers who have died in battle. I guess Obama sees dead people.

Joe Biden is noted for opening his mouth and inserting his foot with plenty of gaffes like when he told Katie Couric when FDR went on TV to  discuss the great depression when TV wasn't even invented yet, but you'll never see the mainstream media flashing these quotes over the front page and every tv screen.

Another little item you won't see the media reporting is the fact that Obama recently gave the muslim brotherhood in Egypt a billion and a half dollars of tax payer money. The muslim brotherhood is now the ruling body of Egypt and is favoring sharia law for all of Egypt and has declared Isreal their enemy. The mullahs have said "we have Isreal surrounded now." As bad as Mubarek was he at least kept the peace with Isreal.

Despite the recent anti-American activities in Egypt, the Obama Administration told Congress today it will waive democracy requirements and release $1.5 billion in US aid to the Muslim Brotherhood dominated government in Egypt.The PJ Star reported, via Free Republic:
The Obama administration told Congress on Thursday it will waive democracy requirements to release up to $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt despite concerns that the country is backsliding on commitments it made to democratic governance and rule of law.
U.5 officials and lawmakers said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has determined that it was in the U.S. national interest to allow $1.3 billion in military assistance to flow. She also certified that Egypt is meeting its obligations to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, which frees up an additional $200 million in economic aid, they said.
A senior State Department official said the decisions “reflect our overarching goal: to maintain our strategic partnership with an Egypt made stronger and more stable by a successful transition to democracy.”
With the Muslim Brotherhood in charge I seriously doubt  it.!!!!!

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