Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mark Levin on Obama and Trayvon Martin

Mark Levin             

Today on Mark Levin's radio show, Mark hit on an excellent point. Mark asked where is it in the constituition and Declaration that says a president has to comment on a certain murder case like Obama did with Trayvon Martin saying if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon and then called Trayvon's parents. Mark then asked how come Obama didn't call the parents of the border patrol agent who was shot in the back by an illegal alien using guns sent by the Obama administration to drug cartels in the fast and furious  campaign. Mark added that if he had another son he would look like the border patrol agent in response to Obama's  unjust comment.

Mark also brought up the case of the two young british tourists who were shot and killed while vacationing  in Florida by a black teenager who shot them  the back multiple times even as they pleaded for their lives. The two boys  stumbled into the wrong neighborhood after drinking heavily after a meal while on vacation. The  teenager who shot them because they didn't have any money was tried, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The two boys' parents sent Obama three letters and he refused to reply to them.

The father of  one of the boys who sent Obama the letter  said,"It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time."

Obama probably refused to comment for the same reason  he didn't call Bristol Palin to apologize for all the hate filled diatribes her family received by  certain celebrities like Bill Mahr and David Letterman after calling Sandra Fluke to apologize for Rush Limbaugh's comments about her. At least I was glad to see Spike Lee apologize sincerely to the senior couple for releasing the address of the wrong George Zimmerman in his Tweets causing them to receive undo harassment and forcing them to leave their home. Lee told his twitter followers to cease and desist.


Florida holiday Britons who took wrong turn shot dead
23 Mar 2012

Director Apologizes for Massive Error

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lib Hate Speech and Obama Money to Muslim Brotherhood

While the liberal media is putting all the attention on how horrible Rush Limbaugh was with Sandra Fluke calling her a slut and prostitute even though Rush apologized, they are purposely ignoring the really bad hate speech and war on women performed by their own people which is 100 times worse than anything Rush said.

MSNBC Commentator Ed Schultz brazenly called Laura Ingraham a "talk show slut" several times and other vicious things. He said Dick Cheney's heart should be "ripped out and tossed around like a football" and no calls for apologies.

David Letterman makes a comment about Bristol Palin being "knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" and there were no calls by feminists to apologize. He also  said Sarh Palin's make-up made her look like a slutty flight attendant which also insults flight attendants and the feminists sit on their hands because these are conservative women and they're only for liberal women..
 And of course the worst misogynist of all Bill Mahr, uses the c--t word and tw-t word to describe Sarah Palin and mocks her kids in the most vicious and horrible ways that I won't even darken this blog by saying here. The libs defend him saying he's a comedian and can say anything he wants. BS. Lenny Bruce was thrown in jail for saying less than  what Mahr has said.

After the Gabby Giffords case Obama gave this speech calling for civility in rhetoric. I don't see him lecturing his supporters on civility. In fact I don't see any civility in rhetoric.

Last night Sean Hannity had an excellent show on lib hate speech and he and his guests showed libs saying all these horrible things against women and republicans saying if a republican said these things there would be headlines day in and day out.  How right they were.

Sean had Sarah Palin on and she told about the letter her daughter Bristol sent to Obama asking where is her apology phone call from him like he did with Sandra Fluke after all the hateful things that were said about  the Palin family from his supporters like Letterman and Mahr.

The Media loved to say how stupid Sarah Palin was, but yet Obama says plenty of equally stupid things like  "He's been to all 57 states and has three more to go to." or how he pronounced  the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo as Cinco de Quatro in front of the Mexican president not once, but twice. Or how about on Memorial Day when he was addressing a crowd he said "We are here to honor fallen heroes, many of which I see in the audience today." Fallen heroes are soldiers who have died in battle. I guess Obama sees dead people.

Joe Biden is noted for opening his mouth and inserting his foot with plenty of gaffes like when he told Katie Couric when FDR went on TV to  discuss the great depression when TV wasn't even invented yet, but you'll never see the mainstream media flashing these quotes over the front page and every tv screen.

Another little item you won't see the media reporting is the fact that Obama recently gave the muslim brotherhood in Egypt a billion and a half dollars of tax payer money. The muslim brotherhood is now the ruling body of Egypt and is favoring sharia law for all of Egypt and has declared Isreal their enemy. The mullahs have said "we have Isreal surrounded now." As bad as Mubarek was he at least kept the peace with Isreal.

Despite the recent anti-American activities in Egypt, the Obama Administration told Congress today it will waive democracy requirements and release $1.5 billion in US aid to the Muslim Brotherhood dominated government in Egypt.The PJ Star reported, via Free Republic:
The Obama administration told Congress on Thursday it will waive democracy requirements to release up to $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt despite concerns that the country is backsliding on commitments it made to democratic governance and rule of law.
U.5 officials and lawmakers said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has determined that it was in the U.S. national interest to allow $1.3 billion in military assistance to flow. She also certified that Egypt is meeting its obligations to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, which frees up an additional $200 million in economic aid, they said.
A senior State Department official said the decisions “reflect our overarching goal: to maintain our strategic partnership with an Egypt made stronger and more stable by a successful transition to democracy.”
With the Muslim Brotherhood in charge I seriously doubt  it.!!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Obama Blames FOX News for Saying He's a Muslim and Other Interesting Tidbits


So now Obama is blaming FOX News for saying he's a muslim. I always watch FOX News and never heard any of them mention he's a muslim. In fact they go out of their way not to mention he's a muslim. I guess ol' Barry is furious that the truth about him is coming out and he needs somebody to blame since FOX is the only ones not in his  pocket. Maybe if Obama had shown a legitimate Birth certificate in the first place instead of spending a million dollars trying to hide it then showing three different ones or didn't make statements like "If the winds of change took a different direction I'd have to side with the muslims," or when he mentioned to George Stephanopolus about "My Muslim faith,"he might seem more credible. But according to him it's all Fox News' fault.

When I saw this article on today's Huffington Post I checked the comments feeling their would be the usual libs slamming FOX News, but to my surprise there were some interesting comments saying the exact opposite which I'm including here:

I watch Fox as well as all the other news outlets and I cannot recall a single time any commentator on Fox alleged he was a Muslim. In fact, O'Reilly regularly scoffed at any guest who did so.

Certificate of Live Birth, printed with Microsoft font does Not_ cut the mustard, supposedly printed in 58'. Also cannot use CLB getting a drivers license or Social Security Card. And unfortunately, he was not vetted by the Dems, before the newest thing on the block became so popular.

well lets see. He was born of a Father that was a Muslim. Any son born unto a muslim father , is Muslim for life. When his mother divorced his Dad she then married another muslin. His stepsdad raised Barry as a Muslim. Once you are a Muslim you are forbidden to change religions, If you do, you can be marked for DEATH by that ever so gentil and understanding religion of Muslim Barry, it seems to me, must be a Muslim.

All news outlets have their own point of view. Obama has almost all of the media except Fox and radio pushing socialist/marxist view points and Fox and some radio not pushing his view point. I've said this before, the almanac would seem right wing compared to CBS, CNN, MSNBC etc.

I don't watch Fox news. But, Obama's daddy and step daddy were muslims, Obama lived in Indonesia during his early school days. There is a statue there of him. His mom was a submissive Christian. I don't believe her husbands would allow her to raise her child as a Christian while being muslim in a muslim nation. Once a muslim, it's a death sentence to convert to any religion. QED, he's a muslim pretending to be a Chrisian. Pure logic without listening to the media and getting my news about his early life from his supporters in the media. Many don't see his being a muslim as a problem, forgetting if he is and he's hiding it that's a problem and we're at war with many muslims around the world. Having a muslim commander in chief while at war with them is not ideal to say the least. Being at war with many muslims and having a muslim sympathizer as commander in chief is bad enough.

It's not Fox news. I have never heard a Republican call him a muslim, anytime. This denial and finger pointing is just smoke and mirrors.

His popularity went down because he did not concentrate on jobs, the economy or unity. He pushed Obamacare without allowing it to be read and debated and without concern that those without jobs cannot pay for it. He bailed out the 'too big to fail' which, coincidentally contributed more to his Presidential campaign than to any other before, no matter the party, and tripled the deficit in his first year in office. He blamed Bush long after Bush became irrelevant. He showed his hypocrisy regarding Bush's 'illegal' regime change in Iraq by fostering through military means an equally 'illegal' regime change in Libya.
What he's done before - and since - the midterm elections is why he's lost not just male voters, but ALL types of voters. He has the lowest ratings of an incumbent seeking reelection since Jimmy Carter.

It's unknown who will lead the Republicans this early, but one thing is for certain - all four combined have a higher approval rating than Obama. And the final pick will win the election.
It's 'Anybody But Obama' at this point. That will not change in the remaining 7 1/2 months before November.

Who he accuses of perpetuating it '24/7'

WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.
Obama refuses to waive privacy rights that would allow the Hawaii Department of Health to release any adoption records that may exist for him........I see where 
Michael Moore was heckled at an Occupy protest over the week-end. Protestors shouted at him to"Leave our park" and  "Make way for the 50 million dollar Michael Moore" and "Michael why did you invest in Halibuton?" It's about time the left wakes up to this fake, phony, fraud and manipulator. Check out the link below for the film of them heckling him. Michael Moore Heckled At Occupy Protest: 'Make Way For ... - ... .......A postman who delivered mail to Bill Ayers parents claims that the Ayers family put Obama through college and knew he was a foreign student.The media has pretty much stayed away from Obama's association with Bill Ayers except for Sean Hannity who has relentlessly kept at it.
For those of you not familiar with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn, Ayers was a radical and unrepentant terrorist from the 60's who planted bombs at the capital building in Washington D.C., at the pentagon and N.Y police station  and then  in an article  in Esquire that apeared on 9/11 he said he didn't do enough and wished they had planted more bombs. He was arrested, but got off do to technicality in wire tapping by the arresting officer. The cover of Esquire had a picture of Ayers stepping on the American flag and saying ''Guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a  country." Obama sat on boards with this guy in Chicago where he teaches in college, gave speeches with him and started his campaign in his home. His wife Bernadine Dorn was also a  60's radical and involved in an armored car robbery where a  guard was shot and killed. She served a small sentence in prison. I remember  them both from that time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Just a Comedian Pt .2 and Obama Impeachment

Attorney General David Axelrod was asked by a CNN reporter  about Bill Mahr's remarks about Sarah Palin calling her the 'c' word and 't**t' word and calling Michelle Bachman  a "bimbo" as compared to Rush Limbasugh's remarks about Sandra Fluke. Axelrod responded that both were wrong in their comments, but then added that Limbaugh has a much larger audience than Mahr does and is the defacto head of the Republican party. Give me a break!!!!.What a cop out. I thought Mahr's words were much more heinious than Rush's and he said he uses them  in his stand up routines when he appears in theaters so he's addressing large crowds too as Rush does, but then again David, I guess you're not going to chastise someone who gave your party a million dollars like Bill Mahr did. So I guess the war on women by democrats blaming republicans goes on.
Over the last year I've seen much conversation in message boards suggesting Obama be impeached. Well it looks like the movement has finally reached congress and measures are being taken  in letters of submissions by congress to do so. Let's a hope they have the conjoles to carry it out. Here is a list of impeachable offenses:

  • Obama violated the Constitution with his “recess appointments” while the Senate was not in recess. It is up the Senate to decide when it is in recess, not the president. That distinction between executive and legislative authority is what the Separation of Powers doctrine is all about.
  • Obama is an obvious participant and co-conspirator in Eric Holder’s approval and later cover-up of the illegal “Fast and Furious” gun-walking program. Unlike the Watergate case, people have actually died as a result of this illegal program.
  • Obama undoubtedly has knowledge of and has approved Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano’s project to require Border Patrol management to falsify apprehension numbers on the southwest border. This is a clear violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which requires the federal government to protect the country against foreign invasion.
  • The president’s open refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act is a violation of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, which does not authorize the president to choose which laws to “faithfully execute.” The oath taken by a new president on Inauguration Day does not say, “… to defend the Constitution of the United States… to the best of my ability except when I disagree with it.”
  • Did the president violate the law when he instructed Labor Secretary Solis to negotiate agreements with foreign governments to expand the “labor rights” of illegal aliens?
The precedent of Clinton’s impeachment over his perjury in the Monica Lewinsky case established the principle that the legal definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is what Congress wants them to mean. Have Obama’s actions met the constitutional standard for impeachment? Absolutely, yes.

For those of you considering voting for the annointed one in Nov. and say you think Obama is doing a good job as president, I guess you agree with the folllowing:

We need to continue to raise our deficit
We need to continue with Higher Unemployment
We need to get deeper into debt.
We need to give people more entitlements.
We need to work less.
We need to write more checks to companies that will go bankrupt.
We need to continue to punish those that provide work for us.
We need to raise gas prices so we can purchase $40,000 Volts
We need to forget about the U.S. Constitution.
We need to continue pushing class warfare.
We to forget about the division of Church and State.
We need the media to continue to remind us of how wonderful things are getting.
We need to continue to blame the Republicans for everything wrong with this country.
We need to continue to come up with excuses why we the Democrats had full run of the Senate, The House, and The White House for President Obama’s first 2 Years and only worked on Health care, while everything else collapsed.
Obama in 2012!!!!


Axelrod: Limbaugh, Maher sexist comments different...

Obama impeachment bill now in Congress

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just a Commediane?

Currently Rush Limbaugh is under fire for mentioning a  joke about  a woman at Georgetown University who wants taxpayers to pay for her contraception even though Georgetown University has a health plan that provides contraception and there is a Planned Parenthood station just three miles from her school that provides contraception. The woman Sandra Fluke said she needs $3000 a year for contraception. Rush's comment was that "if she expects us to pay for her having sex than that makes her a prostitute." Well  you would have thought heaven and hell came to blows. Every lib group under the sun demanded that he apologize. Rush did apologize, but that wasn't enough. Now opportunistic lawyer Gloria Allred is claiming he should be prosecuted and another women's group is claiming he's leading a war against women and people like Nancy Pelosi agree.

Meanwhile left wing entertainment crazies like Bill Mahr and David Letterman are spewing vile, vulgar hatred towards republican women.


Bill Mahr called Sarah Palin a "c**t" and a "t**T" and people laugh and noone asked him to apologize. He's also made similiar disparaging remarks about Michelle Bachman and dissed Rick Santorum about his religion and the fact that he home schools his kids. Mahr recently donated a million dollars to Obama and Obama accepted it and refused to give it back after demands from  public officials to do so. This coming from a president who called for civility. What a hypocrtic joke!!!  When asked about Mahr's comments, media  commentators said  "He's a comediane so that comes within his scope to say things like that  not like Limbaugh who is a more serious commentator." Give me a break.  This is about getting Rush off the air becausehe tells the truth and exposes the left and their agenda. They tried it during the Clinton years with the Fairness Doctrine and it didn't work then and it won't work now.

              David Letterman is another one:

David Letterman Photo In his recent tirade against republican women, Letterman compared Sarah Palin to a slutty airline hostess and made a joke about her daughter " being knocked up by Alex  Rodriguez." But I guess it's ok since he's "just a comediane."

Late night talk show host JimmyFallon was the only one to show any decency when his band played a song called "Lyin' Ass Bitch" when he introduced Michelle Bachman. Fallon apologized and said he wasn't aware that his bandleader changed the song at the last minute. Fallon did apologize.  So I ask you, who is the real war against women? None of these people apologized of course and  they aren't expected to.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Women of 99 Percent Rail Against Rush

I saw this article today about this group of women  who are accusing Rush Limbaugh of a war against women. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was glad to see the comments below not be of the usual liberal left wing attackers and said it better than I could,if that is at all possible :D-----Jaycee7109


A group calling itself "The Women of the 99 Percent" is making robocalls across the United States in an attempt to link Republican members of the House of Representatives to "the war on women led by Rush Limbaugh".

The automated calls are illegal because they do not state who they are from (there is no known group called The Women of the 99 Percent) or provide a callback number, as required under the US Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.



Sorry to break this to the 99 percent, but I do not want to pay for anyone's birth control. Any woman who requires pills for hormonal reasons are COVERED by Georgetown's health plan. Therefore, the remainder of you 98 percent can either go to planned parenthood and get your birth control or abortifacients for little or no cost, even though I the tax payer am paying for them already. So please stop your calls. I'll call my congressman to renounce Rush Limbaugh when Obama gives back his million he received from Bill Mauer and apologizes for all of his nasty "c" comments about Republican women! Where was the wonderful 99 percent and NOW when that
happened? HYPOCRITES!

Do the 99%have nothing else to do but work for Obama's re-election? Do your homework ! The democratic laid this trap it has nothing to do with the Republicians it'sa ploy to oust Rush and embarrass the republicans. You might want to investigate Fluke before you make your calls !

The race card is worn out, time to find another bogeyman...

That 1991 Telephone Act must be part of the current "war on women.". The contempt Democrats have for the ability of people to see through their nonsense is staggering.

Rush asked the question what do you call a woman who wants to be paid to have sex. He first said slut which is what they were called along time ago along with prostitutes. The women that didn't charge were called whores. so quit your whining you sound like democrats...

Was Gloria Alried and Prez Obama as outraged when Bill Maher called Sarah Oalin a CUNT and a TWAT?

The only people outraged are those who support Bill Maher and Ed Schultz doing worse to Sarah Palin. Watching a big backfire should be fun.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 4th Greatest President in History???????Where????

Recently once again Obama told 60 minutes that he's the 4th greatest president in history. Really??? Not too big an ego here. Let's see what makes him so great:

*Record debt. 5 trillion dollars in new Obama debt.(Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion)
*Record deficits
*Record unemployment and the longest time of high unemployment since the great depression.
*More people on food stamps than ever before up from 32 million to 46 million.
*He and his wife go on expensive vacations while people are suffering and losing their homes.
*He has divided this country like never before with black against white, rich against poor, women against men. I think this is his agenda to divide and conquer and set up his socialistic  state for us. Is this what makes him the 4th greatest president in history??

Recently Obama met with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Isreal and told him not to worry that we've got his back.YEAH RIGHT ODUMBO!!!!!

This coming from the man who sides with the Palestinians and apologizes to terrorists. This coming from the guy who told BiBi they should go back to 1967 borders, this coming from the guy who was overheard saying about BiBi,"I've got to talk with this guy everyday" and now they're supposed to believe he's got their back???

Obama and his energy secretary have said they don't want us dependant on oil and Obama has said several times he wants to see fuel prices go up like in European standards so we drive less and use alternative fuels. In Europe  gasoline is nearing $10 a gallon. He also wants Americans to drive smaller cars and says to get regular tune-ups and keep your tires inflated to save on gas. Typical lib thinking with symbolism over substance. Now with an election coming up he's flip flopping more than flapjacks being piled on a plate. He says he doesn't want anything happening with Iran and Isreal that will cause oil prices to go up  while he's in re-election mode. He wants Isreal to give us 24 hours notice before they do anything. If I were Netanyahu I would ignore him and  just go in and destroy Iran's nuke facilities before they destroy Isreal and us.
At today's news conference Ed Henry of Fox News asked  Obama the following question and here is his response:

Ed Henry, FOX News: Your critics will say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher because you have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?

President Obama: Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher? Is that -- is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense? Look, here's the bottom line with respect to gas prices: I want gas prices lower because they hurt families.

See what I mean?

Cites his own re-election for wanting lower gas prices...

Drags daughters into contraception controversy...

Election year conversion on Israel...

Attention Sandra Fluke and Rush Sponsors: Payback's Coming And It's A BITCH


Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke really started  the ball rolling with her demand that taxpayers pay her $1000 a year thru insurance companies for her contraception because she's having trouble making ends meet. HEY BABE take a cold shower!!! A $1000 a year for contraception??? How much sex is she having and with how many? The average condom only costs about a dollar. What kind of contraception is she using.??? I saw a comment from a reader to an article about this who said there was a Planned Parenthood  place three miles from her school who gave out contraceptionf or free so why couldn't she go there? 

Ms. Fluke wanted to testify before congress, but they wouldn't let her, but she testified before Nancy Pelosi's comittee and now Obama wants all companies to pay for their employee's contraception. This was an extension of his demand that all catholic  charities and catholic run companies supply free contraception for their employees when it's against their beliefs..

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh in his usual aplomb and show of illustrating absurdity by being absurd called her a "slut" and said if we are paying her to have sex then that makes her a prostitute" I thought he was funny in saying that and winced a little myself, but in a way he was right. She then goes to the lib media on NBC  and then on that liberal female gab fest  "The View" and complains about Rush's comments. Obama gave her a call and Pelosi gave her a call.

Rush apologized and she refused to accept his apology and now sponsors are pulling out of his show. Well there is a saying that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,well hell hath no fury like 2 million Rush listeners scorned. Ms.Fluke better watch out!!!! By her elite,efete,snobbish aggressiveness, her life is about to become a living hell!!!! As a good online buddy of mine so aptly and truthfully put it "This is obviously pressure from very powerful liberal forces such as MEDIA MATTERS and others. Of course, no mention of 3 years of verbal abuse to Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN, no mention of MSNBC scumbag Ed Schultz calling Laura Schlesinger a "talk show slut," and no mention of the Jimmy Fallon show in which they introduced Michele Bachmann with the stupid band playing LYING ASS BITCH as the intro tune. There was NO APOLOGY from Fallon or NBC. The double standard goes on  I might add that left wing hate monger Bill Mahr also is guilty of saying hateful rhetoric against Sarah Palin and her daughter too and said he wanted to see a sex tape of Sarah Palin and worse. Hey Obama I thought you said you wanted all this hate language to stop. I guess you meant only if it was against you and your kind.

Bill O'Reilly attacked Fluke saying" "Let me get this straight, Ms. Fluke, and I'm asking this with all due respect," he said. "You want me to give you my hard-earned money so you can have sex?" (Fluke is actually calling for her university's private insurance plan to cover birth control.)The following is a list of sponsors who are pulling out of Rush's show. Be sure to boycott them:
Mortgage lender Quicken Loans, mattress retailers Sleep Train and Sleep Number, online data backup service provider Carbonite, software maker Citrix Systems Inc., online legal document services company LegalZoom and flower company ProFlowers all pulled ads in reaction to Limbaugh's comments.
Also, call or write these companies and tell them you will NEVER buy their products. PAYBACK TIME STARTS NOW and it's a BITCH!!!!!!!

WATCH: Bill O'Reilly Attacks Sandra Fluke

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart, Davy Jones and Other Random Thoughts

Andrew Breitbart             Musician Davy Jones attends the 43rd Annual Country Music Awards in Nashville, Tenn. Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2009.

It is with great shock and sadness that I learned of the all too soon passing of two of my favorite  people, Andrew Breitbart a great conservative warrior and Davy Jones of The Monkees fame.

I grew up like most people my age watching The Monkees on TV. They were a made up band for TV consisting of Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork, Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones. They started out being a fake band for TV then later learned to play their own instruments and perform their own songs. Many were catchy innocent tunes like "Daydream Believer,"  "Last Train to Clarksville," "Pleasant Valley Sunday" and their trademark Monkees theme. Their show became a huge success and they went on tour. Davy was the lead singer and played tamborine.  He had an acute British accent even when he sang and was indeed a heart throb. It's ironic that just last year in an interview he said, "I used to be a heart throb, but now I'm just a coronary." He died from a heart attack at 66.  He left four kids from his three marriages and his current third wife who he married in 2009. Before becoming a Monkee Davy was a jockey and loved his horses. In fact he was on his horse farm when he died. He complained to fellow workers there that he wasn't breathing right and the next day he died. RIP Davy. As the Righteous Brothers  sang,"If there's a rock 'n' roll heaven, you know they have a hell of a band."

Andrew Breitbart was another favorite of mine I was shocked to hear about today. Andrew was a brave warrior and stood up for what he believed, never wavering. He would go right up to any liberal convention and confront them when it was 70 to 1 unafraid and record it too. I always enjoyed his infectious smile and  unabashed confrontations with liberals. He had the type of personality that all people could be attracted to. He enjoyed telling how he and Matt Drudge met Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn for dinner once. He wrote with Matt Drudge on his site for many years and has his own conservative investigative company that will carry on the good fight. He died of a heart attack like Davy Jones and just collapsed. I  heard that he did have a heart problem. He  was only 43 and leaves a wife and four kids all under the age of 12. He was a very passionate man and will be missed. RIP Andrew. Until we meet again........I see the apologist in chief is at it again with the apologies. In Afghanistan, detainees in the detention center at a U.S. base there were writing inflammatory statements on their Korans and sending them back and forth. It is prohibited in muslim law to write on any Koran or change any words.When this was found out the Korans, all four of them ,were taken away and burned according to Muslim law by U.S. soldiers. This so infuriated the muslim poulation there that they rioted killing two soldiers and 30 Afghanis. So what does our great messiah commander do? He goes out and apologizes once again to the Afghan people. He later claims in an interview that this apology calmed things down.WRONG!!!! Two more soldiers were just killed after his apology. Where is the apology from the Afghan people or Karzid himself?.......I see where this female college student testified before congress that she has trouble making ends meet and wants the government (us taxpayers) to pay for her contraception. She claims she needs at least a $3000 a year for contraception. That's a lot of sex.When does she find time to study? If we're paying for her to have sex isn't that her being a prostitute and us supplying her contraception being her pimp?.......On Yahoo News today they are saying that $5 a gallon gas is the new norm since we now have cars that get better milage and companies have trucks that get better milage. As Rush Limbaugh so aptly put it today,"Isn't that like when they said during Clinton's tenure that lying was Ok?" You can be sure if a republican was in the white house they wouldn't be saying that.