Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lib Pundits Say Chris Christie Too Fat to Be President and Other Random Thoughts.

Well I see the "peace and love, no discrimination, equality for all crowd" is saying that Chris Christie is too fat to be president. People like Al Sharpton and Joe(Schmoe) Scarborough and other pundits were all berating Christie for his size and saying he shouldn't be president because of that. They were also criticizing Christie for some traffic violation he committed some time ago. A caller to Mark Simone's radio show summed it up when she said, " To all those critics, I have two words for them 'TED KENNEDY.' "

Mark agreed with her and said Ted Kennedy did cause the ultimate traffic violation and he was very big also. Mark also asked why Dem Senator Gerald Nadler who is also big around the middle is still in power if that's the case. I might ask these pundits to check their history and note that president William Howard Taft was also known for his huge girth. Mark did mention to be fair though that that Al Sharpton has lost 100 lbs. Even the liberal Sunday New York Times crticized these pundits for saying that.............Recently billionaire Waren Buffet has come out saying millionaires and billionaires should pay more in taxes. Buffet himself, I understand, owes a billion in back taxes so how come nobody is going after him? I guess with him it's do as I say not as I do.

Dick Morris recently had a column explaing the IRS figures on how much the rich pay and that they are paying most of the taxes now as it is. Recently a friend of mine who has been having an ongoing letter to the editor feud with a person who agrees with Buffet about the rich paying more told me about a recent O'Reilly show where O"Reilly was confronting two millionaires who greed they should pay more and had this report about it: a few nights ago when O'Reilly had on two members of what you might call the "retard rich," the wealthy people who say they should pay more. O'Reilly hit them with these same numbers (from the IRS) and asked how the rich could be accused of failing to pay their "fair share" when the top 1 percent already pay 39 percent of taxes and the top 5 percent pay 60 percent. Both of them got huffy and moralistic and refused to say. They also refused to explain why they hadn't just written bigger checks to the treasury, which they were free to do if they really felt guilty about not paying enough. Both of them danced around O'Reilly's direct question. No surprise. These people are frauds ."

These protestors of greed who are camping out on Wall Street are really getting to be a rediculous riot, joke and just plain disgusting. They've been there for three weeks already. Why aren't they working? Where are they sleeping? Where do they eat and go to the bathroom? Most of them look like college age kids who are just there for the fun of it. If they are unemployed then why aren't they looking for jobs instead of complaing there aren't any? By the looks of some of them, I wouldn't hire them either. Hundreds more gathered on the Brooklyn Bridge and held up traffic raising the ire of many commuters. Many were arrested for being a menace to drivers. One cop told some protestors they were harming the very people they were supposed to be helping.

As the words to an old song I heard today says,"If you don't like your Uncle Sam then don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Libs obsessed with Christie's weight...


More than 700 arrested in 'Wall St' protest...
Dozens cuffed in Boston after targeting BANK OF AMERICA...
Protests spread across USA...
Los Angeles...

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