Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obama Says GOP Plan Will Cripple America? He Should Talk!!!!

Obama Gop

Obama is on a west coast tour now to reunite his base since he's falling well behind in the polls and within his own party. He claims the Republicans will cripple America. He's in no position to talk. He's already done that with his outrageous over the top spending and tax increases on the wealthiest Americans causing companies to lay people off and causing unemployment to rise. He and his fellow dems will never learn that tax cuts not increases help the economy and create jobs even though it 's been proven time and time again under Reagan who lowered tax rates from 33% to 17% and created 20 million new jobs.

A recent example of this was with our neice's husband who recently lost his job that he's been at for two years now. He's a very devoted father and husband and a good solid worker who anyone would be proud to have. He works hard and long hours and does whatever it takes to provide for his family. I don't know what excuse his company gave him, but I can't help but think it's because of Obama's increasing taxes on the rich. The rich being CEO's and heads of companies that manage payrolls. When they get taxed they have to cut their payroll and let people go. By the way, Obama considers rich as making $250,00 a year which is really small business and middle class. If you google the rich you'll find that 10% of the population pay 90% of the taxes and 50% don't pay any taxes. When Bush left office with his tax cuts that libs love to attack, the unemployment rate was at 7% up from 5%. After Obama got in and we passed his stimulus package, unemployment went up to 9.2 % and has stayed there.

Obama will no doubt blame Bush again saying he inherited this mess, but that is getting old now. Even DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, "This is our economy. We own it now." For two years he had the senate and house and could have done all he wanted then, but he didn't and wasted it on going on a lot of vacations and golf outings. Now that he lost the house he's calling republicans obstructionists. Yes obstructionists to his plan to make America a socialist state. He hates this country and always has and stated as much in his books and said he wants to make us like Europe. Any informed person can see what's going on there today in such places as France, Greece and the U.K. Well in order to build a new village you have to burn down the old one and that's just what he is doing. He's making us into the U.S.S. of A.,the United Socialist States of America.

Obama has shifted from focusing on compromise with Republicans on Capitol Hill to calling out House Speaker John Boehner and others by name. The president has criticized them as obstructionists while demanding their help in passing his $447 billion jobs bill.

The revamped approach is a relief to Democratic activists fed up by what they viewed as the president's ceding of ground to the GOP on tax cuts and other issues while the economy has stalled and unemployment is stuck above 9 percent.

Obama said 2012 would be an especially tough election because people are discouraged and disillusioned with government, but he also said he was determined because so much is at stake.

The GOP alternative, Obama said, is "an approach to government that will fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. And that's not the kind of society that I want to leave to Malia and Sasha."

I found this most interesting comment online and agree with it.


Obama and these remarks are hilarious and one has to wonder how delusional he is??? It is amazing to see where the country has gone in the short time his big government and regulation­s has taken us! More government and more spending has only gotten us deeper in debt and over 9% unemployme­nt and that is being gracious since unemployme­nt would be closer to 14% but millions have given up trying for a job.

I will take any kind of government as long as it is different then the BIG BROTHER that we are living with now! Over regulation and growing spending is going to end up breaking this country and if we continue to go down Obama's path we will be the next Turkey and or Europe BROKE!

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