Monday, October 17, 2011

Fleabaggers going Global Pt. 2

STREET TALK: Occupy Wall Street goes strong yesterday near Zuccotti Park, where leaders -- who insist they’re not -- are emerging.

The fleabaggers are organizing in Zacotti Park with the help of professional leaders who prefer not to be called leaders. They prefer to be called facilitators because according to them a leader takes away your freedoms. They have a lot of nerve talking about taking away your freedoms. They are causing businesses in the area to lose business and say they will "occupy" Lincoln Center this week-end to keep things going or some such nonsense. They have a medical station set up, a lawyer area, a library, a kitchen for protestors only and an area for classes on protesting as well as a clothing distribution center that will distribute clothes like sweatshirts and coats for the cold weather. Of course everything is free to them. I think those items could be better donated to poor people who really need them. You can almost hear Jimi Hendrix, Crosby,Stills Nasha and Young and Arlo Guthrie playing. "WOW It's another Woodstock man!!" LOLOL.
I am enclosing an article from the NY Post which features a little film about their set up. Everything is self centered around them if you notice. It's all me, me, me. Give me, give me, give me. So far the American Nazi Party has sided with them, The American Comunist Party has sided with them as well as China and Venezuela. That should tell you something about them. By occupying everything they are just like Nazis as Ann Coulter has said. It is mob rule, not freedom. Here is an angry comment from someone who opposes them like I do who says it accurately:
William Svoboda · Top Commenter · CUNY

Is this just a leaderless mob?, or is it something else. Just like during the sixties and the left's struggle against "the Man", this bunch wants something, but what? The question is who is paying the freight is it George Soros and one of his front organizations. Maybe the Communist Party USA?, I have even heard the American Nazi Party was involved with this group. Yes, revolution does make for some strange bedfellows. Keep in mind that George Soros supports Obama, the Obama Presidency is turning into a walking, talking, disaster. So how about a little distraction, get something going on to take the attention off the economy. Obama and his people are magicians, thanks to the OWS mob, the unemployment problem has fallen off the radar, housing, the debt, all of it, gone, poof. What is being reported, the Wall St Protest. You have to love this bunch in.
Washington, they are the gift that keeps on giving.

Here is the article about them and their leaders. Please check out the film about their set up. Lets see how long they last. The owners of Zacotti Park are big dem donars and they wanted the demonstrators to clear out so they could just give it a good cleaning. Suddenly some officials from the Obama administration got to them and they backed off.

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