Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fleabaggers Go Global-The Great Unwashed

The demonstrators include open anti-semites, homeless people and anarchists, along with students and trust fund babies and the terminally bored. They are supported by municipal unions and other leftist groups whose agenda runs from higher taxes to higher taxes. Some of these are sleeping on the streets and say they want jobs while others have said they quit their jobs to sleep on the streets.__Michael Goodwin, N.Y. Post October 16.

Quitting their jobs to join a movement that is saying there are no jobs? Idiots!!!!!

The OWS crowd has gone global now with the president, Nancy Pelosi and mainstream media all supporting these riots and demonstrations. Diane Sawyer got so caught up in the movement she said "It spread to 1000 countries world wide, every continent except Antartica." Hint to Diane: There are only 195 countries in the world ,but we'll forgive her because she's a blonde :D.

These fleabaggers as I call them because they refer to tea party people as teabaggers which was started by uber leftist Keith Olberman and has a sexually negative connotation to it, are just that fleabaggers. Many haven't bathed or showered for weeks on end, though some say they have friends who let them use their facilities and other sympathizers let them use their bathrooms. I for one would not let a stranger from the street use my bathroom no matter how much I sympathized with their cause. They criticize the tea party, but when the tea party holds a rally the place is immaculate afterwards. Tea Party people do not live off of handouts and free food supported by billionaires like George Soros.

These demonstrators are so misguided and have many different agendas and are not unified. The Tea Party has definite goals they strive for such as: smaller government, a balanced budget and lower taxes. They were able to attract senators and new politicians to their cause and then elected them to congress. The average Tea party member is well informed and will give you an intelligent, informed discussion on their mission. The fleabagger demonstrators rely on cliches, bumper sticker platitudes and talking points.

I can understand them opposing corporate greed as I've seen it in my own company,but sitting on the streets smoking pot, banging drums, urinating and defacating on the streets and going topless like some women are and having sex in the streets is no way to oppose it. These fleabaggers are hurting local small businesses as people are afraid to shop there now.

Former mayor Rudy Guiliani even said if he was mayor he would tell them the streets are not for sleeping and to rent a room and would enforce it.

These demonstrators say they oppose capitalism, but yet when the new $125 dollar i-phones came out last week, they rushed to the stores to buy them with lines that went around the block.

These occupiers like to blame Bush for the mess, but it was Barney Frank who was the head of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who through the Employee re-investment act, forced the banks to give loans to people who couldn't pay them back, hence all the foeclosures. Also Obama's incredible spending us into massive debt caused this massive conomic mess also.

Obama said if we passed his stimulus package unemplyment wouldn't go above 8%. We passed it and unemployment went up to almost 10% and is still at 9.2%. When Bush left office unemplyment was at 5%, Obama admitted shovel ready jobs that he promised was not shovel ready. He called George Bush unpatriotic for spending 4 trillion dollars in 8 years so what does Zero do? He spends 4 trillion in just two years.

They like to call the tea party people racists, but all I see in the OWS crowd is white faces. I've seen more blacks at tea party rallys than at OWS rallys and people like Niger Innis have spoken at tea party rallies along with other conservative blacks including Herman Cain, but libs call people like Caine and Innis,"oreos" and "uncle Toms" so I ask you, who are the real racists?

Michael Goodwin ends his column saying,"The free loading rabble doesn't need a pitch fork or even coherence to get action. All it needs to do is turn a park into a fetid camp and the government will drop on bended knee. No wonder America is in decline."

As Robert DerNiro says in the film Taxi Driver, "Someday a real rain will come and wash the scum and filth off of the streets."

Below are some of the more rational comments I saw among the innane fleabagger comments:

Also clear to me is our current administration is organizing communities to accommodate this change. The "occupiers" across our nation are promoting "revolution" to end freedom and democracy. This is a GLOBAL ASSAULT!

Exactly which corporatio­ns are these guys against?

... the ones that make their smart phones or their $125 shoes?

"They also believe the richest 1 percent of Americans do not pay their fair share in taxes."

I don't see any signs or protests about the 47% of citizens that pay ZERO income tax...that means that the middle class pays their share. How come there is no outrage about that.

"They also believe the richest 1 percent of Americans do not pay their fair share in taxes."

Isn't anybody gonna protest Obama's new illegal war(s) ?

Yet they can afford cell phones, iPads, cell phones, big screen TVs, lap tops, cable, etc.

All you 99%ers that are upset about the 1% and all that they have, know this. Steve Jobs dropped out of college because he couldn't afford it and never went back to finish. He then was fired by the CEO of the company he started in his garage. He didn't ask for government help, nor did he protest about everyone elses wealth, to demand he get some of what they got. He never said this was unfair and give up. Instead he worked himself and at ideas he had, got rehired to the company he got fired from, invented products that we all use today and can't live without, and became the CEO of that company which earned him money to be in that 1%. Maybe we should all look at ourselves, before blaming others and making outrageous demands.

Your enemy is the democrats in congress, not the corporatio­ns.

) Occupy...i­s nothing more than than the idle with nothing better to do

Obama's democRAT party fleabaggers. Nuff said:

A member of the Occupy Wall St movement walks over a U.S. flag on that lies on the ground in Zuccotti Park near the financial district of New York

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