Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Useful Idiots of Obama's America -Fleabaggers



The face and headline which appeared on Drudge says it all. These protesting scum on the streets leaving their waste and dirtying up the parks are Obama's minions. The ones he's using to destroy America. In order to set up a new government you have to destroy the old one and that's just what Obama is doing in order to make this his socialistic state. This has been his intention all along. Just wait until these protestors find that they are making the same as everyone else. Just wait until Obamacare kicks in with 10 million new customers and no new doctors and all doctors make the same and a bureaucrat comes between you and your doctor and everything will be cost effective and based on what can be afforded.. See how they like being told who gets what treatment and who doesn't. See how they like it then. They'll wish their freedoms were back, but it will be too late..

When you ask these protestors what they are fighting for the answer is " Duhh I don't know, but it's cool man. We're hanging out man." I want to know where they are getting their money from if they are against capitalism. Do they enjoy sleeping in sleeping bags on the streeet? They are eating food that is being donated by people across the nation and say that their city is a model for cities everywhere. NO THANK YOU!!!! I guess they enjoy sleeping among the smell of urine and human waste and they expect people to have respect for them? Take away their i-pods ,take away their cellphones, take away their i-phones and TV's, computers and clothes and food and see how they fare if they are against capitalism. No wonder they don't have jobs. Who would hire these scums of the earth? They are even protesting the wrong people. They say they are against the bail-outs, but who offered the bailout? Their messiah Obama that's who. They should be protesting the givers of the bailouts (Obama and the congress in Washington) not the receivers. Obama could have taken care of all this in his first two years when he had the Senate and House. He could have passed banking regulations and controls, but he didn't. He started all this anarchistic upheaval with his class warfare and the grin on his face above shows his true feelings. Welcome to Obama's America. It reminds me of Iraq when Saddam was in power living in palaces while his people lived in Squalor. Obama lives in the whitehouse while the protestors live in squalor defacating on the street and sleeping in sleeping bags on the street thinking it's cool. Welcome to Obama's America.

The left likes to refer to the Tea Party as "Teabaggers" The protestors are now being referred to as "Fleabaggers" and rightly so. As some comments I recently saw so correctly stated :

"It’s easy to see why. Conservatives groups such as the Tea Party tend to be made up of responsible, thinking adults concerned for the country while liberal groups tend to be unthinking, emotional, naive, and childish twits out to get a free ride while blaming their failures on anyone else that actually works for a living. Make sense"

"How come when liberals congregate in one place they trash it, wallow in it, then leave without picking up? And all the gop or conservative oriented functions held over the last couple years the exact opposite occurred. Maybe Rush is right, it is a wiring thing, or more specifically, mental deficiency. Self-respect is the most telling of virtues."

Check out the links below for pictures of these protestors and see what I mean.

No Unified Message...

Bloomberg: 'Occupy Wall Street' Hurting NYC Economy...

Park Not Cleaned In 3 Weeks...

Protester defecates on police car...

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