Thursday, October 6, 2011

Protesting Parasites/Useful Idiots

The idiots and clowns occupying Wall Street are just that. Idiots who are obviously Obama's minions attacking capitalism and corporations as a result of his class warfare rhetoric. They demand free health care, free education and for millionaires to make up to certain amouns and turn the rest over to the government to be handed over to them and the less fortunate.

I've seen them interviewed on TV and they are so obnoxious and ignorant to what they are really protesting against. Half of them say they don't even know why they are there, but the feeling is good, etc. They are sleeping on the sidewalks in sleeping bags and from what accounts I've seen and read say they are leaving human waste there also. There is no cohesiveness to this gathering and everyone has a different agenda. Some have painted faces like Zombies and they are making signs right there on the street. They say they oppose capitalism so let's take away their i-phones, take away their ipods, their cellphones and transportation on how they got there and refuse them to eat in various restaurants as these are all a result of capitalism. I saw some playing guitars so let's take away their guitars as that is a result of capitalism. Michael( Moron) Moore was there and grinning from ear to ear. He's another hypocritical opponent of capitalism yet he has a million dollar apartment in NYC and another 2 million dollar home in Fla. all from his movies which is capitalism.

Now the unions are stepping in and recruit these undesirables for their own purposes. These are the same people who protested in Wisconsin and Ohio that time. They are made up of young college and High school kids mostly all caucasian so how come the liberal media doesn't question their lack of diversity like they do with the tea party?

Below I found some interesting comments I agee with:


It’s all funded by Soros and the web site is a Canadian anti-semite organization. One of the heads full of mush said he wanted “to replace Capitalism” and when axed, with what, he said, “Uh, duh, duh”. The riots should be starting any day now, this is what BHO wants.

October 6, 2011 at 7:38 pm Reply Report comment


Haha! How about the protesters sign declaring “I could lose my job for having a voice” No, you could lose your job if you do not go back to work. If you really have a job, that is.

October 6, 2011 at 7:37 pm Reply Report comment


I was going to say the same thing! LOL!

October 6, 2011 at 7:42 pm Reply Report comment


Lets remember these people are the failed revolutionaries of the the 60′s. Now after brainwashing their children and grandchildren now they are doing the marching but instead of burning draft cards and bras they are throwing poop and urinating on the sidewalks.

October 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm Reply


The finale is coming, the more uncomfortable this great unwashed crowd becomes the more irratable and surly they will be and the more manipulative will be those assigned to create the frenzy. This is text book commie manifesto and the same tactics Mao used to purge his government. The property destruction will be coming if the leaders and the money sources are not spotlighted and held accountable. Soros is a money man, the unions are supporters and the Deemers will chip in more if they see a opportunity of benefit. A good turn of weather , rain,snow could really make the crowd uncomfortable and could drive them out of the mood to riot…

October 6, 2011 at 7:35 pm Reply Report comment


This has been so OBVIOUSLY PLANNED, it is a politically connived ‘response’ to the true grassroots tea party movement. The brown shirted public union thugs and anarchists together pulled by the more-visible-every-day puppet strings of Soros. They (MSM, lefties, et al) WISH DESPERATELY that this will become what the tea party IS.
Sitting back and watching this circus objectively only reveals the concerted push to make this ‘protest’ bigger than it will ever be. It is not even logically viable if they succeed in drawing larger numbers, and from the looks of it they are already straining to push the numbers over a few thousand…ROFL

October 6, 2011 at 7:33 pm Reply


Time to start rounding these radical communist losers up – send them to Gitmo for a vacation and water boarding.

October 6, 2011 at 7:19 pm Reply Report comment

They can share a cell with Obama and Holder Randolph. Silly fleabaggers.

October 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm Reply Report comment

Re Re

Can we sell tickets to the waterboarding? Would love to watch their reaction when water hits them! Probably they’re first access to water in a loooooong time!

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