Friday, October 28, 2011

OWS Fighting Their Own-A Real Life "Animal Farm"

In my previous blog I compared the OWS crowd with the book "Animal Farm." For those of you not familiar with the book. Animal Farm was a political satire written by George Orwell in 1947. It told the story of a group of animals on a farm who were not happy with the ruling class ,the farmers (much like the OWS crowd) and rebelled using slogans like "Four legs good,two legs bad," (much like the OWS crowd and their slogans. ). The animals set up their own society with their own leaders (just like the OWS crowd) and eventually rebel against their leaders as infighting occurs. Just like what is happening now with the OWS crowd. Below is an account of how the campers are afraid of a certain part of the park that violent OWS protestors are.

There have been reports of rapes, assaults, thefts and public dispaly of sexaul acts. In a Wisconsin OWS encampment they were denied a permit due to public masturbation by some OWS members. In New York, the campers are complaining about homeless people and newly released prisoners coming to their camp for free food.They therefore have stopped serving gormet meals. What?? Don't they care about the homeless and downtrodden?

I have included a few comments after the article from other readers of the article as I have had people tell me they enjoy reading the comments.

Fights are erupting among Occupy Wall Street protesters, so much so that one corner of Zuccotti Park has emerged where protesters say they won't go for fear of their safety, the New York Daily News is reporting.

Police officers also have been warned of "dangerous instruments" being concealed in cardboard tubing, the News says it has been told by unidentified police sources.

"There is a lot of infighting in the park," a police source told the news organization. "There is one part of the park where they won't even go at night."

Meantime, Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, is warning protesters at Zuccotti Park in Manhattan that he will pursue civil suits against anyone who assaults a union member.

"New York's police officers are working around the clock as the already overburdened economy in New York is being drained by 'occupiers' who intentionally and maliciously instigate needless and violent confrontations with the police," the News reports Mullins said in a statement.

But protesters tell the News they have been the victims of police brutality, not the other way around.

"We have been brutalized and mass-arrested by the NYPD," said protester Jen Waller, 24, of Brooklyn. "They can threaten us all they want. We've got lawyers, too."

Oyster P

3:37 PM on October 28, 2011


Oyster P

3:37 PM on October 28, 2011

But, but, but, they are all peaceful protesters

Oyster P

3:38 PM on October 28, 2011

Shows ya dumb liberals can't agree on anything.
big sam

These thugs are the darlings of the liberal media. Someone is going to get killed before this is over. Just the nature of the beast.

Oyster P

3:42 PM on October 28, 2011

"We have been brutalized and mass-arrested by the NYPD," said protester Jen Waller, 24
You don't know what brutalized is honey. And WHY are all these "protesters" in their 20's. Get a frickin' job you bums and WORK for something.

3:42 PM on October 28, 201

this is what happens when one has NO skin in the game. Now they are fighting over the Govt handouts! Priceless!

Joel in OK

I think now is the time that the police should break this up. It is not only unsafe for other people, but it has become unsafe for the protesters themselves.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fleabaggers Are Getting out of Hand and Riled Up!!!!!

I found this most interesting article and agree with the people who are losing business because of these fleabaggers and that's just what they are FLEABAGGERS!!!! Stinking up the place with urine and feces and ruining property. And they call themselves environmentalists????? It is followed by a comment I also agree with. These protestors want things for free and now want portable toilets set up by donations.

Now the protestors are complaining that newly released prisoners from Rikers Island and vagrants from other parks are gathering at their place in Zacotti Park who come there for free gourmet meals. On eleader Lauren Digioia, 26 said, "We have drug dealing going on,gang activity, public intoxication and there are a lot of instigators and vultures. Everyone knows we give out free food and sleeping bags and it's the perfect opportunity for squatters."

DUHHHH note to Lauren you naieve little twit. This is NYC not some serene mid-west suburban town. You people gripe about things being stolen and money being stolen, sexual assaults and being ripped off. Welcome to reality in the big city. Get off your idealogical hippy lifestyle and wake-up before one of you gets hurt from one of these degenrates. I'm sure the cops will look the other way if something happens to one of you.

As Margaret Thatcher said ,"Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money."

Pile: The rubbish has been building up in Zuccotti Park for days now

Cities running out of patience with anti-Wall St. protester's filth and crime

By Meghan Barr

In Oakland, Calif., police in riot gear fired tear gas and bean bags before daybreak Tuesday to disperse about 170 protesters who had been camping in front of City Hall for the past two weeks, and 75 people were arrested.

The mayor of Providence, R.I., is threatening to go to court within days to evict demonstrators from a park.

And businesses and residents near New York's Zuccotti Park, the unofficial headquarters of the movement that began in mid-September, are demanding something be done to discourage the hundreds of protesters from urinating in the street and making noise at all hours.

"A lot of tourists coming down from hotels are so disgusted and disappointed when they see this," said Stacey Tzortzatos, manager of a sandwich shop near Zuccotti Park. "I hope for the sake of the city the mayor does close this down."

She complained that the protesters who come in by the dozen to use her bathroom dislodged a sink and caused a flood, and that police barricades are preventing her normal lunch crowd from stopping by.

In Philadelphia, city officials have been waiting almost two weeks for Occupy Philly to respond to a letter containing a list of public safety and health concerns. City Managing Director Richard Negrin said officials can't wait much longer to address hazards such as smoking in tightly packed tents, camp layouts that hinder emergency access, and exposure to human waste.

"They just can't ignore us indefinitely," Negrin said Tuesday. "Every day that they haven't addressed these public safety concerns simply increases the risk."

Stephen Campbell, a protester in Boston, said the troublemakers are the minority.

"We have a policy here: no drugs, no alcohol," he said. "Us occupiers really try to stick true to that. Other people who move in, who maybe have an alcohol problem or a drug problem, you know, we're not fully equipped to handle things like that."

Tensions reached a boiling point in Oakland after a sexual assault, a severe beating and a fire were reported and paramedics were denied access to the camp, according to city officials, who said they had also received numerous complaints of threatening behavior.

Mayor Jean Quan said the city was forced to evict the protesters after it became apparent that authorities could not maintain sanitary conditions or control vandalism.

When police moved in, they were pelted with rocks, bottles and utensils from people in the camp's kitchen area, but no one was injured. Protesters were taken away in plastic handcuffs, most of them arrested on suspicion of illegal lodging.

In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors, said Julie Menin, head of the board. The resolution also requested that loud noises, like the blast of air horns and group chanting, be limited to two hours during the day.

"Drumming has been going on late at night," she said.

The park's owner, Brookfield Office Properties, tried to push the protesters out two weeks ago to clean it but backed off at the last minute after a public outcry.

Menin said the neighborhood does not believe the protesters should be kicked out. "We do not want the city to use force in any way," she said. "And we think it's possible to address quality-of-life issues."

In Minneapolis, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson said some constituents who work downtown are getting a little tired of the piles of belongings cluttering the plaza, while others are worried about escalating costs. The sheriff's department has already spent more than $200,000, most of that in overtime. About 100 to 150 demonstrators crowd the plaza during the day.

Comment by newsjunky
October 26, 2011 @ 7:07 am

“In New York, the neighborhood board scheduled a meeting Tuesday night to vote on a resolution that proposed off-site portable bathrooms funded by local donors,…”

This situation is becoming so repulsive to so many people and yet nothing is being done about it because of “orders” from the White House, period! People losing their business because of feces and the smell of urine all over the area, and the filth these people have accumulated living out on the streets! This doesn’t even take into consideration the theft that’s been going on and yet this so called protest is permitted to continue because most considered this beneficial to the president’s re-election! The dozens of people invading restrooms in private businesses suffering damage to their property and the loss of customers isn’t doing anything to improve our economy while the president travels around in a bus promoting his so called jobs program. I’ve watched videos from many different states in this country that are subject to these savages, and what these people have done, and are still doing, is something that the average citizen would be locked up immediately for their participation.

To even think that people in New York are considering getting these squatters portable bathrooms is beyond belief! If these people are the Democratic alternative to the tea party, then we are in worse shape that anyone can imagine, as it’s actually beginning to appear as though this is the left wing’s idea of retribution, not to mention the White House!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fleabaggers New Hero: Robin Hood

Yesterday I wrote a blog about how thieves have broke into the ranks of the OWS crowd and stealing big time. I received this most interesting and right on comment from a close friend:
So we've got a bunch of people whining about the jobs they can't get (if they've even tried) and how somebody else should pick up the tab for the mortgages they agreed to pay and the big student loans they took out. Now they're whining because somebody's stealing their free food and the pricey gadgets they somehow were able to buy despite corporate oppression. Thieves are the ultimate freeloaders. They're just a little better at it than the OWS crowd.
Today Michelle Malkin has an excellent column on the OWS crowd accepting Robin Hood as their new hero which I'm excerpting from here:
We have entered a new phase of the endless Occupy Wall Street sleepover. Not working is hard work. After a month of tying up the police, generating mounds of trash, railing against Jews while holding up "Nazi Bankers" signs, grappling with pervs, rapists and thieves in their ranks, communing with avowed communists, and hobnobbing with 1 percenter celebrities donning 99 percenter costumes (phew!), the Occupiers are rallying around a new mascot:

Robin Hood.

The crime-plagued Carnival of 1,001 Demands is now focused on one unified agenda item: a soak-the-rich tax on financial transactions worldwide. The corporate-bashing Canadian magazine "Adbusters" (funded by left-wing Wall Street trader Robert Halper) initiated the Occupy Wall Street siege last summer and published a new online manifesto this week explaining the call for an October 29 "Robin Hood march":

"Across the globe the 99 percent are marching! ... It's now time to amp up the edgy theatrics ... deviant pranks, subversive performances and playful detournements of all kinds." There's been no shortage of deviance, unfortunately, what with protesters defecating on police cars, urinating on each other's tents, stealing food and phones, and exposing themselves to children. But I digress. As the movement "matures," the leaders overseeing an unruly mob in Guido Fawkes masks exhorted the masses to "occupy the core of our global system."

October 29 is the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, you see, and that's the date on which Adbusters wants its followers to "rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1 percent ROBIN HOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades." The money, say longtime champions of the tax, would go to "fund crucial action against climate change." The Occupiers' message? "We want you to slow down some of that $1.3 trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day -- enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world."

The demon millionaires and billionaires whom the Occupiers seek to punish would not be the only ones to bear the costs. Over time, the burden of the Robin Hood tax would shift. Rogoff observed: "Higher transactions taxes increase the cost of capital, ultimately lowering investment. With a lower capital stock, output would trend downward, reducing government revenues and substantially offsetting the direct gain from the tax. In the long run, wages would fall, and ordinary workers would end up bearing a significant share of the cost."

The original Robin Hood tales of the Middle Ages celebrated a renegade who rose up against property rights violations and taxation abuses. His archenemies were not private traders or bankers, but the local government tax collector, the Sheriff of Nottingham and the power-grabbing ruler, Prince John. Robin Hood, in other words, was far more tea party than flea party.

In any case, if the Occupiers insist on celebrating outright theft from the haves in the name of the have-nots, perhaps they should stop complaining about the pickpockets and looters infesting their camps. Live by "social justice" nursery rhymes. Die by "social justice" crimes.

Her column was followed by this great comment:

Robin Hood at least was a real man. The clowns are just gay Liberal men in tights who like to play with their Lance A lot and more resemble Queen Guinevere than King Arthur. The only reason these merry men want to steal from the Rich is because the poor have nothing worth stealing. Robin Hood also fought in the crusades against the Muslims, unlike our President who leads them and is one of them.

These are no Robins Of Locksley, but more like Gadhafi Muslim inspired Camel Kazzee Robbers of Lockerby.

Manhattan residents fume: 'They're defecating on our doorsteps!'

I report, you decide :D

Thursday, October 20, 2011

OWS Being Ripped OFF By Their Own.

Thieves preying on fellow protesters

It’s a den of thieves!

Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops -- and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

“I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”

Crafty cat burglars sneaked into the makeshift kitchen at Zuccotti Park overnight and swiped as much as $2,500 in donated greenbacks from right under the noses of volunteers who’d fallen asleep after a long day whipping up meals for the hundreds of hungry protesters, the volunteers said.

“The worst thing is there’s people sleeping in the kitchen when they come, and they don’t even know about it! There are some really smart and sneaky thieves here,” Terrie said.

“I had umbrellas stolen, a fold-up bed I brought because my back is bad -- they took that, too!”

Security volunteer Harry Wyman, 22, of Brooklyn was furious about the thievery -- and vowed to get tough with the predatory perps.

“I’m not getting paid, but I’m not gonna stand for it. Why people got to come here and do stupid stuff? All it does is make people not wanna come here anymore,” Wyman fumed.

At one point yesterday, Wyman and other volunteers briefly scuffled with a man who was standing near a park entrance with a pail calling out: “Donations! Donations!” -- and pocketing the cash people tossed in the bucket.

Meanwhile, the Rev. Jesse Jackson was at Zuccotti late last night as he and about 50 protesters formed a human chain in front of a medical tent after police officers came over to ask about the tent, cops and protesters said.

“Jesse dropped in like a ninja,” said Stephanie Perricone, 21. “He came out of nowhere and helped us all out.”

The officers were asking about the size of the tent when the crowd of demonstrators -- including Jackson -- stood en masse in front of it.

The cops said didn’t ask for it to be taken down and the issue was quickly resolved.

DUHHHHH!!!!!! What did they expect? This is NYC and outdoors in the dead of night!!!!! This whole OWS crowd reminds me of George Orwell's book"Animal Farm" written in 1947. The animals rebel agaist the farmers and kick them out and set up their own system, then start fighting amongst themselves. Orwell wrote it as a political satire and we can see it happening with this crowd.---Jaycee 7109

Rena Clair Harman12:22 pm

Wow wish I could go and camp out, hang out all day, and beg for money for food. Sounds like great fun, however, I HAD TO GO TO WORK TODAY!!!

I agree. I dont know why they are so upset either. They are the group of people who want people to be free to do what they want. They hold a Relatvist view until it is against them - then all of a sudden there are absolute truths. Plus arent they the ones pushing for anarchy and revolution. Without the government no one has to follow a set of rules and they are free to do what they wish, which leads to chaos and eventually tyranny. We need some government, but not as much as we have now.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fleabaggers going Global Pt. 2

STREET TALK: Occupy Wall Street goes strong yesterday near Zuccotti Park, where leaders -- who insist they’re not -- are emerging.

The fleabaggers are organizing in Zacotti Park with the help of professional leaders who prefer not to be called leaders. They prefer to be called facilitators because according to them a leader takes away your freedoms. They have a lot of nerve talking about taking away your freedoms. They are causing businesses in the area to lose business and say they will "occupy" Lincoln Center this week-end to keep things going or some such nonsense. They have a medical station set up, a lawyer area, a library, a kitchen for protestors only and an area for classes on protesting as well as a clothing distribution center that will distribute clothes like sweatshirts and coats for the cold weather. Of course everything is free to them. I think those items could be better donated to poor people who really need them. You can almost hear Jimi Hendrix, Crosby,Stills Nasha and Young and Arlo Guthrie playing. "WOW It's another Woodstock man!!" LOLOL.
I am enclosing an article from the NY Post which features a little film about their set up. Everything is self centered around them if you notice. It's all me, me, me. Give me, give me, give me. So far the American Nazi Party has sided with them, The American Comunist Party has sided with them as well as China and Venezuela. That should tell you something about them. By occupying everything they are just like Nazis as Ann Coulter has said. It is mob rule, not freedom. Here is an angry comment from someone who opposes them like I do who says it accurately:
William Svoboda · Top Commenter · CUNY

Is this just a leaderless mob?, or is it something else. Just like during the sixties and the left's struggle against "the Man", this bunch wants something, but what? The question is who is paying the freight is it George Soros and one of his front organizations. Maybe the Communist Party USA?, I have even heard the American Nazi Party was involved with this group. Yes, revolution does make for some strange bedfellows. Keep in mind that George Soros supports Obama, the Obama Presidency is turning into a walking, talking, disaster. So how about a little distraction, get something going on to take the attention off the economy. Obama and his people are magicians, thanks to the OWS mob, the unemployment problem has fallen off the radar, housing, the debt, all of it, gone, poof. What is being reported, the Wall St Protest. You have to love this bunch in.
Washington, they are the gift that keeps on giving.

Here is the article about them and their leaders. Please check out the film about their set up. Lets see how long they last. The owners of Zacotti Park are big dem donars and they wanted the demonstrators to clear out so they could just give it a good cleaning. Suddenly some officials from the Obama administration got to them and they backed off.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fleabaggers Go Global-The Great Unwashed

The demonstrators include open anti-semites, homeless people and anarchists, along with students and trust fund babies and the terminally bored. They are supported by municipal unions and other leftist groups whose agenda runs from higher taxes to higher taxes. Some of these are sleeping on the streets and say they want jobs while others have said they quit their jobs to sleep on the streets.__Michael Goodwin, N.Y. Post October 16.

Quitting their jobs to join a movement that is saying there are no jobs? Idiots!!!!!

The OWS crowd has gone global now with the president, Nancy Pelosi and mainstream media all supporting these riots and demonstrations. Diane Sawyer got so caught up in the movement she said "It spread to 1000 countries world wide, every continent except Antartica." Hint to Diane: There are only 195 countries in the world ,but we'll forgive her because she's a blonde :D.

These fleabaggers as I call them because they refer to tea party people as teabaggers which was started by uber leftist Keith Olberman and has a sexually negative connotation to it, are just that fleabaggers. Many haven't bathed or showered for weeks on end, though some say they have friends who let them use their facilities and other sympathizers let them use their bathrooms. I for one would not let a stranger from the street use my bathroom no matter how much I sympathized with their cause. They criticize the tea party, but when the tea party holds a rally the place is immaculate afterwards. Tea Party people do not live off of handouts and free food supported by billionaires like George Soros.

These demonstrators are so misguided and have many different agendas and are not unified. The Tea Party has definite goals they strive for such as: smaller government, a balanced budget and lower taxes. They were able to attract senators and new politicians to their cause and then elected them to congress. The average Tea party member is well informed and will give you an intelligent, informed discussion on their mission. The fleabagger demonstrators rely on cliches, bumper sticker platitudes and talking points.

I can understand them opposing corporate greed as I've seen it in my own company,but sitting on the streets smoking pot, banging drums, urinating and defacating on the streets and going topless like some women are and having sex in the streets is no way to oppose it. These fleabaggers are hurting local small businesses as people are afraid to shop there now.

Former mayor Rudy Guiliani even said if he was mayor he would tell them the streets are not for sleeping and to rent a room and would enforce it.

These demonstrators say they oppose capitalism, but yet when the new $125 dollar i-phones came out last week, they rushed to the stores to buy them with lines that went around the block.

These occupiers like to blame Bush for the mess, but it was Barney Frank who was the head of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who through the Employee re-investment act, forced the banks to give loans to people who couldn't pay them back, hence all the foeclosures. Also Obama's incredible spending us into massive debt caused this massive conomic mess also.

Obama said if we passed his stimulus package unemplyment wouldn't go above 8%. We passed it and unemployment went up to almost 10% and is still at 9.2%. When Bush left office unemplyment was at 5%, Obama admitted shovel ready jobs that he promised was not shovel ready. He called George Bush unpatriotic for spending 4 trillion dollars in 8 years so what does Zero do? He spends 4 trillion in just two years.

They like to call the tea party people racists, but all I see in the OWS crowd is white faces. I've seen more blacks at tea party rallys than at OWS rallys and people like Niger Innis have spoken at tea party rallies along with other conservative blacks including Herman Cain, but libs call people like Caine and Innis,"oreos" and "uncle Toms" so I ask you, who are the real racists?

Michael Goodwin ends his column saying,"The free loading rabble doesn't need a pitch fork or even coherence to get action. All it needs to do is turn a park into a fetid camp and the government will drop on bended knee. No wonder America is in decline."

As Robert DerNiro says in the film Taxi Driver, "Someday a real rain will come and wash the scum and filth off of the streets."

Below are some of the more rational comments I saw among the innane fleabagger comments:

Also clear to me is our current administration is organizing communities to accommodate this change. The "occupiers" across our nation are promoting "revolution" to end freedom and democracy. This is a GLOBAL ASSAULT!

Exactly which corporatio­ns are these guys against?

... the ones that make their smart phones or their $125 shoes?

"They also believe the richest 1 percent of Americans do not pay their fair share in taxes."

I don't see any signs or protests about the 47% of citizens that pay ZERO income tax...that means that the middle class pays their share. How come there is no outrage about that.

"They also believe the richest 1 percent of Americans do not pay their fair share in taxes."

Isn't anybody gonna protest Obama's new illegal war(s) ?

Yet they can afford cell phones, iPads, cell phones, big screen TVs, lap tops, cable, etc.

All you 99%ers that are upset about the 1% and all that they have, know this. Steve Jobs dropped out of college because he couldn't afford it and never went back to finish. He then was fired by the CEO of the company he started in his garage. He didn't ask for government help, nor did he protest about everyone elses wealth, to demand he get some of what they got. He never said this was unfair and give up. Instead he worked himself and at ideas he had, got rehired to the company he got fired from, invented products that we all use today and can't live without, and became the CEO of that company which earned him money to be in that 1%. Maybe we should all look at ourselves, before blaming others and making outrageous demands.

Your enemy is the democrats in congress, not the corporatio­ns.

) Occupy...i­s nothing more than than the idle with nothing better to do

Obama's democRAT party fleabaggers. Nuff said:

A member of the Occupy Wall St movement walks over a U.S. flag on that lies on the ground in Zuccotti Park near the financial district of New York

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Useful Idiots of Obama's America -Fleabaggers



The face and headline which appeared on Drudge says it all. These protesting scum on the streets leaving their waste and dirtying up the parks are Obama's minions. The ones he's using to destroy America. In order to set up a new government you have to destroy the old one and that's just what Obama is doing in order to make this his socialistic state. This has been his intention all along. Just wait until these protestors find that they are making the same as everyone else. Just wait until Obamacare kicks in with 10 million new customers and no new doctors and all doctors make the same and a bureaucrat comes between you and your doctor and everything will be cost effective and based on what can be afforded.. See how they like being told who gets what treatment and who doesn't. See how they like it then. They'll wish their freedoms were back, but it will be too late..

When you ask these protestors what they are fighting for the answer is " Duhh I don't know, but it's cool man. We're hanging out man." I want to know where they are getting their money from if they are against capitalism. Do they enjoy sleeping in sleeping bags on the streeet? They are eating food that is being donated by people across the nation and say that their city is a model for cities everywhere. NO THANK YOU!!!! I guess they enjoy sleeping among the smell of urine and human waste and they expect people to have respect for them? Take away their i-pods ,take away their cellphones, take away their i-phones and TV's, computers and clothes and food and see how they fare if they are against capitalism. No wonder they don't have jobs. Who would hire these scums of the earth? They are even protesting the wrong people. They say they are against the bail-outs, but who offered the bailout? Their messiah Obama that's who. They should be protesting the givers of the bailouts (Obama and the congress in Washington) not the receivers. Obama could have taken care of all this in his first two years when he had the Senate and House. He could have passed banking regulations and controls, but he didn't. He started all this anarchistic upheaval with his class warfare and the grin on his face above shows his true feelings. Welcome to Obama's America. It reminds me of Iraq when Saddam was in power living in palaces while his people lived in Squalor. Obama lives in the whitehouse while the protestors live in squalor defacating on the street and sleeping in sleeping bags on the street thinking it's cool. Welcome to Obama's America.

The left likes to refer to the Tea Party as "Teabaggers" The protestors are now being referred to as "Fleabaggers" and rightly so. As some comments I recently saw so correctly stated :

"It’s easy to see why. Conservatives groups such as the Tea Party tend to be made up of responsible, thinking adults concerned for the country while liberal groups tend to be unthinking, emotional, naive, and childish twits out to get a free ride while blaming their failures on anyone else that actually works for a living. Make sense"

"How come when liberals congregate in one place they trash it, wallow in it, then leave without picking up? And all the gop or conservative oriented functions held over the last couple years the exact opposite occurred. Maybe Rush is right, it is a wiring thing, or more specifically, mental deficiency. Self-respect is the most telling of virtues."

Check out the links below for pictures of these protestors and see what I mean.

No Unified Message...

Bloomberg: 'Occupy Wall Street' Hurting NYC Economy...

Park Not Cleaned In 3 Weeks...

Protester defecates on police car...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Protesting Parasites/Useful Idiots

The idiots and clowns occupying Wall Street are just that. Idiots who are obviously Obama's minions attacking capitalism and corporations as a result of his class warfare rhetoric. They demand free health care, free education and for millionaires to make up to certain amouns and turn the rest over to the government to be handed over to them and the less fortunate.

I've seen them interviewed on TV and they are so obnoxious and ignorant to what they are really protesting against. Half of them say they don't even know why they are there, but the feeling is good, etc. They are sleeping on the sidewalks in sleeping bags and from what accounts I've seen and read say they are leaving human waste there also. There is no cohesiveness to this gathering and everyone has a different agenda. Some have painted faces like Zombies and they are making signs right there on the street. They say they oppose capitalism so let's take away their i-phones, take away their ipods, their cellphones and transportation on how they got there and refuse them to eat in various restaurants as these are all a result of capitalism. I saw some playing guitars so let's take away their guitars as that is a result of capitalism. Michael( Moron) Moore was there and grinning from ear to ear. He's another hypocritical opponent of capitalism yet he has a million dollar apartment in NYC and another 2 million dollar home in Fla. all from his movies which is capitalism.

Now the unions are stepping in and recruit these undesirables for their own purposes. These are the same people who protested in Wisconsin and Ohio that time. They are made up of young college and High school kids mostly all caucasian so how come the liberal media doesn't question their lack of diversity like they do with the tea party?

Below I found some interesting comments I agee with:


It’s all funded by Soros and the web site is a Canadian anti-semite organization. One of the heads full of mush said he wanted “to replace Capitalism” and when axed, with what, he said, “Uh, duh, duh”. The riots should be starting any day now, this is what BHO wants.

October 6, 2011 at 7:38 pm Reply Report comment


Haha! How about the protesters sign declaring “I could lose my job for having a voice” No, you could lose your job if you do not go back to work. If you really have a job, that is.

October 6, 2011 at 7:37 pm Reply Report comment


I was going to say the same thing! LOL!

October 6, 2011 at 7:42 pm Reply Report comment


Lets remember these people are the failed revolutionaries of the the 60′s. Now after brainwashing their children and grandchildren now they are doing the marching but instead of burning draft cards and bras they are throwing poop and urinating on the sidewalks.

October 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm Reply


The finale is coming, the more uncomfortable this great unwashed crowd becomes the more irratable and surly they will be and the more manipulative will be those assigned to create the frenzy. This is text book commie manifesto and the same tactics Mao used to purge his government. The property destruction will be coming if the leaders and the money sources are not spotlighted and held accountable. Soros is a money man, the unions are supporters and the Deemers will chip in more if they see a opportunity of benefit. A good turn of weather , rain,snow could really make the crowd uncomfortable and could drive them out of the mood to riot…

October 6, 2011 at 7:35 pm Reply Report comment


This has been so OBVIOUSLY PLANNED, it is a politically connived ‘response’ to the true grassroots tea party movement. The brown shirted public union thugs and anarchists together pulled by the more-visible-every-day puppet strings of Soros. They (MSM, lefties, et al) WISH DESPERATELY that this will become what the tea party IS.
Sitting back and watching this circus objectively only reveals the concerted push to make this ‘protest’ bigger than it will ever be. It is not even logically viable if they succeed in drawing larger numbers, and from the looks of it they are already straining to push the numbers over a few thousand…ROFL

October 6, 2011 at 7:33 pm Reply


Time to start rounding these radical communist losers up – send them to Gitmo for a vacation and water boarding.

October 6, 2011 at 7:19 pm Reply Report comment

They can share a cell with Obama and Holder Randolph. Silly fleabaggers.

October 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm Reply Report comment

Re Re

Can we sell tickets to the waterboarding? Would love to watch their reaction when water hits them! Probably they’re first access to water in a loooooong time!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Raisin' Caine


From out of nowhere he came, he was on the bottom of the contenter list, a true dark horse in the race (no racial pun intended) for President to only come up to third place right behind Romney and Perry and soon to surpass Perry is Herman Caine.

Herman Caine is a former businessman and mathamatician. He's worked for such companies as Coca Cola, Burger King (where he manged 400 stores in Pennsylvania), Pillsbury and CEO of Godfather Pizza all of which he accomplished on his own without any handouts unlike the current occupant of the whitehouse whose only previous experience was community organizer and a short lived senate stay where he only voted "present." When he was asked by a reporter recently about his lack of political experience Caine's reply was, "Look what you've got in there now." :D

Caine is a big supporter of the private sector unlike Obama who wants to destroy it. He opposes class warfare unlike Obama who uses it to divide the country and set up his big government social agenda. He is in favor of smaller government and touts his famous 9-9-9 plan (a nine percent tax on sales, a nine percent income tax and a nine percent corporate tax) to help the fledgling economy.

Herman was born in Tennesee and later moved to Geogia where he grew up. He has been married to Gloria Caine for 43 years and they have two children and threee grandchildren. He has been an associate minister at the Antioch Baptist Church which he joined at age 10. He is a sometimes gospel vocalist and has performed on albums.

In 2006 Caine was diagnosed with stage4 liver and colon cancer and underwent chemo therapy for both and is now cancer free. Although he grew up in the segregated South and has described experiences from there such as sitting behind the white/black demarcation on buses and talks about the experience of taking turns with his brother, standing watch as each took a drink from the "white" side of a segregated water fountain in a department store and discovering the water was just the same, he doesn't dwell on his past.

If a person votes for Herman Caine, it's not because he's a black guy (like they did for Obama without knowing anything about him) or because he's a white guy. They will vote for him because he'a an all American guy.

Check out Dick Morris' excellent commentary on Herman Caine surging and check out his other excellent Caine commentaries here:


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lib Pundits Say Chris Christie Too Fat to Be President and Other Random Thoughts.

Well I see the "peace and love, no discrimination, equality for all crowd" is saying that Chris Christie is too fat to be president. People like Al Sharpton and Joe(Schmoe) Scarborough and other pundits were all berating Christie for his size and saying he shouldn't be president because of that. They were also criticizing Christie for some traffic violation he committed some time ago. A caller to Mark Simone's radio show summed it up when she said, " To all those critics, I have two words for them 'TED KENNEDY.' "

Mark agreed with her and said Ted Kennedy did cause the ultimate traffic violation and he was very big also. Mark also asked why Dem Senator Gerald Nadler who is also big around the middle is still in power if that's the case. I might ask these pundits to check their history and note that president William Howard Taft was also known for his huge girth. Mark did mention to be fair though that that Al Sharpton has lost 100 lbs. Even the liberal Sunday New York Times crticized these pundits for saying that.............Recently billionaire Waren Buffet has come out saying millionaires and billionaires should pay more in taxes. Buffet himself, I understand, owes a billion in back taxes so how come nobody is going after him? I guess with him it's do as I say not as I do.

Dick Morris recently had a column explaing the IRS figures on how much the rich pay and that they are paying most of the taxes now as it is. Recently a friend of mine who has been having an ongoing letter to the editor feud with a person who agrees with Buffet about the rich paying more told me about a recent O'Reilly show where O"Reilly was confronting two millionaires who greed they should pay more and had this report about it: a few nights ago when O'Reilly had on two members of what you might call the "retard rich," the wealthy people who say they should pay more. O'Reilly hit them with these same numbers (from the IRS) and asked how the rich could be accused of failing to pay their "fair share" when the top 1 percent already pay 39 percent of taxes and the top 5 percent pay 60 percent. Both of them got huffy and moralistic and refused to say. They also refused to explain why they hadn't just written bigger checks to the treasury, which they were free to do if they really felt guilty about not paying enough. Both of them danced around O'Reilly's direct question. No surprise. These people are frauds ."

These protestors of greed who are camping out on Wall Street are really getting to be a rediculous riot, joke and just plain disgusting. They've been there for three weeks already. Why aren't they working? Where are they sleeping? Where do they eat and go to the bathroom? Most of them look like college age kids who are just there for the fun of it. If they are unemployed then why aren't they looking for jobs instead of complaing there aren't any? By the looks of some of them, I wouldn't hire them either. Hundreds more gathered on the Brooklyn Bridge and held up traffic raising the ire of many commuters. Many were arrested for being a menace to drivers. One cop told some protestors they were harming the very people they were supposed to be helping.

As the words to an old song I heard today says,"If you don't like your Uncle Sam then don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Libs obsessed with Christie's weight...


More than 700 arrested in 'Wall St' protest...
Dozens cuffed in Boston after targeting BANK OF AMERICA...
Protests spread across USA...
Los Angeles...