Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Fake, Phoney, Fraud is Desparate

Dem Party leaders mobilizing to solidify president's standing with Jewish voters to counter image Obama not friend of Israel...
NYT setting story for lead Thursday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE...
Comes after shock defeat of Dem candidate...


The above picture is from today's Drudge Report and shows how desparate Obama and the dems are after losing the senate seat held by Anthony Weiner, a seat that was held by dems since the 1920's. This was a district Obama carried by 11%. The dems are trying to spin it by saying this is a conservative district. Yeah right. If this is such a conservative district why did Obama carry it by 11%? Obama is souring all over the country. To have a picture of him at the Wailing Wall in Isreal with a yamulka on to win the jewish vote reeks of insult and phonieness. This is definatly a repudiation against Obama and his policies no matter how the dems try to spin it..Even many in his own party are sorry they voted for him and he is now lower in the polls than Bush was in his first term.

Obama supports the overthrow of Mubarek in Egypt and Quadaffi in Libya and people here respond by saying, "Yeah go get those dictators." The Egyptian people and Libyans are going to regret getting rid of these leaders. In Egypt Mubarek was friendly with the U.S. and was beginning to recognize Isreal. Now with him out of the way,the Egyptian Army is siding with the Muslim Brotherhood which will step in to take over and put Egypt under Sharia law.They hate all christians,jews and any other non-believers. As of now the Libyan rebels are rounding up all blacks there and accusing them of backing Quadaffi and beheading people. And these are people Obama supports. Well he said in the beginning he'd "stand with the muslims if the political winds should shift in an ugly direction." .

In Libya,the rebels are all mostly Al Queda constituents and have Sharia law in their new constituition. These people will be more repressed than they were previously were. The muslim brotherhood will be in power here also. Their goal is to make the entire middle east one big caliphate and then take on Europe and eventually the U.S. all by immigration and getting elected to office all without firing a shot. In other words,the goal of radical Islam is world domination.

Which brings me to another thought. I am getting sick and tired of all these libs and media types blaming the U.S.for 9/11 for our policies in the middle east. Radical Islam views all christians as infidels and in the Koran it says all infidels must convert or be destroyed.The radical,cowardly islamists that hijacked our planes and crashed them into the towers were telling the U.S. to convert or be destroyed. They don't care if you are democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, man, woman or child,they just want to kill Americans if you're not of the islamic faith and don't accept Sharia law. The trade center was a symbol of everything that was the antithesis of Islam. It's not our policies. Accept it or get over it all you libs out there. You could be next. Just because you're nice to them, don't expect them to be nice to you. Terrorism and radical Islam is pure force and can't be delt with thru nice words.

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