Friday, September 2, 2011

Sean Hannity and Dick Cheney Interview

Can Obama Win Reelection?Dick Cheney on 'Hannity'

On Tuesday and Thursday Sean Hannity interviewed former vice president Dick Cheney first in Cheney's home at Jackson Hole,Wyoming and then in Sean's studio at FOX News in New York before a live audience and I must admit Cheney confirmed eveything I already knew in that to liberals the truth becomes a lie and a lie is the truth and the liberal media goes along with it.. Most famously is the saying liberals love to chant that "Bush lied, thousands died" referring to his not finding stockpiles of WMD's in Iraq and saying Saddam was buying yellow cake uranium from Nigeria which Joe Wilson stated he wasn't after being sent there investigating by Bush.

Cheney stated that although they didn't find stockpiles of WMDs they found all the materials, the personnel and plans to make them. Cheney also said that Saddam was buying yellow cake uranium from Nigeria as Great Britain said it, Germany said it and they found materials pointing to that. I myself remember reading that the U.S. found 50 tons of yellowcake at one of saddam's palaces and sent it here to be buried. The media naturally covered that up when it came out. I also remember reading that Joe Wilson said he found that Saddam was buying yellow cake from Nigeria, but if he said he was then he was afraid Saddam would use it so he said he wasn't buying it and Bush was villified for saying it.

Cheney also mentioned that Colin Powell's chief of staff Ricard Armitage was the one who exposed Valerie Plame's position not Scooter Libby, but Libby was the fall guy and once again because he was connected to Bush the republican hating media railroaded him and sent an innocent man to prison.

On a personal level, Sean asked Cheney about his recent heart condition. Cheney said he had five heart attacks since he was 30 years old and has a condition known as a degenerative heart. His most recent attack earlier this year had him in the ICU for five weeks where he was installed with a special pump that keeps him going until a heart transplant can occur. Hint to Dick Cheney: if you're going for a heart transplant, get it now before Obamacare sets in because under Obamacare a person your age will be denied a heart transplant. Everything is cost effective under Obamacare.

Cheny showed his set up to the live audeince. It looks like a dressey designer vest worn under his suit jacket only it has wires and tubes connnected to electrodes in his heart that keeps his heart beating. Cheney showed the batteries that keep it going and took it out of the case to show the audience. Cheney said he lost 40 pounds while in the ICU. Cheny also exposed his humorous side and and showed how he puts up with all the name calling he's received in good stride from liberals like calling him "Darth Vader."Cheney's book is called "In My Time" and looks to be very telling.

In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir

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