Friday, September 9, 2011

Who's the Real Moron?

After the republican debates the other night, the talking heads at MSNBC called them all morons. My reply to them is to look in the mirror and at their leader. Chris Mathews says he has a tingle up and down his leg at the mere thought of Obama. I think that's pretty moronic. Obama says he's been to all 57 states. I think that's pretty moronic. Obama doesn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I think that's pretty moronic for a President. Obama said he saw fallen heroes in the audience he was addressing on Veterans Day. He sees dead people. That's pretty moronic. Joe Biden calls tea party people and republicans "barbarians at the gate" I think that's pretty moronic..................Tonite I heard John Batchelor interview former U.N. ambassador John Bolton. Bolton said Obama is the first president since FDR who shows no interest in foreign affairs. Bolton said Obama has failed to act on Iran seeking nukes or on Pakistan and North Korea acquiring nukes and his poll numbers in the arab world are now down to where Bush's were. Bolton said Obama has no idea on how to be president or run the presidential engine. All he cares about is reshaping America into his social agenda. He still acts like he's a community organizer and in the state legislature.........A member of the Congressional Black Caucus said republicans want to hang the members of the Congressional Black Caucus from trees. Maxine Waters said "the tea party can go to hell." Jimmy Hoffa Jr.said "we're going to take these S.O.B's out" referring to Republicans. So much for civility Obama called for in Arizona after the Gabby Gifford shooting. I think those comments are all pretty moronic. So MSNBC look in your own backyard for morons. Like the old adage says, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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