Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama says America is in Peril Without his Job Plan.

I read an article on Today's liberal Huffington Post that quoted Obama saying America is in peril if they don't pass his job plan. Oh really Mr.O? I think it is you causing the peril. I glanced at the accompanying reader comments like I usually do expecting to see the usual republican bashing, Obama supporting comments and was surprised at what I saw. Below are a few examples:

Oh LOOK, it is Obama blaming everyone but his own policies for our oncoming PERIL. Did he inherit a mess, yes. Did he improve the situation ? NO. At this point he is reduced to tossing redmeat to the base to shore it up. He is in big big trouble and the WH knows it . The man is incompeten­t.

In the last three years, when the Dems had full control of the Congress(2­008 to 2010) and the White House, what path did they lead the country on? We have now reached the Election mode, so the time tested scare tactics are in full swing. It comes as no surprise that now Mr. Obama has plans for just about everything­, yet not once did he take any responsibi­lity for anything that happened under his watch in the last few years. Stimulus, it never did what it was intended to do, it may have save jobs for a period of tiem, but most of those saved are now on Un-Employm­ent. Shovel Ready, even Obama says it did not do what was expected. The Summer of Recovery, but what summer is that? All the things now purposed are ther to calm his base, and to try and blame anyone or anything for the Economy. I don't think there is any American who doesn't believe that we we need to fix the Tax Code, to make it fair for all, except maybe , Mr. Obama. He will continue to play the Class Warfare, I just hope not too many buy into it!

Why was none of this done in 2009 and 2010 when he could have done most anything he
wanted. Now all of a sudden after 32 months of his BS that he has a plan. More lies.
Perhaps he should go to the owners of Solyndra and get back out 535 million that he put intoi
their company.

This comming from two pwople who mocked the flag at a 9/11 ceremony..­..american­s..they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidati­on and a commonalit­y hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlemen­t while America 's people go homeless, hungry and unemployed­.

Mr O you and your party are already leading the US down a perilous path.

I recently read an article where Warren Buffet,one of the richest people in the U.S. gave a speech saying how the rich should pay more in taxes and they can well afford it. Just one thing though, Mr.Buffet owes a billion dollars in back taxes. I guess he's free with everyone else's money, but his own. Other rich people should pay their fair share, but not him I guess.

I see where the Congressional Black Caucus is showing their true racist colors. First a member said that republicans want to hang them from trees, Maxine Waters says the tea party can go to hell and now another member,chairman Emmauel Cleaver says if Obama wasn't black they'd be marching on the whitehouse now. What hypocrits!!!!

Black Caucus chairman: If Obama wasn't president, we'd be 'marching on White House'...


CHICAGO TRIB: Why he should withdraw from race...

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