Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They Have Fixed Nothing!!! Here's What They Should Have Done.

The above picture is from today's Drudge Report

the House on Monday evening with a vote of 269-161.

174 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted to pass the debt ceiling increase, while 66 Republicans and 95 Democrats opposed the debt deal. Three Democrats did not vote in favor or against.

After Speaker Boehner announced that the compromise passed, cheering was audible from House members.

This is a bad deal in my opinion and is like a drug addict who solves his problem with a temporary fix until the drug wears off and the pain sets in again. I agree with the republicans who voted against it. Sure the gov't is kept going, but we added the highest hike in history and the debt pain increase will hit again as we get further and further in debt . The pain will hit again around Thanksgiving when the congressional board appointed reviews our status.

A good lesson they should follow is what my wife went thru. When we were first dating, she had a wonderful job with good pay just like the government is, but she spent wildly with her credit card just like the government is doing. She would pay a minimum amount and the credit card companies would extrend her credit thus causing her to spend more exactly what is going on now in Washington. It wasn't until she went to buy a new car and they did a credit check on her that it hit her in the face. When the salesman put in her credit rating, this long sheet came out showing every purchase she made and where and the fact that she owed tens of thousands of dollars. She then did a smart thing unlike the government is doing and sought out a credit counseling service, handed in her credit cards, they put her on a budget, she went out and got a second job and paid off her debt. She now is very careful and cautious on every cent she spends.

The government should do the samne thing, cut expenses and not raise the limit. Obama said we all have to sacrifice and that should include all congressional people in both parties taking a huge pay cut. They can also cut programs that fund things like the arts that have pieces like the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung and crucifixes in urine etc. and programs that study the sex life of certain bugs. All this would bring the debt down. I realize there are major cuts in this plan and a balanced budget amendment so I hope what they cut are in areas like this and not cuts in increases to these programs they refer to as cuts. We also have enough in taxes coming in each month to pay social security and our military with some left over. Now raising the debt will make it worse. There is also a poilitical connection here naturally with the republicans hoping it will make Obama look worse and democrats hoping it will make republicans look bad. In the end we all suffer .

Below ares ome excellent comments I concur with:

PlainEnglish 35 minutes ago

Time to send everyone in Washington DC back to private life and cut spending across-the-board. Also, every expenditure not specifically authorized by the U.S. Constitution needs to be stopped and the program those funds were being wasted on needs to be stoppe

I am sickened, repulsed and enraged at what these out of control Washington politicians have done to my country, family, children and future generations. They have all committed treason against hard working Americans; those who PAY THE BILLS in this country. I'm sick and tired of losing sleep over the destruction that has befallen us as a nation since that abomination of a president was inaugurated Jan. '09. I lay the blame squarely at Obama's feet, the radical Democrat socialists and the limp wristed Republicans (those that DO NOTHING to stop this monumental train wreck).

The seams are bursting and something has to give NOW. I've had it. I've had it with them all. Every last one of them. Every last Washington politician who became filthy rich in their positions of power, who do not have to live under the horrendous and disastrous laws they pass for the rest of us. ENOUGH!

AND this most excellent comment:

joedoakes202 48 minutes ago

Gentle and Wisely . . .

August 2, 2011

Dear President Obama,

I often wonder after one of these debates you, Boehner, and Reid, lie in bed, gently sharing a cigarette, and ask the open question, “Was it good for you?” Because, Mr. Obama it wasn’t good for the American people, frankly, we are left wanting. We got the aggravation, but no action. He!!, we can’t even have a cigarette anymore to clam our nerves. Frankly, Sir, I don’t smoke, but even I could use a cancer stick about now. In fact if I could buy America one thing, other than a Coke, it would be a cigarette and place to smoke it free from some goody-two-shoes telling them to put it out.

Towards the end of this debate I was likened to a terrorist by Joe Biden. This coming from a guy from the same party that has sit downs with real terrorist like Basher Assad. I, and no one I’ve ever met who wants government to be even marginally more responsible, is a terrorist. If I thought they were I would call my friend in the FBI and ask him if I should report the situation. We are regular people who have credit cards who think that when the bank sets a limit, it’s for a good reason, and if we want an increase we have to justify it and they have to make a determination based on past experience. In this present case the American people determined that enough was enough, and it was time to stop the bleeding and save good old Uncle Sam from an early demise.

For this we are vilified. We are called racists. We are likened to the deepest evils to have ever roamed the earth. Just because we want to gently and wisely begin to affix a bandage to our Uncle Sam and get him back on his feet while not billing taxpayers for that 5th pair of orthotics that he could pick up at a local Walgreens for far less cost. We do not want to end these programs that tens of millions of Americans and some future Americans rely on. We want to save them. We want to create a better way for the next generation to save for retirement and their eventual infirmity. We want to have family and faith and not government at the center of their lives. We want community not to be organized around race or economic class, but comity and common purpose.

Are these pipe dreams? Maybe. But they are worth the fight. They are worth an argument, and they certainly are worth a few hurt feelings. One of the reasons we all fight so hard is because we are Americans and we find losing hateful. In this most recent debate and vote Americans, once again, lost against a stacked deck. Some day soon we are going to take that deck and shuffle it a few extra times and we are going to be certain those cards hit face down. A casino is the place for gambling, the federal government is not the proper venue especially when lives are on the line. Last November we said enough is enough on November 6, 2012 we will do it again. If my math is right you’ll be short a few more Democrats, and I’ll be showing a few more Republicans of the TEA Party variety. That’s a deck “We The People” can’t wait to play with:)


Joe Doakes

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