Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Night Irene. Obama's in Charge.

Fear not fellow readers, the Annointed one, the great Messiah, Barack Obama took charge of hurricane Irene at the Huricane command center and whisked her away. Well why not? He's the one who was going to make the seas recede and everything Ok for America.

Too bad he had to give up a few rounds of golf and cut his vacation short by 12 hours. Poor baby. Meanwhile Michelle stayed behind with the two girls and would return later in her own private jet and mortorcade that she arrived in just as he did at taxpayer's expense. He should have come home earlier when the earthquake hit to be in solidarity with the American people, but his golf game and vacation was too important.

For all the lib posters who claim Bush took too many vacations, his were working vacations at his ranch and on week-ends with all the personell he needed there too. Obama has people with him, but he takes vacations to places like Martha's Vineyard, Colorado and Hawaii while his wife goes to places like South Africa all at our expense. In fact, she took 45 days of vacation this year alone. If Laura Bush did that (and she is far too classy and respectful to do that) you would never hear the end of it from the media and libs.

People are also praising Obama for the way he handled the hurricane by interrupting his vacation to talk to governors of the various states by conference call from Martha's Vineyard and getting everyone out in time and getting a hold of FEMA in time to rush to any scene unlike Bush with Katrina they claim.

I would like to remind these lib posters that the people of New Orleans had plenty of warning ahead of time. Remember all the buses in the parking lot that were flooded because the mayor Ray Nagin didn't have the foresight to use them, except for one teen age kid who hijacked a bus and got some people out in time. Contrast that with the famous pic of people in Biloxi, Mississippi who used buses to get out of the way. They went as far as blaming Bush for Katrina and some wild fanatics claimed he could direct the hurricane to hit black areas first with technology from the whitehouse. Imagine people actually believing such drivel? No wonder people like Obama get in office.

The government gave Ray Nagin millions of dollars to repair the leveees, but he used that money to build his off shore gambling casinos instead and the levees broke and flooded N.O., but of course it was all Bush's fault. Remember how the media reported all these suicides and murders that were going on inside the astrodome so the red cross couldn't get in? It turned out none of that was true and one guy fell from the balcony because he was drunk. But now with Obama in charge everything went smooth of course.
Have no fear your messiah is here and in charge.


TO THE RESCUE: Obama takes charge at hurricane center...

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