Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Thoughts

I noticed on today's Drudge Report that there are various opinions on the budget crisis. Moody's claims nobody's plan will work saying it won't change the drop in our triple AAA rating, but that the nation will only default if the government misses an interest or principle payment not on other obligations like employee benefits and social security payments. This also gives credence to the republicans argument that there is enough cash to avoid default until after the Aug. 2nd deadline. These are all scare tactics by Obama and his minions for re-election next year. Obama says he is losing sleep over this. Ordinarily I'd feel sorry for someone in this position, but in his case I say he deserves it. A large part of this is his doing, his spending. He's spent more than all the presidents combined. He's spent like a maniac on steroids while Bush just spent like a drunken sailor. It's Obama's debt now, his economy, he owns it, so he can't blame Bush anymore.

Balanced budget amendment still alive...
MOODY'S: Nobody's plan will work........

Dick Morris says the Dems will win the debate, but republicans will win the election. Good. It can't come soon enough fo me. DEMS WILL WIN DEBT DEBATE; REPUBS WILL WIN ELECTION
Published on on July 30, 2011

What' s with all these people killing kids all of a sudden? First we had Casey Anthony ,then this perverted pedophile in New York who lured this ten year old jewish boy to him drugged him up and killed him and chopped him up when the investigation got close to him and now this ten year old girl whose aunt and cousins beat her and abused her constantly and then punished her when she took a popsicle from a refrigerator and locked her in a trunk with a padlock until she suffocated and died. Authorities said she had bruises all over her and she lived in a house with 14 others. The aunt and cousins looked like evil incarnate. As radio talk show host Bob Grant says, "It's sick out here and getting sicker."

Recently a young 20 year old boy died from a heart attack after a marathon session with his x-box. He was playing for 12 hours straight his father said. So where are the parents telling this kid to stop? He complained of a slow heartbeat at a job center where he collapsed. These games are deadly officials warn when played for many hours straight without taking a break. They said sitting for so long causes the heart to slow down and puts pressure on the blood vessels. They interact with kids all over the world. A Korean boy died after playing three days without stopping. My question is where are the parents when this is going on? Three days without a break????. I've seen kids come in my store coming in with their parents playing these games on hand held computers and keep playing while trying on clothes. This technology is fascinating on one side, but has a darkside too.Xbox addict 'dies from blood clot'... ..
I see the town of Tacoma Washington has a development for welfare recipients that includes houses that are better than most homes we have. They pay no taxes, no maintainence fees, no mortgages and have free schools and hospitals and they all receive $2,100 a month in social security payments. No wonder we are going broke. It costs us, the taxpayers over 200 million dollars. I think I'll quit my job, go on welfare and move to Tacoma. Care to join me? :D

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