Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Me Worry??? It's Their Fault. Not Mine.!!!

Inflation rising fast...
European Shares Closing With Biggest One-Day Decline in Three Years.....


The entire country is in turmoil,people are losing their houses and jobs another recession is on it's way, inflationn is rearing it's ugly head and this so called leader of ours takes another 11 day vacation to Martha's Vinyard. He talks about taxing the rich and the rich not paying their fare share and castigates people who own corporeate jets.So what does he do? He heads to Martha's Vinyard, stays in a multi million dollar water front mansion and hangs around with coporate fat cats and people who own corporate jets.

He says he had the recession turned around and then the Arab Spring happened,the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan happened,the Tea Party got in his way,the Republicans got in his way and he's still blaming Bush for all that he inherited. He blames ATM machines and Kiosks at airports for unemployment never stopping to realize that people have to make those machimes, people have to fill them, people have to install them and people have to repair them. His Treasury secretary Tim Geitner asked him."Don't you take any responsability for what is happening," and he so arrogantly replied, "Absolutely not." And now he's taking another vacation. Donald Trump even said he has never seen a person take so many vacations as this guy. In fact,he's take nmore vacations and played more golf in three years than Bush did in his eight years. Some will argue that with him out of the White house things can run normal which is one way of looking at it, but in the end it is the leader of the country who is ultimately responsible for what is happening in the country and this guy refuses to accept any responsability whatsoever which is no leader.

He is a self absorbed narcissist. Bill CLinton was a narcissist too ,but not as bad as this guy. Clinton at least had enough sense to govern from the middle after he lost both houses. Not this guy with his Czars and radical mindset.

I looked up the definition of Narcissist and found this definition and traits:


Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.


A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:

*React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

*Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

*Have excessive feelings of self-importance

*Exaggerate achievements and talents

*Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

*Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

*Need constant attention and admiration

Sound familiar??? Obama's approval rating on handling the economy is now at 26%. As a bumper sticker I saw online says "Obama lied and the economy died."

Even his own constituency is turning away from him. Maxine Waters of the Congressional Black Caucus is saying he betrayed them and is only going to white neighborhoods on his bus tour.

He tells Rick Perry to watch his mouth when he spoke negatively about Bernanke and tells the rest of us to be civil and cool the rhetoric in public, yet it is Obama who talked about people clinging to their guns and religion. It was his V.P. Joe Biden who called tea partiers terrorists. So who should really be watching their tongue and cooling the rhetoric??

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