Friday, August 5, 2011

We've Been Hoodwinked and Hornswaggled!!! and Other Random Thoughts

The American people have once again been hoodwinked and hornswaggled by both sides in the debt debate. This was a mass illusion that would rival Chris Angel and David Copperfield by comparison.

The idea was America was on the verge of default if they didn't raise the debt ceiling, which was already at 14 trillion and equal the GNP, and allow the Obama administration to spend more otherwise social security checks wouldn't go out and the military wouldn't get paid. The republicans were against raising the debt ceiling and argued vehemently against it as the clock drew nearer. After long and arduous debates the republicans allowed the debt ceiling to be raised by two trillion in return for cuts in spending which would lead to a balanced budget in ten years. Everyone on capital hill drew a sigh of relief and the American people were divided even more..

This was a phony crisis created by the Obama Administration and carried out by their apologetic minions in the media. First of all, America was never on the verge of defaulting. Not with 200 billion coming in every month. That is enough to pay every social security recepient and the military with some left over. Secondly the cuts weren't really cuts, but slowdowns in the rate of growth. THAT IS NOT A CUT!!!!!! How can you balance a budget when you increase it by two trillion plus interest.That brings the debt to 16 trillion now and with interest and still spending it may be up to 24 trillion in ten years. Well I for one don't want to wait ten years. I want cuts now none of this slowdown of rate of growth BS. And now we've been downgraded by S&P for the first time in history.

Joe Biden with his diarrhea of the mouth is calling the tea party "terrorists". This coming from the man who sat down with Assad in Syria. Imagine if Dick Cheney called some democrats "terrorists"? He'd be excoriated to no end. It's frightening how this term is flashed around so freely. A true terrorist is pure force and resorts to violence. That's not tea party people. They stand on principles and for less spending and smaller government.

Michelle Obama is on this big crusade to fight obesity in young people, yet a local burger joint near the white house named this huge burger after her and her husband says they are his favorite burgers. So much for setting an example in obesity fighting.

Obama said during this so called crisis that we all have to sacrifice something. He called it a shared sacrifice to curb spending and return money to the debt so America won't default. Yet inthe middle of a recesison with a tanking economy and people looking for jobs, he has this huge birthday bash/fundraiser for him with each guest paying $100,000 and charging $10,000 for a picture with him. All these Hollywood types came out of course. I also don't see any congress people republicans and democrats alike taking any pay cuts. So much for shared sacrifice.

Mark Simone sitting in for Sean Hannity today came up with an interesting statistic. He was talking about the dems using their rhetoric "tax the rich" all the time. He noted that if you took the 400 most wealthiest Americans and taxed them 100% that would only take care of the gov't for 120 days and if you took them for everything they're worth, houses, cars savings, etc, that would only take care of the gov't for 180 days. That's worth thinking about the next time a liberal talks about taxing the rich.

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