Monday, August 22, 2011

Note to Chris Mathews; Obama Walked into His Own Hell.


Recently TV news talker Chris Mathews interviewed GOP head Reince Priebus on his show and like a maniac badly in need of a prozac, he grilled Reince and let into him saying, "Bush left Obama a mess and he walked right into hell." What's the matter Chris? Afraid of losing that tingle up and down your leg at the mere mention of Obama's name now that he's way down in the polls? Or did that tingle distract you from hearing the truth? Because if you researched your attacks before going off half cocked you would find Obama created his own mess and walked into his own hell not Bush. Or maybe Chris is just going for the ratings since MSNBC is dead last in the ratings and the crazier you act the higher the ratings.

When Bush left office, unemployment was between 5-7 %. Obama said if we passed his stimulus package unemployment wouldn't go above 8 %. They passed it and unemployment went up to 10% and is now meandering back and forth between 9 and 10%. If you count the ones not on the government unemployment compensation list, it is closer to 18%.

When Bush left office the national debt was 9 trillion and the deficit was around 900 thousand. After Obama got in with all his spending the debt is now 14 trillion and equal to our economy and we are spending more than we are taking in and the deficit close to two trillion.

When Obama campaigned he promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan within the first year. We're still there and he got us involved in another war in Libya and overthrowing Quadafi. The problem with over throwing these leaders like Mubarek in Egypt and now Gadhafi in Libya is that these people don't have anything democratic to replace them with and the Muslim brotherhoood is stepping in to take over with Sharia law which is already in the new constituition being drawn up in Libya. The people may be sorry they overthrew them in the long run.

So Chris, as you can plainly see, Obama created his own mess and walked into his own hell.

To hear the exchange between Mathews and Preibus click here:
Chris Matthews Grills Reince Priebus: Obama 'Walked into Hell ...

REPORT: Draft constitution holds Sharia as 'Principal Source'...



Obama sets record: $4,247,000,000,000 debt in just 945 days...

YORK: Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit...

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