Thursday, January 12, 2012

Will The Real Nazi Please Stand up and Other Random Thoughts

Today an article appeared on the Drudge Report saying the government will now monitor The Drudge Report, N.Y. Times and other sites and bloggers. Can you say Police State? Liberals are constantly name calling conservatives  "nazis", but look who's monitoring the advocates of free speech. The liberal Obama administration that's who. So I ask you who are the real nazis? Hmmmm?
Here is how the article appeared:
It's unclear exactly why, but the Department of Homeland has been operating a "Social Networking/Media Capability" program to monitor the top blogs, forums and social networks online for at least the past 18 months. Based on a privacy compliance review from last November recently obtained by Reuters, the purpose of the project is to "collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture." Whatever that means. Either way, the list of sites reported by Reuters reveals in a Wednesday afternoon exclusive is pretty intriguing:

Social Networks

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Myspace


  • The Drudge Report
  • The Huffington Post
  • The New York Times's Lede blog
  • Wired's Threat Level
  • Wired's Danger Room
  • ABC News' investigative blog The Blotter
  • "blogs that cover bird flu … news and activity along U.S. borders … drug trafficking and cybercrime"


  • Hulu
  • YouTube
  • Flicker
A little while after reading the article I was in the shower when the phone rang.When I got out I saw they left no message so  when I looked on the caller ID it said it was from Washington D.C. "Washington D.C.,?" I said to myself, "Who would be calling me from there?" I redialed back to see who would answer and I got a recording saying the party is not answering their phone. My wife kidded me that Obama was after me :D. After reading that article it's not too far fetched. :D..........I see Michelle Obama is  saying in an interview with Gayle King that "I'm not some angry black woman." Well you could have fooled me Michelle. Many times the tone of her voice told me she was an angry person and some of the things she said sounded like an angry person. Things like telling Mrs. Sarcozy that "living in the whitehouse was like being in hell" and after Obama's election saying "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country." You mean she wasn't proud of a country that defeated naziism, communism, fascism and is still defeating terrorism and freeing people around the world in her lifetime? What an ingrate. Besides, she always has that angry look on her face no matter how hard she tries to deny it.......Obama now says he's going to need another trillion to spend "to meet existing  commitments." YIKES!!!! He accused Bush of being unpatriotic for spending 4 trillion in 8 years and now he's asking for another trillion bringing his take to  six trillion in three years. We're already spending way more than we are taking in as it is. He's purposely destroying our country. I agree with what Rush Limbaugh said today that Obama believes that America was founded and always controlled by the 1% and it is up to him now to redestribute that money to the other 99%.


Congress will have had 15 days to say no before the nation’s debt ceiling automatically is raised from $15.2 trillion to $16.4 trillion.
In a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), Obama wrote that ”further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments.”


I don't like Newt Gingrich going after Romney like some democrats would.  It's as if he's a sore loser since he went from being up front down to third place and Romney winning Iowa and South Carolina and now looking good in Fla. Newt is playing right into Obama's hands with these ads against Romney. It's no good for the party and just enflames people more so Obama will get in again. Besides it is causing more of Newt's followers to turn against him.



Gingrich Denies He's Backing Off Attacks on Romney...
RUDY GIULIANI: 'What the Hell Are You Doing, Newt?'

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