Saturday, January 21, 2012

Biased Media Manipulation of Republicans Pt. 2



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In my previous blog I exposed how the media is manipulating this whole republican contest. Here I am exposing even more manipulation by the biased lamestream media.

First  Herman Cain arrived on the scene and is a man in my view of impeccable character and I still support to this day, but the media couldn't have a black vs. black presidential race so all of a sudden they trot out this bevy of women  all saying they had illicit laisions with him even though there were no witesses, no photographs and no surveillance tapes of them at the supposed hotels they claimed they were with him at. As soon as Cain dropped out so did the women never to be heard from again.

Contrast that with the way they treated Bill Clinton's accusers. Juanita Broaderick claimed Bill Clinton raped her in a hotel while she was there with a nursing convention. She had pictures of her with Clinton in the lobby she released and described in detail the scene outside her window in the room where she was with him. When investigators checked they found it to be exactly as she said. The media's and feminists' reaction was "Well that was so long ago."

Next came Paula Jones who claimed Clinton exposed himself to her  when he had a state trooper bring her up to his room. She said she could identify certain marks on his privates. Clinton then paid her off. The media's and feminists reaction was " Well at least he took 'no' for an answer."

And so it went on and on with each accuser. The dems and media lectured us ad nauseum  that sex didn't matter, oral sex was not sex and you have to define what sex is and what is, is. etc.etc. yadda yadda.
Next came Romney leading in the polls. The media went after him because he was a mormon. Never mind that we have a muslim disguising himself as a christian in the whitehouse now. They accused Romney of being of the 1% and his association with Bain Capital causing thousands of job losses. They accused him of  filing taxes at a lower tax rate than the average person. Never mind that their guy Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner owes thousands of dollars in back taxes. They accused Romney of having millions of dollars in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands like the drug cartels do. So what??? I say. Big deal. Lots of business people have that too. But Romney is undeterred and moving on.

The next target was Newt Gingrich. Another one who can beat Obama so they have to get rid of him now. So what do they do? They trot out his ex wife from 14 years ago to say he asked her to have an open marriage with him and Calista at the time. She refused and they got divorced. This is old news as Gingrich addressed it at the time. He now says he's matured and become wiser and more secure and made mistakes  and asked to be forgivien.

At the debate  on Wednesday night, CNN reporter John King asked Newt to comment on his affair  that his ex-wife, Marianne  brought out. Newt surprised everyone with his response and got a resounding applause and standing ovation from it. In case you missed it, I am including a link to it below to check out. Love him or hate him, you've got to admire his frankness and tenacity in responding. I can't wait to see him in a debate with Obama. He'll wipe the floor with him. He even told Obama he could bring a telepromter with him. :D In true pugilistic terminology Newt said, "I don't want to just give him a bloody nose, I want to knock him out."

It has since come out today that Marianne had an affair with a married man of three kids while she was dating Newt. She was with UAW local boss Marlin Ford. So she's just as guilty too.

So the apologists and defenders of dems and libs suddenly turn into the morality police when it comes to republicans. Nov.2012 will be here before you know it. Let's have some real change and get our country back from these socialists in power now. As Mae West once said, "Hold on to your hats because it's going to be a bumpy ride."

Newt Gingrich mauls CNN's John King for asking about 'open ...

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