Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biased Media Manipulation With Republican Candidates


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The race by the Republican candidates is changing every 20 minutes it seems and impossible to keep up with. First Romney was in the lead in Iowa and New Hampshire, then  after a recount in Iowa, Santorum pulls ahead of Romney, then Newt pulls ahead and the media goes after him with this interview with his former wife about Newt wanting an open marriage with her while he had an affair with Calista  who is now his current wife.  Never mind that their divorce was 15 years ago. The media  are acting like this is horrible when their candidates Bill and Hillary had an open marriage. At least Newt asked permission first and has since acknowledged he made mistakes and asked to be forgiven unlike Bill and the "hundreds of women" he claimed to Monica that he had been  with. Below is Rush Limbaugh's take on it which I think is very insightful and I agree with how the mainstream media is manipulating this whole thing to get Newt and Romney out of the way so we're left with Santorum and Paul and Obama will get in again. Besides, as Rush says below, didn't we learn from the democrats under Clinton that sex in one's life doesn't matter? That character doesn't matter as long as it doesn't interfere with the job? Liberals are the ones who are always advocating free love and multiple partners as being Ok so this is obviously planned to get any threat to their  messiah out of the way. Just wait until the genral election in November. It's going to be one dirty and very manipulative election. Check out Rush's comment :

They (the lamestream media. My words no this) don't investigate Democrats. And so now it's the Republican primary and then we got this mess out of Iowa where it looks like Santorum won it. There are eight caucus areas where they just said, "Ah, to hell with it. We don't know where the votes are. We agreed here that before the end of this thing was over that Romney's gonna be the winner."
They did a recount, got Santorum the winner by 34. Now there's a massive call, "All right, Iowa, you've blown it, why should you go first when you can't even get it right." So you got Santorum winning Iowa. You've got Romney winning New Hampshire, but that was expected. Now you've got Rasmussen with Newt polling ahead of Romney in South Carolina. Rick Perry pulls out this morning, endorses Newt. Perry was drawing 4% in the polls, so you don't know, even if all 4% go to Newt, what difference does that make. So I think the objective of ABC was to take Mitt out this week, or to just do damage. And I think they were saving Marianne Gingrich for Monday after the vote, after Newt wins or theoretically wins South Carolina, then they run the Marianne interview, and that takes Newt out of, and then who we left with?
As far as they're concerned, Santorum and Ron Paul. And they think, okay, that's it, Obama's won now, and there's nothing the Republicans can do. Drudge, on the 14th anniversary of posting the Lewinsky story, runs his story last night that ABC's got this Marianne tape, and they're in this big ethical debate over when to run it, which forced them to move it up. In my opinion -- I'm guessing -- but from everything I've read, I think that their decision was to wait 'til Monday on the Marianne thing after South Carolina, 'cause the indications are that Newt was gonna win there or get very, very close, and if that happened, it would be because ABC thinks they took Romney out this week with all the stories that they've run on the Mormon church and the 15% tax rate and the Caymans and who knows what else.

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