Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On Chris Mathews and Other Random Thoughts

  It looks like the Obama thrill is gone  from Chris Mathew's legs. :D                              Chris Matthews - 2011 Summer TCA Tour - Day 7                   

Chris Mathews, Obama's biggest supporter who had thrills running up and down his leg at the mere mention of his name now has changed his tune, at least for the time being anyway. Recently Mathews commented on his show "Is this it??? Is this all there is to Obama? What can we expect in a second term? More of the same?"

Sorry Chris you missed the boat. You and your fellow media elitists all fell for the shell game and lost with Obama and now all your money and ours went to new Obama debt (5 trillion to be exact) and more people on food stamps than ever before, 46 million up from 32 million and unemployment went from 5.6 percent and up to 10 % then hovers at 8 % under your boy (hmm. can that term be deemed racist now?) Obama, but don't worry you can still blame it all on George Bush as your scapegoat even though it's four years later.

How many speeches has Barack Obama given on jobs? How many times has he said the economy is his number one priority? Unfortunately, his rhetoric doesn't match his actions. The only suitable job worth creating to him is a government job. When it came time to approve the Keystone Pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the refineries in the Gulf states, Obama said no. Tens of thousands of jobs would have been created, but politics won the day. Now, GOP members of the U.S. Senate are using the Constitution in an attempt to approve the pipeline without Obama's consent.-------Bob Eberle  in The Loft, article below........Speaking of creating jobs, in a recent online question and answer  program between Obama and American citizens, a woman told Obama that her husband was a high tech electrical engineer and out of work for a while and having diffulculty finding a job. Barack's response to her was rather flippant I thought since he replied that their research has shown that a person in that kind of high tech job should have no problem finding a job. That kind of answer shows how arrogant and cut off from the world he is. It's his economy and his debt now that is causing this high unemployment and  companies are cutting back to save expenses because of his "tax the rich" rhetoric...... I am firmly convinced that elections are controlled and manipulated by the elitists in the media. This one is very obvious. When Michelle Bachman was high in the polls, the media came out with all these anti-Bachman stories causing people to fall in disfavor with her and  vote against her in polls (which are also manipulated) causing  her to back out. When Herman Cain was high in the polls and a man with impeccable credentials I thought and would still support, the media  drags out all these women who said he accosted them until he dropped out. These women were never heard from again. Now we have this heated exhange between Gingrich and Romney. The media plays it up because it's good theater and ratings just like a pro wrestling match. This all plays into Obama's hands which the media wants to see elected again and our country destroyed by socialism.......Obama was never vetted  correctly in the first place. His background never checked. People just voted on sheer emotion and the fact that he is the first black president. Well half black anyway. Never mind that he is not a natural born citizen as the constitution requires, never mind that he never produced any college records and nobody from Harvard or Columbia remembers him and there are no pics of him in any yearbooks. Never mind that he started his campaign in the home of and gave speeches with and sat on boards with  unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers who set bombs off at the pentagon, capital and New York police station and then in an interview in Esquire Magzine that appeared on 9/11 he stated they didn't do enough. Never mind that Obama had to show three differtent birth certificates. No none of this matters, because he's a liberal and first black president. Shame on you America!!!!!
Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! If you never watch another video, watch this one, this proves the Democrats(And some Republicans) know Obama is not an American and is serving illegally and unconstitutionally and the efforts they made are recorded in the Congressional Record, attempting to change the Constitution so he could serve legally.
EVERYONE who cares about and loves this Constitutional Republic absolutely MUST watch and forward this video!!!!!! This one must go viral. I won't be surprised when the people of this country begin calling for an Impeachment. This guy and his cronies have been intentionally deceiving the American public and his friends in Congress have been propping him up..Where are our elected representatives?

GOP Moves to Approve Keystone Pipeline... without Obama - The Loft The Loft

Obama Makes Pledge to Jobless Engineer

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