Sunday, January 15, 2012

Obama Gets Like Romney and Obama Goes to Church


With all the criticism of Romney and Bain Capital  firing people to create new and better job performance, now Obama is getting into the act with election time  near. Recently Obama announced he is cutting back on government bureaucracy and combining government agencies. He will be letting people go here to create new agencies that are smaller and more compact just like Romney with Baine.

It was, in other words, precisely the kind of government-slashing exercise that Romney, the numbers-whiz-consultant-turned-governor-turned-candidate, has been promising we'll get from him as president. To be fair, Obama had promised such a move in his last State of the Union address, and the next SOTU is fast approaching. But one wonders whether this will be the first in a series of moves intended to convey to voters: you don't need Mitt Romney. You've already got me.

Obama and his family went to church ( the Zion Baptist Church in D.C.) a third time this month. He hardly went before this.

While it’s possible the trips to church a part of some kind of renewed personal religious commitment, they are also consistent with Obama’s increased use of religious imagery as part of his public profile.
During two recent annual events – the televised Christmas in Washington gala and the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, Obama invoked specifically Christian themes he had shunned in the past.

Of course he shunned them in the past, he's a muslim not a christian as he professes.  He's only doing this to appeal to democrat party christians who left the party in the mid-term elections and appeal to most voters. I think it's disgusting and hypocritical of him to use religion as a crutch for  re-election, but then again he is a politician. I suppose we'll see him kissing babies next.

Below are some comments I found by people who feel the same way:

Jojo January 15, 2012 at 12:34 pm

Photo op

Desertrat from AZ January 15, 2012 at 2:39 pm
They must have installed a putting green in the church.

TK January 15, 2012 at 1:05 pm
No doubt!! Sounds like a church that has Rev. Wright’s stamp of approval…
bombshelterbob January 15, 2012 at 1:53 pm

Funny how these Socialists always manage to discover God and Country during an election year. The only problem I have with it is that I remember all of the slights, insults, and non-recognition of God from his past.
We know who and what you are Barry, and we’ll vote accordingly. Life’s really gonna suck for ya come November.

Star January 15, 2012 at 12:51 pm

I hate to be cynical (well, I don’t hate it too much), but this is MLK weekend.

Sadie January 15, 2012 at 1:02 pm
Not cynical – observant ;-) I had the very same thought. .
JohnDave January 15, 2012 at 1:21 pm
Don’t let him fool you. It’s always the same alternative motive BS. He wouldn’t know a genuine or patriotic feeling if he had one.


 Is Obama Trying to Out-Romney Romney -- Already?

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