Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On Chris Mathews and Other Random Thoughts

  It looks like the Obama thrill is gone  from Chris Mathew's legs. :D                              Chris Matthews - 2011 Summer TCA Tour - Day 7                   

Chris Mathews, Obama's biggest supporter who had thrills running up and down his leg at the mere mention of his name now has changed his tune, at least for the time being anyway. Recently Mathews commented on his show "Is this it??? Is this all there is to Obama? What can we expect in a second term? More of the same?"

Sorry Chris you missed the boat. You and your fellow media elitists all fell for the shell game and lost with Obama and now all your money and ours went to new Obama debt (5 trillion to be exact) and more people on food stamps than ever before, 46 million up from 32 million and unemployment went from 5.6 percent and up to 10 % then hovers at 8 % under your boy (hmm. can that term be deemed racist now?) Obama, but don't worry you can still blame it all on George Bush as your scapegoat even though it's four years later.

How many speeches has Barack Obama given on jobs? How many times has he said the economy is his number one priority? Unfortunately, his rhetoric doesn't match his actions. The only suitable job worth creating to him is a government job. When it came time to approve the Keystone Pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the refineries in the Gulf states, Obama said no. Tens of thousands of jobs would have been created, but politics won the day. Now, GOP members of the U.S. Senate are using the Constitution in an attempt to approve the pipeline without Obama's consent.-------Bob Eberle  in The Loft, article below........Speaking of creating jobs, in a recent online question and answer  program between Obama and American citizens, a woman told Obama that her husband was a high tech electrical engineer and out of work for a while and having diffulculty finding a job. Barack's response to her was rather flippant I thought since he replied that their research has shown that a person in that kind of high tech job should have no problem finding a job. That kind of answer shows how arrogant and cut off from the world he is. It's his economy and his debt now that is causing this high unemployment and  companies are cutting back to save expenses because of his "tax the rich" rhetoric...... I am firmly convinced that elections are controlled and manipulated by the elitists in the media. This one is very obvious. When Michelle Bachman was high in the polls, the media came out with all these anti-Bachman stories causing people to fall in disfavor with her and  vote against her in polls (which are also manipulated) causing  her to back out. When Herman Cain was high in the polls and a man with impeccable credentials I thought and would still support, the media  drags out all these women who said he accosted them until he dropped out. These women were never heard from again. Now we have this heated exhange between Gingrich and Romney. The media plays it up because it's good theater and ratings just like a pro wrestling match. This all plays into Obama's hands which the media wants to see elected again and our country destroyed by socialism.......Obama was never vetted  correctly in the first place. His background never checked. People just voted on sheer emotion and the fact that he is the first black president. Well half black anyway. Never mind that he is not a natural born citizen as the constitution requires, never mind that he never produced any college records and nobody from Harvard or Columbia remembers him and there are no pics of him in any yearbooks. Never mind that he started his campaign in the home of and gave speeches with and sat on boards with  unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers who set bombs off at the pentagon, capital and New York police station and then in an interview in Esquire Magzine that appeared on 9/11 he stated they didn't do enough. Never mind that Obama had to show three differtent birth certificates. No none of this matters, because he's a liberal and first black president. Shame on you America!!!!!
Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! If you never watch another video, watch this one, this proves the Democrats(And some Republicans) know Obama is not an American and is serving illegally and unconstitutionally and the efforts they made are recorded in the Congressional Record, attempting to change the Constitution so he could serve legally.
EVERYONE who cares about and loves this Constitutional Republic absolutely MUST watch and forward this video!!!!!! This one must go viral. I won't be surprised when the people of this country begin calling for an Impeachment. This guy and his cronies have been intentionally deceiving the American public and his friends in Congress have been propping him up..Where are our elected representatives?

GOP Moves to Approve Keystone Pipeline... without Obama - The Loft The Loft

Obama Makes Pledge to Jobless Engineer

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Biased Media Manipulation of Republicans Pt. 2



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In my previous blog I exposed how the media is manipulating this whole republican contest. Here I am exposing even more manipulation by the biased lamestream media.

First  Herman Cain arrived on the scene and is a man in my view of impeccable character and I still support to this day, but the media couldn't have a black vs. black presidential race so all of a sudden they trot out this bevy of women  all saying they had illicit laisions with him even though there were no witesses, no photographs and no surveillance tapes of them at the supposed hotels they claimed they were with him at. As soon as Cain dropped out so did the women never to be heard from again.

Contrast that with the way they treated Bill Clinton's accusers. Juanita Broaderick claimed Bill Clinton raped her in a hotel while she was there with a nursing convention. She had pictures of her with Clinton in the lobby she released and described in detail the scene outside her window in the room where she was with him. When investigators checked they found it to be exactly as she said. The media's and feminists' reaction was "Well that was so long ago."

Next came Paula Jones who claimed Clinton exposed himself to her  when he had a state trooper bring her up to his room. She said she could identify certain marks on his privates. Clinton then paid her off. The media's and feminists reaction was " Well at least he took 'no' for an answer."

And so it went on and on with each accuser. The dems and media lectured us ad nauseum  that sex didn't matter, oral sex was not sex and you have to define what sex is and what is, is. etc.etc. yadda yadda.
Next came Romney leading in the polls. The media went after him because he was a mormon. Never mind that we have a muslim disguising himself as a christian in the whitehouse now. They accused Romney of being of the 1% and his association with Bain Capital causing thousands of job losses. They accused him of  filing taxes at a lower tax rate than the average person. Never mind that their guy Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner owes thousands of dollars in back taxes. They accused Romney of having millions of dollars in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands like the drug cartels do. So what??? I say. Big deal. Lots of business people have that too. But Romney is undeterred and moving on.

The next target was Newt Gingrich. Another one who can beat Obama so they have to get rid of him now. So what do they do? They trot out his ex wife from 14 years ago to say he asked her to have an open marriage with him and Calista at the time. She refused and they got divorced. This is old news as Gingrich addressed it at the time. He now says he's matured and become wiser and more secure and made mistakes  and asked to be forgivien.

At the debate  on Wednesday night, CNN reporter John King asked Newt to comment on his affair  that his ex-wife, Marianne  brought out. Newt surprised everyone with his response and got a resounding applause and standing ovation from it. In case you missed it, I am including a link to it below to check out. Love him or hate him, you've got to admire his frankness and tenacity in responding. I can't wait to see him in a debate with Obama. He'll wipe the floor with him. He even told Obama he could bring a telepromter with him. :D In true pugilistic terminology Newt said, "I don't want to just give him a bloody nose, I want to knock him out."

It has since come out today that Marianne had an affair with a married man of three kids while she was dating Newt. She was with UAW local boss Marlin Ford. So she's just as guilty too.

So the apologists and defenders of dems and libs suddenly turn into the morality police when it comes to republicans. Nov.2012 will be here before you know it. Let's have some real change and get our country back from these socialists in power now. As Mae West once said, "Hold on to your hats because it's going to be a bumpy ride."

Newt Gingrich mauls CNN's John King for asking about 'open ...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biased Media Manipulation With Republican Candidates


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The race by the Republican candidates is changing every 20 minutes it seems and impossible to keep up with. First Romney was in the lead in Iowa and New Hampshire, then  after a recount in Iowa, Santorum pulls ahead of Romney, then Newt pulls ahead and the media goes after him with this interview with his former wife about Newt wanting an open marriage with her while he had an affair with Calista  who is now his current wife.  Never mind that their divorce was 15 years ago. The media  are acting like this is horrible when their candidates Bill and Hillary had an open marriage. At least Newt asked permission first and has since acknowledged he made mistakes and asked to be forgiven unlike Bill and the "hundreds of women" he claimed to Monica that he had been  with. Below is Rush Limbaugh's take on it which I think is very insightful and I agree with how the mainstream media is manipulating this whole thing to get Newt and Romney out of the way so we're left with Santorum and Paul and Obama will get in again. Besides, as Rush says below, didn't we learn from the democrats under Clinton that sex in one's life doesn't matter? That character doesn't matter as long as it doesn't interfere with the job? Liberals are the ones who are always advocating free love and multiple partners as being Ok so this is obviously planned to get any threat to their  messiah out of the way. Just wait until the genral election in November. It's going to be one dirty and very manipulative election. Check out Rush's comment :

They (the lamestream media. My words no this) don't investigate Democrats. And so now it's the Republican primary and then we got this mess out of Iowa where it looks like Santorum won it. There are eight caucus areas where they just said, "Ah, to hell with it. We don't know where the votes are. We agreed here that before the end of this thing was over that Romney's gonna be the winner."
They did a recount, got Santorum the winner by 34. Now there's a massive call, "All right, Iowa, you've blown it, why should you go first when you can't even get it right." So you got Santorum winning Iowa. You've got Romney winning New Hampshire, but that was expected. Now you've got Rasmussen with Newt polling ahead of Romney in South Carolina. Rick Perry pulls out this morning, endorses Newt. Perry was drawing 4% in the polls, so you don't know, even if all 4% go to Newt, what difference does that make. So I think the objective of ABC was to take Mitt out this week, or to just do damage. And I think they were saving Marianne Gingrich for Monday after the vote, after Newt wins or theoretically wins South Carolina, then they run the Marianne interview, and that takes Newt out of, and then who we left with?
As far as they're concerned, Santorum and Ron Paul. And they think, okay, that's it, Obama's won now, and there's nothing the Republicans can do. Drudge, on the 14th anniversary of posting the Lewinsky story, runs his story last night that ABC's got this Marianne tape, and they're in this big ethical debate over when to run it, which forced them to move it up. In my opinion -- I'm guessing -- but from everything I've read, I think that their decision was to wait 'til Monday on the Marianne thing after South Carolina, 'cause the indications are that Newt was gonna win there or get very, very close, and if that happened, it would be because ABC thinks they took Romney out this week with all the stories that they've run on the Mormon church and the 15% tax rate and the Caymans and who knows what else.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Obama Gets Like Romney and Obama Goes to Church


With all the criticism of Romney and Bain Capital  firing people to create new and better job performance, now Obama is getting into the act with election time  near. Recently Obama announced he is cutting back on government bureaucracy and combining government agencies. He will be letting people go here to create new agencies that are smaller and more compact just like Romney with Baine.

It was, in other words, precisely the kind of government-slashing exercise that Romney, the numbers-whiz-consultant-turned-governor-turned-candidate, has been promising we'll get from him as president. To be fair, Obama had promised such a move in his last State of the Union address, and the next SOTU is fast approaching. But one wonders whether this will be the first in a series of moves intended to convey to voters: you don't need Mitt Romney. You've already got me.

Obama and his family went to church ( the Zion Baptist Church in D.C.) a third time this month. He hardly went before this.

While it’s possible the trips to church a part of some kind of renewed personal religious commitment, they are also consistent with Obama’s increased use of religious imagery as part of his public profile.
During two recent annual events – the televised Christmas in Washington gala and the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, Obama invoked specifically Christian themes he had shunned in the past.

Of course he shunned them in the past, he's a muslim not a christian as he professes.  He's only doing this to appeal to democrat party christians who left the party in the mid-term elections and appeal to most voters. I think it's disgusting and hypocritical of him to use religion as a crutch for  re-election, but then again he is a politician. I suppose we'll see him kissing babies next.

Below are some comments I found by people who feel the same way:

Jojo January 15, 2012 at 12:34 pm

Photo op

Desertrat from AZ January 15, 2012 at 2:39 pm
They must have installed a putting green in the church.

TK January 15, 2012 at 1:05 pm
No doubt!! Sounds like a church that has Rev. Wright’s stamp of approval…
bombshelterbob January 15, 2012 at 1:53 pm

Funny how these Socialists always manage to discover God and Country during an election year. The only problem I have with it is that I remember all of the slights, insults, and non-recognition of God from his past.
We know who and what you are Barry, and we’ll vote accordingly. Life’s really gonna suck for ya come November.

Star January 15, 2012 at 12:51 pm

I hate to be cynical (well, I don’t hate it too much), but this is MLK weekend.

Sadie January 15, 2012 at 1:02 pm
Not cynical – observant ;-) I had the very same thought. .
JohnDave January 15, 2012 at 1:21 pm
Don’t let him fool you. It’s always the same alternative motive BS. He wouldn’t know a genuine or patriotic feeling if he had one.


 Is Obama Trying to Out-Romney Romney -- Already?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Will The Real Nazi Please Stand up and Other Random Thoughts

Today an article appeared on the Drudge Report saying the government will now monitor The Drudge Report, N.Y. Times and other sites and bloggers. Can you say Police State? Liberals are constantly name calling conservatives  "nazis", but look who's monitoring the advocates of free speech. The liberal Obama administration that's who. So I ask you who are the real nazis? Hmmmm?
Here is how the article appeared:
It's unclear exactly why, but the Department of Homeland has been operating a "Social Networking/Media Capability" program to monitor the top blogs, forums and social networks online for at least the past 18 months. Based on a privacy compliance review from last November recently obtained by Reuters, the purpose of the project is to "collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture." Whatever that means. Either way, the list of sites reported by Reuters reveals in a Wednesday afternoon exclusive is pretty intriguing:

Social Networks

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Myspace


  • The Drudge Report
  • The Huffington Post
  • The New York Times's Lede blog
  • Wired's Threat Level
  • Wired's Danger Room
  • ABC News' investigative blog The Blotter
  • "blogs that cover bird flu … news and activity along U.S. borders … drug trafficking and cybercrime"


  • Hulu
  • YouTube
  • Flicker
A little while after reading the article I was in the shower when the phone rang.When I got out I saw they left no message so  when I looked on the caller ID it said it was from Washington D.C. "Washington D.C.,?" I said to myself, "Who would be calling me from there?" I redialed back to see who would answer and I got a recording saying the party is not answering their phone. My wife kidded me that Obama was after me :D. After reading that article it's not too far fetched. :D..........I see Michelle Obama is  saying in an interview with Gayle King that "I'm not some angry black woman." Well you could have fooled me Michelle. Many times the tone of her voice told me she was an angry person and some of the things she said sounded like an angry person. Things like telling Mrs. Sarcozy that "living in the whitehouse was like being in hell" and after Obama's election saying "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country." You mean she wasn't proud of a country that defeated naziism, communism, fascism and is still defeating terrorism and freeing people around the world in her lifetime? What an ingrate. Besides, she always has that angry look on her face no matter how hard she tries to deny it.......Obama now says he's going to need another trillion to spend "to meet existing  commitments." YIKES!!!! He accused Bush of being unpatriotic for spending 4 trillion in 8 years and now he's asking for another trillion bringing his take to  six trillion in three years. We're already spending way more than we are taking in as it is. He's purposely destroying our country. I agree with what Rush Limbaugh said today that Obama believes that America was founded and always controlled by the 1% and it is up to him now to redestribute that money to the other 99%.


Congress will have had 15 days to say no before the nation’s debt ceiling automatically is raised from $15.2 trillion to $16.4 trillion.
In a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), Obama wrote that ”further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments.”


I don't like Newt Gingrich going after Romney like some democrats would.  It's as if he's a sore loser since he went from being up front down to third place and Romney winning Iowa and South Carolina and now looking good in Fla. Newt is playing right into Obama's hands with these ads against Romney. It's no good for the party and just enflames people more so Obama will get in again. Besides it is causing more of Newt's followers to turn against him.



Gingrich Denies He's Backing Off Attacks on Romney...
RUDY GIULIANI: 'What the Hell Are You Doing, Newt?'

Thursday, January 5, 2012

George Bush on C-Span


Yesterday, January  4th George W. Bush appeared with moderator Charles Lamb on C-Span in an interview from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas  where his library is to be and completed by 2013. Bush took hard hitting and excellent questions from some of the students there which he gave interesting and direct answers to and also displayed his down home country humor.

One student asked him about his library's contribution to diseases such as aids. Bush replied that his commission that he has set up is already working with other countries on curing aids and other diseases. Bush said he felt it was right that the strongest country  in the world should help the less fortunate. During his presidency Bush donated $500,000 to fighting aids in Africa and another $500,000 here. Unfortunately the media doesn't pick up on things like that if you are a republican. They just concentrate on the negative.

Another student asked Bush about U.S. relations with India and Pakistan which are at odds with each other. Bush replied to him that it was important that the United States make sure that both nations understand that the U.S. is both of their allies and try to bring them together.

One student asked Bush about his place in history. Bush answered that he doesn't think about his legacy and will let history decide that, "I just did what I had to do and what I thought was right at the time," Bush answered. He told students that as you go through life you will be dealt hands that aren't always good and you will have to deal with the hand you are dealt the best way you can. "This is how life is ," he said to the students gathered there. He also expressed his reasoning that a president shouldn't worry about his popularity, "You make decisions on what you think is right for the country and not what you think will make you popular," Bush said.  He added that at one time he had the highest rating of any president (which is true. During 9/11 he was in the 90% approval rating, higher than any president in history) and told his advisors at the time that it could only go down after that.

Bush also expressed his continued love for  our troops and fighting forces who are dedicated to protecting our country and the world from evil. He also expresed his undying love for his wife Laura who he's come to appreciate even more throughout his presidency.

One student asked Bush about what he intends to do in his post presidency. Bush replied that he wants to go back to privacy and will not appear on TV shows and be a pundit or comment on other presidents even though he was on TV now. He said when you are in the whitehouse you lose your anomininity and he just wants to go back being a private person. Throughout the interview they showed great pictures of Bush with his family when he was a kid and some great pics of him and Laura in their early days and him with the troops. It was a great interview with him fielding some great questions from the students to which he gave direct answers to and it was refreshing to hear from him too.

Several times during the interview Bush displayed his boyish country humor with the moderator Charles Lamb saying,"You can ask some questions too," laughing with his trademark laugh of shaking his shoulders up and down. Lamb laughed and responded that "the students are doing just fine." Towards the end of the interview Lamb stated that ,"We have time for just one more student question." to which Bush replied pretending to misunderstand Lamb," These are not stupid questions."  Lamb replied laughing, "I said student not stupid" to which everyone laughed.
Bush talked about his book "Decision Points" and said he put in the best and most decisions he made, but not all. He didn't want a book that was too cumbersome to read or that someone would use as a doorstop.

I'm including a link about his library here which contains links  and questions for any infornmation  you may want about Bush's administration and the people with him.

George W. Bush Presidential Library

Search for AIDS Vaccine Advances...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Advice to Iran

Iran says they will cut off the world's oil supply by shutting down and blockading the Straits of Hormuz. My advice to them is this: HEY IRAN, DON'T EVEN TRY IT!!!!

Happy New Year to all my friends  of Jaycee's Commentaries :)