Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obama Says GOP Plan Will Cripple America? He Should Talk!!!!

Obama Gop

Obama is on a west coast tour now to reunite his base since he's falling well behind in the polls and within his own party. He claims the Republicans will cripple America. He's in no position to talk. He's already done that with his outrageous over the top spending and tax increases on the wealthiest Americans causing companies to lay people off and causing unemployment to rise. He and his fellow dems will never learn that tax cuts not increases help the economy and create jobs even though it 's been proven time and time again under Reagan who lowered tax rates from 33% to 17% and created 20 million new jobs.

A recent example of this was with our neice's husband who recently lost his job that he's been at for two years now. He's a very devoted father and husband and a good solid worker who anyone would be proud to have. He works hard and long hours and does whatever it takes to provide for his family. I don't know what excuse his company gave him, but I can't help but think it's because of Obama's increasing taxes on the rich. The rich being CEO's and heads of companies that manage payrolls. When they get taxed they have to cut their payroll and let people go. By the way, Obama considers rich as making $250,00 a year which is really small business and middle class. If you google the rich you'll find that 10% of the population pay 90% of the taxes and 50% don't pay any taxes. When Bush left office with his tax cuts that libs love to attack, the unemployment rate was at 7% up from 5%. After Obama got in and we passed his stimulus package, unemployment went up to 9.2 % and has stayed there.

Obama will no doubt blame Bush again saying he inherited this mess, but that is getting old now. Even DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, "This is our economy. We own it now." For two years he had the senate and house and could have done all he wanted then, but he didn't and wasted it on going on a lot of vacations and golf outings. Now that he lost the house he's calling republicans obstructionists. Yes obstructionists to his plan to make America a socialist state. He hates this country and always has and stated as much in his books and said he wants to make us like Europe. Any informed person can see what's going on there today in such places as France, Greece and the U.K. Well in order to build a new village you have to burn down the old one and that's just what he is doing. He's making us into the U.S.S. of A.,the United Socialist States of America.

Obama has shifted from focusing on compromise with Republicans on Capitol Hill to calling out House Speaker John Boehner and others by name. The president has criticized them as obstructionists while demanding their help in passing his $447 billion jobs bill.

The revamped approach is a relief to Democratic activists fed up by what they viewed as the president's ceding of ground to the GOP on tax cuts and other issues while the economy has stalled and unemployment is stuck above 9 percent.

Obama said 2012 would be an especially tough election because people are discouraged and disillusioned with government, but he also said he was determined because so much is at stake.

The GOP alternative, Obama said, is "an approach to government that will fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. And that's not the kind of society that I want to leave to Malia and Sasha."

I found this most interesting comment online and agree with it.


Obama and these remarks are hilarious and one has to wonder how delusional he is??? It is amazing to see where the country has gone in the short time his big government and regulation­s has taken us! More government and more spending has only gotten us deeper in debt and over 9% unemployme­nt and that is being gracious since unemployme­nt would be closer to 14% but millions have given up trying for a job.

I will take any kind of government as long as it is different then the BIG BROTHER that we are living with now! Over regulation and growing spending is going to end up breaking this country and if we continue to go down Obama's path we will be the next Turkey and or Europe BROKE!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama says America is in Peril Without his Job Plan.

I read an article on Today's liberal Huffington Post that quoted Obama saying America is in peril if they don't pass his job plan. Oh really Mr.O? I think it is you causing the peril. I glanced at the accompanying reader comments like I usually do expecting to see the usual republican bashing, Obama supporting comments and was surprised at what I saw. Below are a few examples:

Oh LOOK, it is Obama blaming everyone but his own policies for our oncoming PERIL. Did he inherit a mess, yes. Did he improve the situation ? NO. At this point he is reduced to tossing redmeat to the base to shore it up. He is in big big trouble and the WH knows it . The man is incompeten­t.

In the last three years, when the Dems had full control of the Congress(2­008 to 2010) and the White House, what path did they lead the country on? We have now reached the Election mode, so the time tested scare tactics are in full swing. It comes as no surprise that now Mr. Obama has plans for just about everything­, yet not once did he take any responsibi­lity for anything that happened under his watch in the last few years. Stimulus, it never did what it was intended to do, it may have save jobs for a period of tiem, but most of those saved are now on Un-Employm­ent. Shovel Ready, even Obama says it did not do what was expected. The Summer of Recovery, but what summer is that? All the things now purposed are ther to calm his base, and to try and blame anyone or anything for the Economy. I don't think there is any American who doesn't believe that we we need to fix the Tax Code, to make it fair for all, except maybe , Mr. Obama. He will continue to play the Class Warfare, I just hope not too many buy into it!

Why was none of this done in 2009 and 2010 when he could have done most anything he
wanted. Now all of a sudden after 32 months of his BS that he has a plan. More lies.
Perhaps he should go to the owners of Solyndra and get back out 535 million that he put intoi
their company.

This comming from two pwople who mocked the flag at a 9/11 ceremony..­..american­s..they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidati­on and a commonalit­y hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlemen­t while America 's people go homeless, hungry and unemployed­.

Mr O you and your party are already leading the US down a perilous path.

I recently read an article where Warren Buffet,one of the richest people in the U.S. gave a speech saying how the rich should pay more in taxes and they can well afford it. Just one thing though, Mr.Buffet owes a billion dollars in back taxes. I guess he's free with everyone else's money, but his own. Other rich people should pay their fair share, but not him I guess.

I see where the Congressional Black Caucus is showing their true racist colors. First a member said that republicans want to hang them from trees, Maxine Waters says the tea party can go to hell and now another member,chairman Emmauel Cleaver says if Obama wasn't black they'd be marching on the whitehouse now. What hypocrits!!!!

Black Caucus chairman: If Obama wasn't president, we'd be 'marching on White House'...


CHICAGO TRIB: Why he should withdraw from race...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Fake, Phoney, Fraud is Desparate

Dem Party leaders mobilizing to solidify president's standing with Jewish voters to counter image Obama not friend of Israel...
NYT setting story for lead Thursday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE...
Comes after shock defeat of Dem candidate...


The above picture is from today's Drudge Report and shows how desparate Obama and the dems are after losing the senate seat held by Anthony Weiner, a seat that was held by dems since the 1920's. This was a district Obama carried by 11%. The dems are trying to spin it by saying this is a conservative district. Yeah right. If this is such a conservative district why did Obama carry it by 11%? Obama is souring all over the country. To have a picture of him at the Wailing Wall in Isreal with a yamulka on to win the jewish vote reeks of insult and phonieness. This is definatly a repudiation against Obama and his policies no matter how the dems try to spin it..Even many in his own party are sorry they voted for him and he is now lower in the polls than Bush was in his first term.

Obama supports the overthrow of Mubarek in Egypt and Quadaffi in Libya and people here respond by saying, "Yeah go get those dictators." The Egyptian people and Libyans are going to regret getting rid of these leaders. In Egypt Mubarek was friendly with the U.S. and was beginning to recognize Isreal. Now with him out of the way,the Egyptian Army is siding with the Muslim Brotherhood which will step in to take over and put Egypt under Sharia law.They hate all christians,jews and any other non-believers. As of now the Libyan rebels are rounding up all blacks there and accusing them of backing Quadaffi and beheading people. And these are people Obama supports. Well he said in the beginning he'd "stand with the muslims if the political winds should shift in an ugly direction." .

In Libya,the rebels are all mostly Al Queda constituents and have Sharia law in their new constituition. These people will be more repressed than they were previously were. The muslim brotherhood will be in power here also. Their goal is to make the entire middle east one big caliphate and then take on Europe and eventually the U.S. all by immigration and getting elected to office all without firing a shot. In other words,the goal of radical Islam is world domination.

Which brings me to another thought. I am getting sick and tired of all these libs and media types blaming the U.S.for 9/11 for our policies in the middle east. Radical Islam views all christians as infidels and in the Koran it says all infidels must convert or be destroyed.The radical,cowardly islamists that hijacked our planes and crashed them into the towers were telling the U.S. to convert or be destroyed. They don't care if you are democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, man, woman or child,they just want to kill Americans if you're not of the islamic faith and don't accept Sharia law. The trade center was a symbol of everything that was the antithesis of Islam. It's not our policies. Accept it or get over it all you libs out there. You could be next. Just because you're nice to them, don't expect them to be nice to you. Terrorism and radical Islam is pure force and can't be delt with thru nice words.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who's the Real Moron?

After the republican debates the other night, the talking heads at MSNBC called them all morons. My reply to them is to look in the mirror and at their leader. Chris Mathews says he has a tingle up and down his leg at the mere thought of Obama. I think that's pretty moronic. Obama says he's been to all 57 states. I think that's pretty moronic. Obama doesn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I think that's pretty moronic for a President. Obama said he saw fallen heroes in the audience he was addressing on Veterans Day. He sees dead people. That's pretty moronic. Joe Biden calls tea party people and republicans "barbarians at the gate" I think that's pretty moronic..................Tonite I heard John Batchelor interview former U.N. ambassador John Bolton. Bolton said Obama is the first president since FDR who shows no interest in foreign affairs. Bolton said Obama has failed to act on Iran seeking nukes or on Pakistan and North Korea acquiring nukes and his poll numbers in the arab world are now down to where Bush's were. Bolton said Obama has no idea on how to be president or run the presidential engine. All he cares about is reshaping America into his social agenda. He still acts like he's a community organizer and in the state legislature.........A member of the Congressional Black Caucus said republicans want to hang the members of the Congressional Black Caucus from trees. Maxine Waters said "the tea party can go to hell." Jimmy Hoffa Jr.said "we're going to take these S.O.B's out" referring to Republicans. So much for civility Obama called for in Arizona after the Gabby Gifford shooting. I think those comments are all pretty moronic. So MSNBC look in your own backyard for morons. Like the old adage says, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pompeii Exhibit in NYC

Today, Sunday, Sept. 4th, my wife and I took in the Pompeii exhibit in NYC at the Discovery Center in Times Square. We received gift certificats for tickets from her sister for her birthday in June and waited until now to go. This week-end was the last week-end of it. You have to put in a time you will be there for it so they can let you in at your specific time. We put in for 2:30 in the afternoon. To save on the hustle and bustle and nerve wracking of traffic in the big city and enormous parking fees and bridge tolls, we take mass transit by train and subway from our town . We arrived at the Discovery Center in Times Square at 2 p.m. and were astounded at what we saw. There were three lines extending halfway down the block. One was for ticket holders only for Pompeii that was just ending this week-end , another was for ticket holders only for a Harry Potter exhibit that was also just ending that week-end and a third was for ticket buyers for that day. We also discovered there were hundreds of others who also had tickets for 2:30. I had to keep asking the security personell to make sure we were on the right line and for the right time. The security people were very patient and helpful and I was amazed that no one panicked. We were getting very frustrated. Some people in front of us had tickets for 3:30 and they were asked to go to the end of the line. After waiting a little over an hour we didn't get in until 3:30 in the afternoon.

Once you got inside you are ushered onto other lines that eventually direct you to the exhibit itself. The lines went straight thru the entire exhibit so it made it less interesting to us. There were also people who had listening devices you could rent that tell you about each piece. They held up the line too so we just walked around them.

Pompeii was a town that existed in the first century A.D. that was a prosperous Roman town and commercial center consisting of 20,000 people from all social classes and their slaves. It was located at the base of a volcano called Mt. Vesuvious which erupted and destroyed the entire town.

The exhibit contains many beautiful artifacts such as tile paintings from the walls, elaborate marble furniture with animal head figures, various bowls, jewelry, utensils, ,statues of gods they worshipped and other interesting artifacts that have been uncovered over the years.

The highlite of the exhibit is the amazing body casts of people and animals that have been discovered and preserved so you can see how they actually were at that precise moment. When entering this room titled "Covered in Ash' you are ushered into a small room and watch an interesting interactive film of Vesuvius erupting. You see the town early in the morning with the time in the upper right hand corner. As the day progresses and the time changes you see and hear Vesuvius erupting until fire and Ash come raining down on the town and bellowing smoke comes towards you filling up the screen to the sounds of roaring volcano eruptions and you feel the floor shake beneath you as actual smoke fills up the room you are in giving you a somewhat feeling of what it was like. The doors open and you are standing before the room containing all the body casts which is in a dark room with the casts dimly lit and a description in the corner of each pedestal they are on.

The casts consist of people and animals who tried to flee or couldn't and were covered by lava and ash. Eventually the bones desintegrated, but left vacant cavities in the now hardend ash. In 1860 an archeologist in Pompeii named Guiseppe Fiorelli was the first to pour plaster into these cavities. Once the plaster hardened and the outer shell chipped away, Fiorelli discovered the haunting images of people and animals at the very moment of death which is what is on display here. You are not permitted to take pictures in this exhibit, but I am including a picture below of one I found online.

One cast is of a man sitting with his back to the wall and knees drawn up with his hands over his mouth. Another is of a man and a woman found in a home the man reaching out to the woman as if to comfort her. Another one is of a slave or prisoner who had markings around his ankles showing ankle chains that were worn, a dozen skeletons that were found in one house and a woman(pictured below) whose legs are bare and the imprints of her clothes are preserved on the upper part of her back, hips and stomach and on her left arm. It appears she tried to keep her mouth and nose clear by pulling her tunic over her face and was found possibly trying to make her way to the harbor to escape. A sad one that bothered my wife and would any dog lover is one of a dog wearing his bronze studded collar that was left chained and suffocated.

Over all it is a fascinating exhibit about life and death in Vesuvious, but would have been better for us without the crowds.


A cast of a woman that is part of the exhibit, "Pompeii the Exhibit: Life and Death in the Shadow of Vesuvius."

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sean Hannity and Dick Cheney Interview

Can Obama Win Reelection?Dick Cheney on 'Hannity'

On Tuesday and Thursday Sean Hannity interviewed former vice president Dick Cheney first in Cheney's home at Jackson Hole,Wyoming and then in Sean's studio at FOX News in New York before a live audience and I must admit Cheney confirmed eveything I already knew in that to liberals the truth becomes a lie and a lie is the truth and the liberal media goes along with it.. Most famously is the saying liberals love to chant that "Bush lied, thousands died" referring to his not finding stockpiles of WMD's in Iraq and saying Saddam was buying yellow cake uranium from Nigeria which Joe Wilson stated he wasn't after being sent there investigating by Bush.

Cheney stated that although they didn't find stockpiles of WMDs they found all the materials, the personnel and plans to make them. Cheney also said that Saddam was buying yellow cake uranium from Nigeria as Great Britain said it, Germany said it and they found materials pointing to that. I myself remember reading that the U.S. found 50 tons of yellowcake at one of saddam's palaces and sent it here to be buried. The media naturally covered that up when it came out. I also remember reading that Joe Wilson said he found that Saddam was buying yellow cake from Nigeria, but if he said he was then he was afraid Saddam would use it so he said he wasn't buying it and Bush was villified for saying it.

Cheney also mentioned that Colin Powell's chief of staff Ricard Armitage was the one who exposed Valerie Plame's position not Scooter Libby, but Libby was the fall guy and once again because he was connected to Bush the republican hating media railroaded him and sent an innocent man to prison.

On a personal level, Sean asked Cheney about his recent heart condition. Cheney said he had five heart attacks since he was 30 years old and has a condition known as a degenerative heart. His most recent attack earlier this year had him in the ICU for five weeks where he was installed with a special pump that keeps him going until a heart transplant can occur. Hint to Dick Cheney: if you're going for a heart transplant, get it now before Obamacare sets in because under Obamacare a person your age will be denied a heart transplant. Everything is cost effective under Obamacare.

Cheny showed his set up to the live audeince. It looks like a dressey designer vest worn under his suit jacket only it has wires and tubes connnected to electrodes in his heart that keeps his heart beating. Cheney showed the batteries that keep it going and took it out of the case to show the audience. Cheney said he lost 40 pounds while in the ICU. Cheny also exposed his humorous side and and showed how he puts up with all the name calling he's received in good stride from liberals like calling him "Darth Vader."Cheney's book is called "In My Time" and looks to be very telling.

In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir