Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NY Post Columnist Compares Obama to Jack Bauer. Oh Really????

File:Jack Bauer.jpg

A recent columnist in the New York Post by the name of Michael Benjamin had a column comparing Obama to Jack Bauer of the show '24'. I couldn't believe what he said and had to answer him. Below is his column followed by my reply. I don't know if the Post will print it or not so I am including them both here. I report you decide. Let me know what you think. :)

A Prez Fit For '24'

by Michael Benjamin

This summer we’ve lived through scenarios straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster -- Mideast upheavals, economic near-collapse, earthquake, hurricane and rising seas that threatened to swallow up the Eastern seaboard. And, like a Hollywood disaster film, this America has a black president.

In movies and on TV, black presidents have faced alien invasions (“The Event”), meteors (“Deep Impact”), the disintegration of Earth’s crust(”2012”), terrorists and war (“24”) plus political treachery (“The Man”).

Aliens and asteroids are the only threats our fast-graying President Obama hasn’t faced. Until this week, he’s merely had economic meltdown, Mideast turmoil and recalcitrant Republicans -- plus the Tea Party.

I’ll admit, I imagined the equivalent of “24’s” Jack Bauer tasing Reps. Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan to uncover the co-conspirators in their right-wing plot to “nuke” Social Security and Medicare.

We’re all too familiar with the brickbats thrown at Obama -- questioning his birthplace, his love of country, his academic record, his basic competence, his faith in capitalism and even his choice of vacation spots.

His travails recall Jonathan Swift’s line: “When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.”

Through it all, Obama has held his head high and appealed to our better angels, counseling patience in the face of the growing economic unease and desperation.

Obama has proven himself better than any celluloid black president. With extreme prejudice, he gave the go-ahead for Navy SEALs to assault Osama bin Laden’s lair. He has faced down a debt crisis, hurricanes and floods and brought down Moammar Khadafy without the loss of American lives.

If Mars attacks, I fully expect this president to kick some Martian behind. I and the rest of America will be standing beside him.

My Reply:

Michael Benjamin is living in a fantasy world of the Obama mania media with comparing Obama to Jack Bauer. If aliens came down here I'm sure Obama would offer them a piece of America's wealth in his quest to spread it around.

Mr. Benjamin talks about the brickbats thrown at Obama such as "His love of country".Oh really? Obama has stated in his books he blames America for all the world's problems and wants us to be like Europe. In his apology tour he went to muslim countries and said to them "America has been dismissive to you. America has shown you arrogance." I don't call that love of country.

2) He mentions the brickbat thrown at Obama about this love for capitalism. Again Oh really? Everything Obama does is big government and not for the private sector.He is no capitalist. His policies and people around him are pure socialists. 3) His academic record .Mr. Benjamin Obama has never released any of his school records and nobody has come forth that remembers him from any of his school years.

Mr. Benjamin says Obama gave the navy seals the go ahead to get Bin Laden. Obama was initially against that move and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to it after Leon Panetta spent 15 hours trying to persuade him. If it wasn't for the interrogation techniques of the Bush administration that Obama was against, we would never have gotten the info to get Bin Laden and he would still be alive today. Obama, is no Jack Bauer.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Night Irene. Obama's in Charge.

Fear not fellow readers, the Annointed one, the great Messiah, Barack Obama took charge of hurricane Irene at the Huricane command center and whisked her away. Well why not? He's the one who was going to make the seas recede and everything Ok for America.

Too bad he had to give up a few rounds of golf and cut his vacation short by 12 hours. Poor baby. Meanwhile Michelle stayed behind with the two girls and would return later in her own private jet and mortorcade that she arrived in just as he did at taxpayer's expense. He should have come home earlier when the earthquake hit to be in solidarity with the American people, but his golf game and vacation was too important.

For all the lib posters who claim Bush took too many vacations, his were working vacations at his ranch and on week-ends with all the personell he needed there too. Obama has people with him, but he takes vacations to places like Martha's Vineyard, Colorado and Hawaii while his wife goes to places like South Africa all at our expense. In fact, she took 45 days of vacation this year alone. If Laura Bush did that (and she is far too classy and respectful to do that) you would never hear the end of it from the media and libs.

People are also praising Obama for the way he handled the hurricane by interrupting his vacation to talk to governors of the various states by conference call from Martha's Vineyard and getting everyone out in time and getting a hold of FEMA in time to rush to any scene unlike Bush with Katrina they claim.

I would like to remind these lib posters that the people of New Orleans had plenty of warning ahead of time. Remember all the buses in the parking lot that were flooded because the mayor Ray Nagin didn't have the foresight to use them, except for one teen age kid who hijacked a bus and got some people out in time. Contrast that with the famous pic of people in Biloxi, Mississippi who used buses to get out of the way. They went as far as blaming Bush for Katrina and some wild fanatics claimed he could direct the hurricane to hit black areas first with technology from the whitehouse. Imagine people actually believing such drivel? No wonder people like Obama get in office.

The government gave Ray Nagin millions of dollars to repair the leveees, but he used that money to build his off shore gambling casinos instead and the levees broke and flooded N.O., but of course it was all Bush's fault. Remember how the media reported all these suicides and murders that were going on inside the astrodome so the red cross couldn't get in? It turned out none of that was true and one guy fell from the balcony because he was drunk. But now with Obama in charge everything went smooth of course.
Have no fear your messiah is here and in charge.


TO THE RESCUE: Obama takes charge at hurricane center...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Note to Chris Mathews; Obama Walked into His Own Hell.


Recently TV news talker Chris Mathews interviewed GOP head Reince Priebus on his show and like a maniac badly in need of a prozac, he grilled Reince and let into him saying, "Bush left Obama a mess and he walked right into hell." What's the matter Chris? Afraid of losing that tingle up and down your leg at the mere mention of Obama's name now that he's way down in the polls? Or did that tingle distract you from hearing the truth? Because if you researched your attacks before going off half cocked you would find Obama created his own mess and walked into his own hell not Bush. Or maybe Chris is just going for the ratings since MSNBC is dead last in the ratings and the crazier you act the higher the ratings.

When Bush left office, unemployment was between 5-7 %. Obama said if we passed his stimulus package unemployment wouldn't go above 8 %. They passed it and unemployment went up to 10% and is now meandering back and forth between 9 and 10%. If you count the ones not on the government unemployment compensation list, it is closer to 18%.

When Bush left office the national debt was 9 trillion and the deficit was around 900 thousand. After Obama got in with all his spending the debt is now 14 trillion and equal to our economy and we are spending more than we are taking in and the deficit close to two trillion.

When Obama campaigned he promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan within the first year. We're still there and he got us involved in another war in Libya and overthrowing Quadafi. The problem with over throwing these leaders like Mubarek in Egypt and now Gadhafi in Libya is that these people don't have anything democratic to replace them with and the Muslim brotherhoood is stepping in to take over with Sharia law which is already in the new constituition being drawn up in Libya. The people may be sorry they overthrew them in the long run.

So Chris, as you can plainly see, Obama created his own mess and walked into his own hell.

To hear the exchange between Mathews and Preibus click here:
Chris Matthews Grills Reince Priebus: Obama 'Walked into Hell ...

REPORT: Draft constitution holds Sharia as 'Principal Source'...



Obama sets record: $4,247,000,000,000 debt in just 945 days...

YORK: Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Me Worry??? It's Their Fault. Not Mine.!!!

Inflation rising fast...
European Shares Closing With Biggest One-Day Decline in Three Years.....


The entire country is in turmoil,people are losing their houses and jobs another recession is on it's way, inflationn is rearing it's ugly head and this so called leader of ours takes another 11 day vacation to Martha's Vinyard. He talks about taxing the rich and the rich not paying their fare share and castigates people who own corporeate jets.So what does he do? He heads to Martha's Vinyard, stays in a multi million dollar water front mansion and hangs around with coporate fat cats and people who own corporate jets.

He says he had the recession turned around and then the Arab Spring happened,the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan happened,the Tea Party got in his way,the Republicans got in his way and he's still blaming Bush for all that he inherited. He blames ATM machines and Kiosks at airports for unemployment never stopping to realize that people have to make those machimes, people have to fill them, people have to install them and people have to repair them. His Treasury secretary Tim Geitner asked him."Don't you take any responsability for what is happening," and he so arrogantly replied, "Absolutely not." And now he's taking another vacation. Donald Trump even said he has never seen a person take so many vacations as this guy. In fact,he's take nmore vacations and played more golf in three years than Bush did in his eight years. Some will argue that with him out of the White house things can run normal which is one way of looking at it, but in the end it is the leader of the country who is ultimately responsible for what is happening in the country and this guy refuses to accept any responsability whatsoever which is no leader.

He is a self absorbed narcissist. Bill CLinton was a narcissist too ,but not as bad as this guy. Clinton at least had enough sense to govern from the middle after he lost both houses. Not this guy with his Czars and radical mindset.

I looked up the definition of Narcissist and found this definition and traits:


Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.


A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:

*React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

*Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

*Have excessive feelings of self-importance

*Exaggerate achievements and talents

*Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

*Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

*Need constant attention and admiration

Sound familiar??? Obama's approval rating on handling the economy is now at 26%. As a bumper sticker I saw online says "Obama lied and the economy died."

Even his own constituency is turning away from him. Maxine Waters of the Congressional Black Caucus is saying he betrayed them and is only going to white neighborhoods on his bus tour.

He tells Rick Perry to watch his mouth when he spoke negatively about Bernanke and tells the rest of us to be civil and cool the rhetoric in public, yet it is Obama who talked about people clinging to their guns and religion. It was his V.P. Joe Biden who called tea partiers terrorists. So who should really be watching their tongue and cooling the rhetoric??

Sunday, August 14, 2011

American Idol Live Concert Tour

I've just returned from seeing the American Idol Live Concert tour at the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J.and I must say what an ecletic, enjoyable, rousing show it was. This season's tour was the best yet and featured a wide variety of songs and performances from contemporary rock, classic rock, blues and scat singing and down home country. The Prudential Center is a fairly new building costing 375 million dollars to build and can hold up to 17,000 people. It is the home of the N.J.Devil's hockey team as well as basketball events and concerts. Sunday's concert was sold out.

This year's winner was Scotty McCreery, a 17 year old North Carolina country boy with a deep mature singing voice and a cute aw shucks demeanor about him. During his auditions on American Idol, Judge Randy Jackson had to ask Scotty if that was his real voice because it sounded so mature for his age. Many teen girls had shirts saying "We Love You Scotty" written on them and signs saying the same of course as they waited with baited breath for him to appear.

Starting out the show were the female finalists consisting of Lauren Alaina, Haley Rinehart, Pia Toscano, Thia Megla and Namia Adeldopo all singing Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" which got the crowd cheering.

Following their set, the ever lovely and excitingly hot Pia Toscano came out doing a few ballads and outstanding perfomances. Her dark looks and beautiful smile can set many hearts on fire.

The bearded and curly haired Casey Abrams came out with his bass fiddle and laid into several blues tunes. Casey is the jazz and blues member of the troup and proved he can also wail with the best of them. He did a few bee bop scat singing jazz tunes with Namia.

Another Idol favorite, Paul McDonald did a rousing, hand clapping version of Rod Stewart's classic Maggie May as he jumped and skipped around the stage getting everyone clapping along. Idol hearthrob Stefano Langone followed Paul and after several tunes took his shirt off much to the delight of his female fans. He is quite buff and well built.

Saucy singer Haley Rinehart did a very sexy, sensual version of "The House of the Rising Sun." Her sexy, saucy come hither looks followed by a big bright smile and her long,wavy blonde hair can garner anyone's attention. Following that song she ended with Elton John's "Benny and the Jets." During the year it was rumored that she and Casey Abrams had a thing going.

James Durbin is the rocker of the group and was almost this year's winner. James has Asperger's syndrome and has a year old son with his girl friend who he is marrying soon. James did some really hard rock tunes that showed off his energetic style. He entered the stage from the rear of the auditorium down the center of the aisle with fans reaching out to him.

Following James the whole group minus Scotty who up until this time was being saved for the end, did a few more numbers together. Following their set, Lauren Alaina did a few songs and introduced her mother who was in the audience. The beautiful, blonde young girl of 16 who looks a few years older was rumored to be attached to Scotty, but in an interview said they were too young to be involved and were just good friends on tour together.
They do make an excellent couple though.

Finally the moment came to introduce Scotty. They did this by showing you videos of each year's winning idol announcement from 2001 to 2010 and then introduced live on stage this year's winner Scotty McCreery. People cheered and clapped loudly as Scotty started in with several of his country tunes sung on the show. Scotty and Lauren Alaina are the two youngest members of the troup both being 16 and 17.

The band backing them all up was nothing short of spectacular and outstanding especially guitarist Tim Stwart who really let loose on the electric guitar at all the appropriate moments from soft tunes by Pia Toscano to the hard rock tunes of James Durbin.

All in all it was so refreshing to see a clean, entertaining show featuring young people with an abundance of talent and decent morals for a change. A good show bereft of any off color jokes or four letter words which are so prevalent today.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Barack Obama-Debt Man Walking

"While some poor soul with his tongue on fire tries not to come up any higher, but rather pull you down in the whole that he's in"----Bob Dylan-1968 from his song 'It's alright Ma I'm only bleeding."

The above verse is from a song from the 60's by Bob Dylan called, " It's Alright Ma, I'm only bleeding." It could refer to Obama today. Obama has always hated this country and wants to bring it to its' knees and he's succeeding. He has always railed against America's exceptionalism in the world and often said we should be like Europe. As soon as as he got in office, the first thing he did was go to Egypt and preach to the muslim countries there by attacking America saying," America views you with arrogance and America has been dismisisve to you." These are not the words of a president, but of a TRAITOR!!!!! It's no wonder he thinks like that after being brought up in mostly third world countries like Indonesia and who knows what his communist loving, America hating parents put in his head. He is a lover of Big Government and thinks Government is the be all and end all to everyone's problems.

He believes in spending and transferring wealth from the haves to the have nots and millions of people have their hands out to him. He has spent more than all the presidents put together and can't stop while blaming Bush for his mistakes. Bush is not totally innocent either and he did spend like a drunken sailor, but mostly on the two wars in fighting terrorism. Obama is spending like a maniac on steroids. The GDP is now 14 trillion and the debt is 14+ trillion and soon to go up to 16 trillion and 24 trillion in ten years. As the bumper sticker I saw recently says, "Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion." Rush Limbaugh refers to him as "Debt Man Walking, " a satire on the Susan Sarandon movie "Dead Man Walking." LIMBAUGH: Obama 'Debt Man Walking' in '12...

Obama gave a speech to the nation and the market dropped 600 points. This is what Obama wants in his quest to destroy America. When he gives a speech he looks to the left and to the right reading off teleprompters. Well the American people don't want someone reading off telepromters looking left and right. They want someone who will look them straight in the eye and when he does look straight ahead it's because there is teleprompter in the back of the room which I've seen pictures of.

When Bush left office unemployment was at 7%. After Obama took office it went up to 10% and back down to 9.2%. and the Obama people celebrate when it went dow nto 9.2 %. That's no reason to celebrate If you count the ones out of work and not collectiing it's more like 18% and climbing. Matt Drudge referred to the current spending crisis by Obama and lowering of our AAA rating as "Barackalypse NOW." As Bob Dylan says in the end of his song,"But it's alright Ma It's life and life only."

The Washington Times has been the first to call for the impeachment of Obama and lists all the impeachable offenses listed here:


Please share widely!!! Perhaps other writers will grow SPINES. A strong article and hopefully not the last public newspaper to do so.
> President's socialist takeover must be stopped
> By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
> The Washington Times
> President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached.
> He is slowly - piece by painful piece - erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela 's leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above - one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His policies are Balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go.
> He has abused his office and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. His health care overhaul was rammed through Congress. It was - and remains - opposed by a majority of the people. It could only be passed through bribery and political intimidation. The Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, the $5 billion Medicaid set-aside for Florida Sen. Bill Nelson - taxpayer money was used as a virtual slush fund to buy swing votes. Moreover, the law is blatantly unconstitutional: The federal government does not have the right to coerce every citizen to purchase a good or service. This is not in the Constitution, and it represents an unprecedented expansion of power.
> Yet Obamacare's most pernicious aspect is its federal funding of abortion. Pro-lifers are now compelled to have their tax dollars used to subsidize insurance plans that allow for the murder of unborn children. This is more than state-sanctioned infanticide. It violates the conscience rights of religious citizens. Traditionalists - evangelicals, Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, Orthodox Jews - have been made complicit in an abomination that goes against their deepest religious values. As the law is implemented (as in Pennsylvania ) the consequences of the abortion provisions will become increasingly apparent. The result will be a cultural civil war. Pro-lifers will become deeply alienated from society; among many, a secession of the heart is taking place.
> I would add that, he has also granted hundreds of waivers to groups, organizations and companies that supported his canidacy, who claimed hardship if not excluded from Obamacare. dwr
> Mr. Obama is waging a frontal assault on property rights. The BP oil spill is a case in point. BP clearly is responsible for the spill and its massive economic and environmental damage to the Gulf. There is a legal process for claims to be adjudicated, but Mr. Obama has behaved more like Mr. Chavez or Russia 's Vladimir Putin: He has bullied BP into setting up a $20 billion compensation fund administered by an Obama appointee. In other words, the assets of a private company are to be raided to serve a political agenda. Billions will be dispensed arbitrarily in compensation to oil-spill victims - much of it to Democratic constituents. This is cronyism and creeping authoritarianism.
> Mr. Obama's multicultural socialism seeks to eradicate traditional America . He has created a command-and-control health care system. He has essentially nationalized the big banks, the financial sector, the automakers and the student loan industry. He next wants to pass "cap-and-trade," which would bring industry and manufacturing under the heel of big government. The state is intervening in every aspect of American life - beyond its constitutionally delegated bounds. Under Mr. Obama, the Constitution has become a meaningless scrap of paper.
> To provide the shock troops for his socialist takeover, Mr. Obama calls for "comprehensive immigration reform" - granting amnesty to 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens. This would forge a permanent Democratic electoral majority. It would sound the death knell for our national sovereignty. Amnesty rewards lawlessness and criminal behavior; it signifies the surrender of our porous southern border to a massive illegal invasion. It means the death of American nationhood. We will no longer be a country, but the colony of a global socialist empire.
> Rather than defending our homeland, Mr. Obama's Justice Department has sued Arizona for its immigration law. He is siding with criminals against his fellow Americans. His actions desecrate his constitutional oath to protect U.S. citizens from enemies foreign and domestic. He is thus encouraging more illegal immigration as Washington refuses to protect our borders. Mr. Obama's decision on this case is treasonous.
> As president, he is supposed to respect the rule of law. Instead, his administration has dropped charges of voter intimidation against members of the New Black Panther Party. This was done even though their menacing behavior was caught on tape: men in military garb brandishing clubs and threatening whites at a polling site. A Justice Department lawyer intimately involved in the case, J. Christian Adams, resigned in protest. Mr. Adams says that under Mr. Obama, there is a new policy: Cases involving black defendants and white victims - no matter how much they cry for justice - are not to be prosecuted. This is more than institutionalized racism. It is an abrogation of civil rights laws. The Justice Department's behavior is illegal. It poses a direct threat to the integrity of our democracy and the sanctity of our electoral process.

>The gun running of "fast and furious" and continueing attempt to cover up, pass the blame and hide from the responsibility by Obama and Holder is indicitave of Obama's ignoring the Constitution and his lawlessness. It was undoubtedly an effort to create a public outcry for more gun control. In my opinion, his plan also was to cause chaos for the Mexican citizens by letting the guns go into the drug cartels' hands and terrorize the Mexican citizens. Forcing them to flee north across the border. Which would create a need for a refugee program for the fleeing Mexicans. Hence, an urgent need for amnesty for the sudden influx of illegal immigrants. dwr.
> Corruption in the administration is rampant. Washington no longer has a government; rather, it has a gangster regime. The Chicago way has become the Washington way. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is a political hit man.. He is an amoral, ruthless operator. It was Mr. Emanuel who reached out to Rep. Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania Democrat, offering a high-ranking job in the hopes of persuading Mr. Sestak to pull out of the primary against Sen. Arlen Specter. It was Mr. Emanuel who offered another government position to Andrew Romanoff to do the same in the Colorado Democratic Senate primary. And it was Mr. Emanuel - as the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has revealed - who acted as the go-between to try to have Valerie Jarrett parachuted into Mr. Obama's former Senate seat. The only question was: What did Mr. Blagojevich want in exchange?
> This is not simply sleazy Chicago machine politics. It is the systematic breaking of the law - bribery, attempt to interfere (and manipulate) elections using taxpayer-funded jobs, influence peddling and abuse of power.
> The common misperception on the right is that Mr. Obama is another Jimmy Carter: an incompetent liberal whose presidency is being reduced to rubble under the onslaught of repeated failures. The very opposite, however, is true. He is the most consequential president in our lifetime, transforming America into something our Founding Fathers would find not only unrecognizable, but repugnant. Like all radical revolutionaries, he is consumed by the pursuit of power - attaining it, wielding it and maximizing it. Mr.. Obama's fledgling thug state must be stopped.

> It is more crucial now than ever that the leadership in the House instigate a committee to investigate every aspect of Obama's administration, his cabinet and his czars. He will stop at nothing, we the people should stop at nothing and turn over every stone Obama has placed to bury our Constitution. dwr.
> If Republicans win back Congress in November, they should - and likely will - launch formal investigations into this criminal, scandal-ridden administration. Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has promised as much. Mr. Obama has betrayed the American people. Impeachment is the only answer. This usurper must fall.
> Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the Edmund Burke Institute, a Washington think tank. He is the host of "The Kuhner Show" on WTNT 570-AM (
www.talk570.com <<http://www.talk570.com/> ) from 5 to 7 p.m.
> SOURCE: KUHNER: President's socialist takeover must be stopped - Washington Times <

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens poster

I've just come from seeing Cowboys and Aliens starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford and I must say I enjoyed it. It is perfect summer fare. I've always loved movies that feature a loner who is fearless and macho in the face of adversity no matter how it comes and can well take care of himself and Daniel Craig's character is certainly that.

The story takes place in 1875. New Mexico Territory. A stranger (Daniel Craig) with no memory of his past stumbles into the hard desert town of Absolution. The only hint to his history is a mysterious shackle that encircles one wrist. What he discovers is that the people of Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody makes a move on its streets unless ordered to do so by the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford). Fords's character is a big ranch owner comparable to Ben Cartwright in another life. His son Percy played by Paul Dano is the town wiseguy and drunk always hiding behind his father and threatening the town.

The film has something for everyone. Good guys vs. bad guys, a wanted man meets up with his former gang who don't like him now since he left them and took all the gold he stole from a stagecoach with him, Indians and various prejudices and of course aliens from outer space threatening to annihilate everyone. All these groups must ban together to fight off being wiped out. There is plenty of action and characters though many are stereotyped we've seen before, but that's fine with me.

A beautiful woman stranger is among them played by Olivia Wilde who adds to the romantic tension. It seems the aliens are from another planet seeking gold which is rare to them and mining here. They are also kidnapping earth people (Harrison Ford's son among them) by lashing long rope like cables from their spaceships and hauling them up into them to study and experiment on them to test their weaknesses so they can take over earth. You see not all aliens are friendly.

The aliens themselves are large lizard like creatures with stomachs that open up revealing two gooey hands coming out to capture you. Ever since Sigourney Weaver had her encounter with her alien who spit gooey strands, others have since emulated that in various sci-fi movies. This is no exception.

I don't know if it's because he is getting older now or if that was his character, but Harrison Ford struck me as speaking slower and more gruffer than usual with a slight hoarsness to his voice. A far cry from his Han Solo and Indiana Jones characters we've come to love and enjoy. Daniel Craig is excellent as the fearless wanted man who has lost his memory from being abducted and fights without flinching whenever confronted while keeping his cool and Olivia Wild is heart throbbing and mesmerizing as the mysterious traveler among them. She too has a secret.

Check out Cowboys and Aliens. I am enclosing a link here to a trailer that pretty well captuers the movie.

Cowboys & Aliens Moviefone

Friday, August 5, 2011

We've Been Hoodwinked and Hornswaggled!!! and Other Random Thoughts

The American people have once again been hoodwinked and hornswaggled by both sides in the debt debate. This was a mass illusion that would rival Chris Angel and David Copperfield by comparison.

The idea was America was on the verge of default if they didn't raise the debt ceiling, which was already at 14 trillion and equal the GNP, and allow the Obama administration to spend more otherwise social security checks wouldn't go out and the military wouldn't get paid. The republicans were against raising the debt ceiling and argued vehemently against it as the clock drew nearer. After long and arduous debates the republicans allowed the debt ceiling to be raised by two trillion in return for cuts in spending which would lead to a balanced budget in ten years. Everyone on capital hill drew a sigh of relief and the American people were divided even more..

This was a phony crisis created by the Obama Administration and carried out by their apologetic minions in the media. First of all, America was never on the verge of defaulting. Not with 200 billion coming in every month. That is enough to pay every social security recepient and the military with some left over. Secondly the cuts weren't really cuts, but slowdowns in the rate of growth. THAT IS NOT A CUT!!!!!! How can you balance a budget when you increase it by two trillion plus interest.That brings the debt to 16 trillion now and with interest and still spending it may be up to 24 trillion in ten years. Well I for one don't want to wait ten years. I want cuts now none of this slowdown of rate of growth BS. And now we've been downgraded by S&P for the first time in history.

Joe Biden with his diarrhea of the mouth is calling the tea party "terrorists". This coming from the man who sat down with Assad in Syria. Imagine if Dick Cheney called some democrats "terrorists"? He'd be excoriated to no end. It's frightening how this term is flashed around so freely. A true terrorist is pure force and resorts to violence. That's not tea party people. They stand on principles and for less spending and smaller government.

Michelle Obama is on this big crusade to fight obesity in young people, yet a local burger joint near the white house named this huge burger after her and her husband says they are his favorite burgers. So much for setting an example in obesity fighting.

Obama said during this so called crisis that we all have to sacrifice something. He called it a shared sacrifice to curb spending and return money to the debt so America won't default. Yet inthe middle of a recesison with a tanking economy and people looking for jobs, he has this huge birthday bash/fundraiser for him with each guest paying $100,000 and charging $10,000 for a picture with him. All these Hollywood types came out of course. I also don't see any congress people republicans and democrats alike taking any pay cuts. So much for shared sacrifice.

Mark Simone sitting in for Sean Hannity today came up with an interesting statistic. He was talking about the dems using their rhetoric "tax the rich" all the time. He noted that if you took the 400 most wealthiest Americans and taxed them 100% that would only take care of the gov't for 120 days and if you took them for everything they're worth, houses, cars savings, etc, that would only take care of the gov't for 180 days. That's worth thinking about the next time a liberal talks about taxing the rich.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They Have Fixed Nothing!!! Here's What They Should Have Done.

The above picture is from today's Drudge Report

the House on Monday evening with a vote of 269-161.

174 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted to pass the debt ceiling increase, while 66 Republicans and 95 Democrats opposed the debt deal. Three Democrats did not vote in favor or against.

After Speaker Boehner announced that the compromise passed, cheering was audible from House members.

This is a bad deal in my opinion and is like a drug addict who solves his problem with a temporary fix until the drug wears off and the pain sets in again. I agree with the republicans who voted against it. Sure the gov't is kept going, but we added the highest hike in history and the debt pain increase will hit again as we get further and further in debt . The pain will hit again around Thanksgiving when the congressional board appointed reviews our status.

A good lesson they should follow is what my wife went thru. When we were first dating, she had a wonderful job with good pay just like the government is, but she spent wildly with her credit card just like the government is doing. She would pay a minimum amount and the credit card companies would extrend her credit thus causing her to spend more exactly what is going on now in Washington. It wasn't until she went to buy a new car and they did a credit check on her that it hit her in the face. When the salesman put in her credit rating, this long sheet came out showing every purchase she made and where and the fact that she owed tens of thousands of dollars. She then did a smart thing unlike the government is doing and sought out a credit counseling service, handed in her credit cards, they put her on a budget, she went out and got a second job and paid off her debt. She now is very careful and cautious on every cent she spends.

The government should do the samne thing, cut expenses and not raise the limit. Obama said we all have to sacrifice and that should include all congressional people in both parties taking a huge pay cut. They can also cut programs that fund things like the arts that have pieces like the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung and crucifixes in urine etc. and programs that study the sex life of certain bugs. All this would bring the debt down. I realize there are major cuts in this plan and a balanced budget amendment so I hope what they cut are in areas like this and not cuts in increases to these programs they refer to as cuts. We also have enough in taxes coming in each month to pay social security and our military with some left over. Now raising the debt will make it worse. There is also a poilitical connection here naturally with the republicans hoping it will make Obama look worse and democrats hoping it will make republicans look bad. In the end we all suffer .

Below ares ome excellent comments I concur with:

PlainEnglish 35 minutes ago

Time to send everyone in Washington DC back to private life and cut spending across-the-board. Also, every expenditure not specifically authorized by the U.S. Constitution needs to be stopped and the program those funds were being wasted on needs to be stoppe

I am sickened, repulsed and enraged at what these out of control Washington politicians have done to my country, family, children and future generations. They have all committed treason against hard working Americans; those who PAY THE BILLS in this country. I'm sick and tired of losing sleep over the destruction that has befallen us as a nation since that abomination of a president was inaugurated Jan. '09. I lay the blame squarely at Obama's feet, the radical Democrat socialists and the limp wristed Republicans (those that DO NOTHING to stop this monumental train wreck).

The seams are bursting and something has to give NOW. I've had it. I've had it with them all. Every last one of them. Every last Washington politician who became filthy rich in their positions of power, who do not have to live under the horrendous and disastrous laws they pass for the rest of us. ENOUGH!

AND this most excellent comment:

joedoakes202 48 minutes ago

Gentle and Wisely . . .

August 2, 2011

Dear President Obama,

I often wonder after one of these debates you, Boehner, and Reid, lie in bed, gently sharing a cigarette, and ask the open question, “Was it good for you?” Because, Mr. Obama it wasn’t good for the American people, frankly, we are left wanting. We got the aggravation, but no action. He!!, we can’t even have a cigarette anymore to clam our nerves. Frankly, Sir, I don’t smoke, but even I could use a cancer stick about now. In fact if I could buy America one thing, other than a Coke, it would be a cigarette and place to smoke it free from some goody-two-shoes telling them to put it out.

Towards the end of this debate I was likened to a terrorist by Joe Biden. This coming from a guy from the same party that has sit downs with real terrorist like Basher Assad. I, and no one I’ve ever met who wants government to be even marginally more responsible, is a terrorist. If I thought they were I would call my friend in the FBI and ask him if I should report the situation. We are regular people who have credit cards who think that when the bank sets a limit, it’s for a good reason, and if we want an increase we have to justify it and they have to make a determination based on past experience. In this present case the American people determined that enough was enough, and it was time to stop the bleeding and save good old Uncle Sam from an early demise.

For this we are vilified. We are called racists. We are likened to the deepest evils to have ever roamed the earth. Just because we want to gently and wisely begin to affix a bandage to our Uncle Sam and get him back on his feet while not billing taxpayers for that 5th pair of orthotics that he could pick up at a local Walgreens for far less cost. We do not want to end these programs that tens of millions of Americans and some future Americans rely on. We want to save them. We want to create a better way for the next generation to save for retirement and their eventual infirmity. We want to have family and faith and not government at the center of their lives. We want community not to be organized around race or economic class, but comity and common purpose.

Are these pipe dreams? Maybe. But they are worth the fight. They are worth an argument, and they certainly are worth a few hurt feelings. One of the reasons we all fight so hard is because we are Americans and we find losing hateful. In this most recent debate and vote Americans, once again, lost against a stacked deck. Some day soon we are going to take that deck and shuffle it a few extra times and we are going to be certain those cards hit face down. A casino is the place for gambling, the federal government is not the proper venue especially when lives are on the line. Last November we said enough is enough on November 6, 2012 we will do it again. If my math is right you’ll be short a few more Democrats, and I’ll be showing a few more Republicans of the TEA Party variety. That’s a deck “We The People” can’t wait to play with:)


Joe Doakes