Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Reply to a Left Wing Letter to the Editor in Wildwood,N.J.

I've just returned from a nice vacation in the ever growing shore town of Wildwood, N.J. Whenever I go to these shore towns we always enjoy picking up the free newspapers of shore news found in the lobbys of various hotels and eateries. These periodicals tell of local shore events and news in the area, have coupons for discounts at various events and restaurants and make for enjoyable reading. One paper I picked up had a particular interesting letter to the editor I wanted to reply to but couldn't while I was there as I had no computer, pen or paper or envelopes to send it so I am replying here in the hopes this guy may see it and I could hear back from him. I am putting his words in the purple italics and my reply in the black letters. His name is Wiliam Murphy from Cape May, N.J. He claims to "correct the trash put forth by right wing opponents."

Reagan (he spelled Reagan's name wrong using an 'e' instead of an 'a' at the end of his name) lowered taxes and doubled revenues. Wrong. revenues went from 1.4 trillion to 1.7 trillion, not exactly doubling. Problem with the right is lack of education, thus basic math deficiencies.

Mr.Murphy, maybe it wasn't doubled as you say, but at least they went up unlike your current one in office who increased our debt in three years to more than Bush did in eight and where our debt now equals our economy. Reagan lowered taxes from 33% to 17% and everyone did better under him , even the poor, because you had the greatest contributions to charity than ever before. Your Obama talks about raising taxes and now unemployment is up to 9.2 % and climbing. Don't talk to me about lack of education and math deficiencies.

The right leadership knows how to motivate neanderthals, thus establish talking points, arm the followers and put them out to the dance floor.

Mr.Murphy, I think you had better recheck your research and change it to "the left leadership knows how to motivate neanderthals and arm the followers with talking points." Obama and the lamestream media are good at that and perfect examples.

Everyone knows and has seen Bush on the aircraft carrier saying :"combat missions are over." No documantation needed. Bush and Cheny are war criminals(here we go again with the tired left war criminal rheoric)-Geneva Accord violation. Now there are warrants out for their arrest. You will not see these guys traveling to Europe anytime soon.

Mr. Murphy, you are obviously suffering from the malady known as Bush derangement syndrome, an airborn media phenomena spread by casual propaganda contact of which there is no know cure except to see the light and wake up and come over to our side. Your president Obama suffers from this malady too, constantly blaming Bush for his problems. The sign on the aircraft carrier said "Mission Accomplished" and referred to us wreaking shock and awe on Iraq after Saddam refused to leave and accept Libya's invitation to live there in exile. Also to see Iraqis hold a democratic election (remember all the purple fingers?) and see a newly elected government create and ratify a new constitution. We did all that. As far as Bush and Cheney ignoring the Geneva Convention, this is a purview of the world court which Bush refused to give any legitimacy to. If you are referring to us torturing prisoners then think again. By water boarding KSM we learned of connections that led us to where Osama was hiding thus killing him. An act your president took credit for after dithering and refusing to go there for 15 hours. You lefties think that being nice to them, they'll be nice to us. How naieve!!!Nonsense Mr. Murphy. They (terrorists) don't care if you're liberal or conservative ,they just want to kill Americans, including YOU Mr.Murphy.

On Dec.17, 2010, a poll o f 616 voters entitled "Fox news viewers to be misinformned on key issues." The right will not believe even the strongest documentation. They have their talking points and don't know how to deviate or debate properly. One cannot oppose the talking points of the right. It's always fanny and Freddy, not Wall Street or banking regulations. They are totally dishonest.

Only 616 people polled? Gee that's an awful small amount. The trouble with polls is that they can be skewed anyway you want. Again like I stated above Mr.Murphy, check your research to see who you are talking about. You sound like you are referring to the left instead of the right when you talk about not knowing how to debate. Whenever I see the Sunday morning shows, they have one conservative and three liberals and they call it balance. Whenever I see a liberal and conservative debating, it's always the liberal shouting down the conservative and not giving them a chance to speak. It's with the left who have the talking points. If you listen to enough of their shows you hear the same lines repeated over and over. Chris Mathews has a tingle going up and down his leg everytime he hears Obama's name he said. Not toooo biased is he? As far as not talking about Banking regulations or the Wall Street Journal, John Fund who is an economic writer for the Wall Street Journal appears on a lot of TV shows on FOX and on radio. I've also heard numerous discussions on banking regulations on FOX.

The left wants to destroy FOX News because they show you the other side of things the left doesn't weant you to hear. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are all left wing and partisan. Fox came about because people were clamouring for another side. FOX shows you things the other stations and print media don't want you to hear or see. Now Iask you, who's totally dishonest Mr.Murphy, hmmmmmm?

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