Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Casey Anthony Verdict

Well the Casey Anthony verdict has certainly caused a swelling of controversey. Many people were so convinced of her culpability and guilt by mere circumstantial evidence that they are cying tears when she was found not guilty. I'm glad I'm not on trial with these people and TV commentators who rush to judgement as the jury.

I though the most rediculous reaction was of the women on a show called The Talk ( a ripoff of The View) where the main host was so upset she couldn't read the verdict and thru tears asked one of her co-hosts to help her out and the co-host had trouble reading the verdict. Oh Brother!!!! Gimme a break. I saw one comment after an article about the verdict that said, "to all you liberals out there, just think of this as a really really late term abortion." "Ewwww," I thought to myself. That is cruel, but today Rush Limbaugh hit on something that makese sense. He said since when is the mainstream media so concerned about the death of an innocent child? If this woman had an abortion three years ago she would be declared a hero among all these women and media." Even Rush's screener Bo Snerdley, winced at that, but when you think about it, he is right.

In any case there was a lack of hard evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt and conflicting lies by Casey and her parents. There was no fingerprints, no DNA, no witnesses. There was no evidence of how she died, when she died and who put the body in the swamp. Judge Janine Pierro on Sean Hannity's show was furious and brought out about the bags being found in Casey's car and her hair being found there and the smell of death in the trunk by the police dogs. Sean pointed out that the car was a family car and they all used it and the hair could be from anytime since it was a single hair and the smell didn't match the timeline the defense pointed out. Plus the prosecution was so overzealous in pointing out that Caasey could get the death penalty that in the jurors minds they thought if they found this woman guilty they could be sending her to her death on circumstantial evidence. And what about her boyfriend who didn't like Caylee staying overnight? And who is the father in all this and where is he? And why did the grandfather tell his mistress that it was a horrible accident? Maybe Caylee did drown in the pool like the defense maintains.Why would they wait 31 days before reporting the child missing?

Geraldo Rivera also brought up a good point saying that Casey was offered to take a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter and she refused. Why would she put her own life in jeopardy that way?

As I was having lunch with a friend of mine, he brought up an interesting point. He figured that the father or boyfriend may have killed her and threatend Casey with her life if she said anything which is why she didn't want to take the stand or plead a lesser charge. In any event I agree with Sean Hannity in that something horrible happened to this little girl and they all know what

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