Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obam vs.Republicans on Budget Cuts and Taxes

In an article today on AOL under the Huffington Post it states that the republicans have refused an offer by Obama with his offer to raise taxes and puting medicare, medicade and social security cuts on the table. I for one am glad they did.:

"Obama had proposed to Republicans a "grand bargain" that accomplished a host of individual things that are unpopular on their own, but that just might pass as a huge package jammed through Congress with default looming. Obama offered to put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts on the table in exchange for a tax hike of roughly $100 billion per year over 10 years. Meanwhile, government spending would be cut by roughly three times that amount. It's no small irony that the party's dogmatic opposition to tax increases is costing the GOP its best opportunity to roll back social programs it has long targeted.

Republicans are now banking on a smaller deficit reduction deal that would still make major cuts, somewhere in the range of $2 trillion. "

But an article in the Washington Post paints adiffernet picture saying:

"Only about $80 billion would be cut from Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health programs, and nothing from Social Security. But even without touching those programs, the plan would stabilize borrowing by 2014 and begin pushing the national debt down as a share of the economy.

Republicans dismissed the Democratic blueprint, saying higher taxes would be devastating to an economy already weighed down by a 9.2 percent unemployment rate. In their spending plan, House Republicans proposed to save $4 trillion entirely through spending cuts; they would also eliminate Medicare as an open-ended entitlement after 2021.

“If they’re calling for $2 trillion in tax hikes in the middle of a jobs crisis, it’s little wonder that it’s been 800 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget,” said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart."

I say hands off medicare and social security all together. There is plenty of wasteful spending to do away with than touching these programs and why must tax hikes always be involved when it comes to dems? I think it must be in their DNA. Reagan reduced the marginal tax rates from 33% to 17% and everyone did better even the poor as you had the highest donations to charity ever and they didn't need government handouts. If dems only realized lowering taxes is all you need to stimulate the economy we'd all get along in a bipartisan way instead of all this bickering and each blaming the other party. They keep saying "tax the rich" like it's a mantra. The rich aren't all like Ted Kennedy who just had to grow up (and some say he never did that) or as Dick Gephardt once termed them, "The winners of life's lottery."

If you google the rich you'll find that a rich person is someone who worked years to get where they are,working 12 or more hours a day six and seven days a week and not taking vacations. Many work two jobs. Why should someone who works so hard be taxed so much, especially when 50% of the country doesn't pay any taxes.

The libs love going after talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity because they make so much, but these people earned their riches. Rush was fired many times in his early career and bounced around the country being a DJ and working for the Kansas City Royals baseball team until he finally landed his current gig 20 years ago and even then he was working constantly on his radio show, TV show and newsletter.

Sean Hannity worked as a waiter, construction worker, installing floors, washing cars and taking seven years to finish college because he had to keep dropping out to make money to pay for another semester and he also worked while attending college many times sleeping on floors of friends' apt.because he didn't have enough to pay rent for his own apt. He too bounced around the country being fired from several jobs until he finally landed in New York and that took a while doing the all night shift. Yes these people and many actors and athletes work hard to get their pay and people are quick to pounce on them saying 'tax them." So I say lower the tax rates like Regan did and watch the economy grow. Obama keeps saying he inherited this problem. I say BS on that. He's been in three years now and added almost five trillion in new spending to the debt more than any other president put together so just cut 4 trillion and don't raise taxes. We're Taxed Enough Already!!!!!! (TEA) Party.

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